
在第一阶段蝇王,男孩们试图建立一个体面的社会,并且能够在杰克和他的团队开始通过用面具覆盖他的文明自我来冒险进入野蛮的两到三天,创造一双自我,如此引用:“他惊讶地看着,不再是自己,而是在一个令人敬畏的陌生人身上。他分开了水,跳到了他的脚,兴奋地笑了起来。除了游泳池旁边,他的凸起的身体举起一个面具,让他们的眼睛抱怨并震惊了他们。他开始跳舞,他的笑声成为嗜血咆哮。他走向票据,面具是一个自己的东西,杰克隐藏着,从羞耻和自我意识中解放出来“(Golding 70),并杀死一只猪,如报价所示,”A的顽固的尸体猪从桩子摆动,在孪生在不平坦的地面辛苦辛苦辛苦地摇摆着沉重。猪的头悬挂着颈部凹痕,似乎在地上寻找了一些东西。最后,吟唱的话漂浮着他们,穿过一碗黑化的木头和灰烬。'杀死猪。 Cut her throat. Spill her blood.’” (Golding 76), and start descending to this Hobbes & Rousseau-like society. After the group brings in the pig, Ralph and Jack start arguing, which is the quote in the next sentence, which could be seen as the beginning of the transition from the Lockean society to this new “better” society, the Hobbes-Rousseauian society. The quote that describes that altercation is as follows: “‘You let the fire go out.’ Jack checked, vaguely irritated by this irrelevance but too happy to let it worry him. ‘We can light the fire again. You should have been with us, Ralph. We had a smashing time…’ … Ralph spoke again, hoarsely. He had not moved. “You let the fire go out.” This repetition made Jack uneasy. He looked at the twins and then back at Ralph. ‘We had to have them [Sam and Eric] in the hunt,’ he said, ‘or there wouldn’t have been enough for a ring.’ He flushed, conscious of a fault. ‘The fire’s only been out an hour or two. We can light up again—’ He noticed Ralph’s scarred nakedness, and the sombre silence of all four of them. He sought, charitable in his happiness, to include them in the thing that had happened. His mind was crowded with memories; memories of the knowledge that had come to them when they closed in on the struggling pig, knowledge that they had outwitted a living thing, imposed their will upon it, taken away its life like a long satisfying drink. … Ralph flung back his hair. One arm pointed at the empty horizon. His voice was loud and savage, and struck them into silence. ‘There was a ship.’ Jack, faced at once with too many awful implications, ducked away from them. He laid a hand on the pig and drew his knife. Ralph brought his arm down, fist clenched, and his voice shook. ‘There was a ship. Out there. You said you’d keep the fire going and you let it out!’ He took a step toward Jack, who turned and faced him. ‘They might have seen us. We might have gone home—’ This was too bitter for Piggy, who forgot his timidity in the agony of his loss. He began to cry out, shrilly: ‘You and your blood, Jack Merridew! You and your hunting! We might have gone home—’ Ralph pushed Piggy to one side. ‘I was chief, and you were going to do what I said. You talk. But you can’t even build huts— then you go off hunting and let out the fire—’ He turned away, silent for a moment. Then his voice came again on a peak of feeling. ‘There was a ship—’ One of the smaller hunters began to wail. The dismal truth was filtering through to everybody. Jack went very red as he hacked and pulled at the pig. ‘The job was too much. We needed everyone.’ Ralph turned. ‘You could have had everyone when the shelters were finished. But you had to hunt—’ ‘We needed meat.’” (Golding 76-78). Throughout the quote, Jack and his group show how they do not really care about the fire or the rest of the group. They only care about killing and their pigs. The group only start crying when the group realizes that a ship had come near the island.


在书的后面,当Piggy被Jack小组的人杀死时,这个小组陷入了一个霍布斯-卢梭式的社会,Jack小组是保持洛克式社会的调解人,这句话是这样写的:“拉尔夫在看到巨石之前听到了它。他感觉到脚下的泥土震动了一下,还有悬崖顶上的石头碎裂的声音。接着,那个可怕的红色东西从他的脖子上跳了过去,他倒下了,整个部落都在尖叫。那块石头打在猪崽子身上,从下巴打到膝盖;海螺被炸成无数白色碎片,不复存在。猪崽子什么也没说,连一声哼哼都没来得及,就从岩石侧着身子在空中飞了过去,一边飞一边翻了个身。岩石跳了两下,消失在森林里了。猪崽子从四十英尺高的地方摔了下来,仰面摔在海里的方形红石上。他的头开了,东西出来了,变红了。小猪的胳膊和腿都抽搐了一下,就像被杀的猪一样。 Then the sea breathed again in a long, slow sigh, the water boiled white and pink over the rock; and when it went, sucking back again, the body of Piggy was gone” (Golding 215). The conch was destroyed and both the spirit and the idea of a civilized government were destroyed.




  1. Golding,William。蝇王.企鹅出版社,1954年。
  2. 霍布斯,托马斯。Leviathan..http://socserv2.socsci.mcmaster.ca/econ/ugcm/3ll3/hobbes/Leviathan.pdf。访问日期:2016年10月18日
  3. 洛克,约翰。《政府论》.http://socserv2.socsci.mcmaster.ca/econ/ugcm/3ll3/locke/government.pdf。访问日期:2016年10月18日
  4. 卢梭,雅克。社会契约.http://www.earlymoderntexts.com/assets/pdfs/rousseau1762.pdf。访问日期:2016年10月18日
引用本文:威廉安德森(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“苍蝇之王分析”SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/analysis-of-the-lord-of-the-flies/



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