许多批评者将西蒙的角色与基督人物的书籍主角进行了比较。阅读这本书后,我也发现西蒙和基督有很多共同之处。我们第一次,读者开始考虑西蒙一个特殊的人,不同于其他人是当我们看到他唯一一个帮助Littluns收集他们无法达到的水果的人。“西蒙为他们发现了他们无法触及的水果,从叶子里掏出可靠的果实,并将它们倒在左右的双手伸出的手中。”(第51页)所以我们了解耶稣 - 携带饥饿和痛苦。在基督受洗后,他走开了沙漠并在那里住了四十天,冥想和祈祷。西蒙也是如此。他觉得更好地在丛林中散步,思考,可能是梦想,享受大自然的权力和美丽。在那沙漠基督也与上帝谈话,我认为当大射线从天而降时,我认为上帝对西蒙的吸引力。“除了落叶的屏幕之外,阳光击倒,蝴蝶在中间跳舞,他们的无人跳舞。”(第120页)西蒙没有害怕它,他面对它。 As Christ facing God, Simon knelt. Physical help to people was not the main task of Christ — he taught, gave sermons, appealed to clear their souls and thoughts – to get rid of internal evil. As well Simon was the only one who supposed that the beast they were so afraid of was, probably, inside them. “What I mean is . . . maybe it’s only us.” (p.80) God chose Christ from all others to fulfill the most important task because Jesus was sinless and saint. Simon was the only one on that island with clear soul and the good inside him without any ambitions of power and suppression. So it was his destiny and privilege to confront the “beast” first and to talk to it The Lord of the Flies told Simon that the evil was inside the boys and for that reason – invincible. It was trying to tempt Simon saying that he was initially good but everyone was going to have fun on the island so Simon has to quit being perfect and become like the rest of the boys. “You’re not wanted. Understand? We are going to have fun on this island.”(p.131).


这使人想起基督在旷野独自祷告和思考时,受到魔鬼的试探。与蝇王的对话发生在西蒙死前不久。也许他的灵魂也感受到了,西蒙也很难过。他昏倒了,当他醒来的时候,他非常虚弱,精疲力竭,又渴又热。在基督被捕的前一晚,他也感觉很糟糕,无法入睡。最后,基督和西蒙的死有很多共同之处。他们都是被自己社区的人杀害的。他们不认识西门,就被杀了。基督也被杀了。他到自己的地方来,自己的人却不接待他。(约翰福音,第1-11章)他们既无罪又善良,为别人的罪和恶被献祭。 After the Simon’s death as well as after the Christ’s one suddenly there was a shower and storm. “Then the clouds opened and let down the rain like a waterfall” (p.139). Afterwards the Christ’s dead body disappeared. The Simon’s did too –was washed out to sea. And was not his death the sin offering — soon after it all other boys became rescued. So cannot we conclude that Simon in the book Lord of the Flies was Jesus Christ of that story, of their world? Simon came there with the same mission Christ did — to save the man, bringing to him “the Word”– and lose his life for the sake of it.

引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),《蝇王中的耶稣基督》,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/jesus-christ-in-lord-of-the-flies/




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