

夏洛特也有过充满挑战的生活,尽管是以一种更迷人的方式。她知道,当伊娃和海伦娜还是孩子的时候,她不是一个好母亲,但因为她即将成名,她不认为她的孩子是迷人的,这是她努力做到的。这并不是说夏洛不爱她的女儿们;她只是没有时间做母亲,因为她太专注于成为一名钢琴明星。夏洛特和大多数人的关系都是靠闲谈,确保她一直是房间里大多数人关注的中心。在任何情况下,她都显得很无辜;这一点在她两个月的假期后回来的场景中很明显,当伊娃看到她并不是很兴奋时,她让伊娃感觉很糟糕。伊娃因为小时候夏洛特对伊娃的所作所为而向母亲大发脾气,这让她感觉很糟糕。也许,伊娃发脾气是因为她只有很短的时间做母亲,她爱那个孩子,不想离开他一个人;就像她母亲对她做的那样。 Another reason why she has so much against her mother, is that her mother never felt the need to come and meet her own grandchild, and even after the child died, she made no effort to come and console her own daughter. This is very odd, and proves that Charlotte has a lot of regrets in her life, and doesn’t want to deal with them. Another example that proves this is that she avoids her daughter Helena at all costs; since this movie takes place in the past, they probably do not know the cause of her disease, and perhaps Charlotte blames herself, since it appears that Eva too blames Charlotte. The scene where the mother has a dream about the person strangling her, is a bit of foreshadowing about her fight with Eva. It begins with the hand clasping her hand, which would seem motherly and friendly, but the hand than makes it’s way over to the neck and begins to strangle her, which would seem to prove that she is about to face a lot of things that will ‘cause her to think about her life more. The meaning of life for Charlotte was to cover up her past mistakes by guilting people into thinking she was the innocent one. She realizes the mistakes that she made, and doesn’t want to have to face them, even though she will grow as a person when she allows that to happen.



引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),《秋季奏鸣曲电影:回顾和总结》,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/autumn-sonata-movie-review-summary/




