《麦田里的守望者》确实在伟大的经典作品中赢得了一席之地。j·d·塞林格创作了一篇文学作品完全是独一无二的。整部小说都是以17岁的霍尔顿·考尔菲德的第一人称写就的。故事的大部分是霍尔顿的“复杂而简单”的思想的基本独白,其余部分则利用了他之前的对话。加上独特的标点符号、离题的解释和复杂的人物塑造,把简单的情节变成了复杂的文学经典。小说的对话和独白一样,设法传递了自然说话的感觉,比如:“我的意思是你在某些方面会不同——我无法解释我的意思。”收缩;你要和不能——因为它们在日常语言中很常见——建立一种非常普通和简单的语气。重读“different”的第一个音节,通过展示他们说话的典型方式来加强语气,就像在现实中一样。他用破折号表示停顿和暗示相关的离题。信号停顿,而是使用逗号主要机械需要的地方,例如:“突然,我像个疯子一样跑过马路,我* * *附近害死了自己,如果你想知道真相,就在这静止的商店,买了一本和铅笔。” Holden Caulfield creates a thought provoking point of view. On the surface many of his thought patterns seem unrelated and straying from the topic. His association of topic with digression is used almost constantly throughout the novel. However, realizing that these digressions are very relevant and even crucial to the topic allow the reader to gain true insight to the character.

他对他姐姐的智力的陈述,然后解释了她听取的人,揭示了智力与安静和敏锐的关联。另一个例子是他周围的张力。即使他喜​​欢谈话,他担心被问到他是否是天主教徒。他说他们“......如果天主教徒会更喜欢它。”这让他对被道德判断的不适感到洞察力,以及他对往下看不分享的人的道德的协会。在Holden的描述和思想中,Salinger完成了故事的观点最独特的方面。Salinger而不是使用流行的良好的精致思想和流利的描述,而不是使用良好的精致思想和流动的描述,而是在第一印象时描述的东西。当然,人类的思想并没有立即进入首先遇到或经验到绘制的修辞隐喻中。我们必须首先考虑它们,与他们相比,将它们与过去的经历进行比较,然后形成关联。这是基于让Jean Piaget的吸收新情况的理论,将其与以前的知识为基础,然后形成概括的理解,称为模式。 [Houghton-Mifflin Psychology, pgs. 49-50] That is exactly how Salinger describes Holden’s thoughts. Holden, like us all, has difficulty explaining things until they have been thought through. For instance, Holden observes Stradlater’s grooming and his looks. Then he compares it to the way guys look in yearbooks, and what parents say about them. Last he concludes, through comparison, that Stradlater is the kind of guy that your parents ask about. He states: “I’ve had that experience quite frequently.” In the more descriptive writings of other authors, it is difficult to relate to the complex associations. The majority of thought inspired by these works can sometimes be just to figure out the point. However, Salinger expresses the thought patterns of Holden in the same inherent ways that all humans think, and through that, relays a strong tone of realism and active thought. Despite the lack of dazzling rhetoric, Salinger’s descriptions are no less intricate. They inspire a more natural style of analyzation that most can relate to easily. A more logical and linear path, relating to typical primal human thought, is followed instead of abstract reasoning and artistic representation. Finally, the elements previously discussed, and a few independent ones, will be used to examine the characterization of Holden Caulfield. Such as how Caulfield’s tendency toward constant introspection and analyzing of his world, his digression of topics, and the nature in which he speaks, gives us clues to his character. His level of intelligence is in no way reflected by his lack of knowledge on trivial issues. He is adept at reasoning the things around him. Almost all of the insight Caulfield spoke of were things that would not have been taught to him. Such as repeatedly displaying understanding of human nature, pretensions, and thought processes. However, despite his intuition, he applies his often cynical and pessimistic reasoning to almost everything. This fact illustrates ignorance and a level of immaturity. This is obvious in his inquiry about the ducks, thoughts concerning women, obscene graffiti, and always getting a “pukey cab.” Since the fact that his mental health was brought up often with his thoughts of being crazy, with statements like “I’m crazy, swear to God, I am…” and references of psychological hospitalization in the beginning and end, a psychological approach will be used to explain his manner. Holden demonstrates tendencies associated with both OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and bipolar Disorder, consisting of swings between manic and depressive states. OCD is characterized by obsessive thoughts and their motivation of compulsive acts to relieve the stress of the obsession. [Houghton Mifflin Psychology, pg. 539] It is quite obvious that Holden is very obsessed with detail.


他还表现出一种常见的强迫症症状,计数。在中央车站(Grand Central Station),他反复提到数楼层广场。小细节总是困扰着他。一旦他沉迷于室友的行李类型,他就会把自己的藏在床底下。双相情感障碍,两者中更严重的,在考菲尔德最明显。他表现出了大量这种疾病的症状他的症状有:几乎不需要睡觉,很难继续进行主题讨论(从一个主题跳到另一个主题),充满想法和见解,对那些与他们合理化的人感到愤怒,过度消费,决策能力下降(比如人们要露宿街头),愤世嫉俗和偏执。在某些情况下,躁狂会在几个小时内转变为严重的抑郁。考尔菲德的独白、思想和对话中体现了上述症状的例子。他从一个话题跳到另一个话题的例子,以及他的见解和想法,已经被讨论过了。 Holden comments on his “little need for sleep” often like after the clubs close he says, “I wasn’t sleepy or anything.” A great amount of irritation is shown toward Sally when she points out flaws in his plans of running away. He becomes belligerent and tells her, “you give me a royal pain in the a**.” In the beginning he comments on his abundant supply of money, but by the end he is forced to borrow from his sister. He frequently pays for peoples meals and drinks, donated money to nuns, and offered anyone a drink “on him”. A textbook example of his impaired decision making was his plans to run away, pretend to be mute, and build a cabin in the woods. His cynicism is constant as he repeatedly generalizes everyone on the basis of dress, status, and looks. The thoughts of always getting a pukey cab and obscene words being everywhere are prime cases of paranoia. Then in his swing to depression, he comments on people making him depressed, his feelings of being “lousy,” and once expressed thoughts of suicide. When he spoke of people coming to New York to get up early, he voiced his wish to jump out of the hotel window. Holden Caulfield, being afflicted with such handicaps, was doomed to fail in school, and his breakdown inevitable. Living in a time when clinical psychology would not come for a few years, Holden was forced to cope with this on his own. There was no one to go to for help, so his wish for it manifested itself into the one thing he would like. So in his subconscious wishes for control and help he said: “Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody’s around – nobody big, I mean – except me. And I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff – I mean if they’re running and they don’t look where their going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That’s all I’d do all day. I’d just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it’s crazy, but that’s the only thing I’d really like to be. I know it’s crazy.” The children represent all of his problems running rampid in his game of life that “old Spencer” told him of in the beginning. The absence of “big” people portray no one being in charge, and him the lone “big” person, express him as being souly in control. The playing in the rye field next to a crazy cliff would depict his nearness to his fall, while being oblivious to the danger. His one wish is to able to prevent this, to be in control. Then after establishing his wishes he considers it impossible by expressing thoughts of it’s craziness. He is resolved that he cannot be in control, but it is all he wants. In a world before alternatives to his painful lifestyle, what can Holden do but blindly play the game in the rye field, right beside his cliff of sanity. “But life is a game boy. Life is a game that one must play by the rules.”



第三版心理(伯恩斯坦 - Stewart,Roy,Srull,Wickens)Houghton Mifflin Company Boston,Massachusetts 1994

引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),《麦田里的守望者:总结与分析》,在学校努力, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/catcher-in-the-rye-summary-analysis/



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