查尔斯曼森被称为有史以来最险恶的邪恶罪犯之一。他组织了震惊世界的谋杀案,他的名字仍然袭击了美国的心灵。曼森的童年,个性和不可思议的控制人们的能力导致了一个像众多无辜人民的血腥谋杀的家庭一样的创造。Charles M. Manson于1934年11月11日出生于俄亥俄州辛辛那提,母亲Kathleen Maddox,是一个少女妓女。曼森的父亲在仍然怀孕的Maddox上走出来,再也看不到了。为了给她的混蛋儿子一个名字,Maddox女士娶了威廉曼森。他很快就抛弃了他们两个。在丈夫离开她之后,曼森的母亲经常被忽视查尔斯。

她想把他送去寄养家庭,但没有成功。作为最后的手段,她送查尔斯去了印第安纳州特雷霍特的学校。曼森夫人未能为学校付款,再次查尔斯再次被送回母亲的虐待。只有十四岁,曼森离开了他的母亲并为自己租了一个房间。他支持自己的奇怪的工作和小偷盗窃。他的母亲把他转变为少年当局,他让他送到“男孩镇”,一个少年拘留中心,在内布拉斯加州奥马哈附近。查尔斯在逃跑之前共花了三天的“男孩镇”。He was arrested in Peoria, Illinois for robbing a grocery store and was then sent to the Indiana Boys School in Plainfield, Indiana, where he ran away another eighteen times before he was caught and sent to the National Training School for Boys in Washington D.C. Manson never had a place to call “home” or a real family. He spent his childhood being sent from one place to another, and trouble always seemed to follow him. His mother’s negligence left Manson without a home and without much of a future. Manson turned to crime to support himself, and he soon became very good at it. When just a child, he became a criminal and spent his last years of childhood in a correctional facility. After his release from the training school in 1954, a new period of Manson’s life began. He went to West Virginia and soon married a girl named Rosalie Jean Willis. She became pregnant and Manson had a child. This was Manson’s first real family, but he didn’t stray from the criminal lifestyle. He started stealing cars to make the money necessary to support his new family. By the time the baby was born, Manson was in prison on Grand Theft Auto charges. In 1958 Charles was released from prison. His wife and child had left him, leaving Charles alone once again.

追随汽车盗窃和幽灵的几个逮捕;1960年,查尔斯为锻炼政府支票进行了十年监禁。虽然他在麦克尼尔监狱的十年徒刑时,他研究了哲学,拿起吉他,并教授自己唱歌并撰写歌曲。他的新发现音乐技能后来吸引追随者。他对哲学的研究有助于创造出一些古怪的想法,后来呼吁他的愿望是追随者。曼森于1967年3月发布,七年后。当曼森三十二岁的时候,他花了十七年,他的一半以上,在监狱里。这种长长的监禁留下了标记。“如果查理有任何根源,他们在刑罚系统中,”1表示熟人。“里面,你必须意识到一切,当他出来时,查理就像一只猫。 Nothing got by Charlie if something happened within a hundred miles of him, he made sure he knew about it. Every time he came into a room, he cased it, like an animal. Where were the windows? What was the quickest way out? He never sat with his back to the door.” Soon after his release, Manson traveled to Haight Ashbury, where the “hippie” movement was in full force. At this time, hippies were gentle people, believing in peace, love, and sharing with others. This was a perfect environment for Manson to gain followers.

曼森的缓刑官员记得他被嬉皮士的友好“摇摇欲坠”,但在长期以来,曼森学会了如何利用它。他开始收集对令人印象深刻的女孩寻求寻找爱情的社区。有了吉他,一种愉快的声音,蜿蜒的态度,和空洞的谈话,曼森说服了许多年轻人让他们的生活和家人和他在一起。他的“家庭”的开始塑造了。每当曼森成功地获得其中一个粉丝时,他所做的一件事就是贬值他们的自我和他们的“悬挂,”传统社会。通过“挂起”,他的意思是他不喜欢的任何东西。Richard Demargeno是一个犯罪学家,相信Manson能够通过更换父亲的数据来控制这些人。“这不是一个非常艰难的过程。他正在处理孤独的不安全的人,需要一个父亲的人物,那些没有太多自我开始的人。实际上,他所做的是拆除自我并替代自己,从而对他的追随者进行了巨大的控制。“ 2 To his girls, Charles Manson was a “beautiful man who loved us all totally.” Later, a group of young women outside of Manson’s murder trial replied, “We’re waiting for our father to be set free,” when asked why they sat on the street-side corner. Manson had obviously replaced these girls’ father figure, placing himself at the center of their lives.

曼森很快招募了几十个女孩加入他的“家庭”。然而,许多局外人发现他是一个无情的征兵者,对他遇到的每一个女孩都很强硬,一个愤世嫉俗的人,把他的追随者当作物品对待,很少对他们表现出真正的感情。曼森曾经试图招募的一个人Alan施普林格说:“在某种程度上,他非常坦率和诚实,但在某种程度上,他的言语非常奸诈。海特阿什伯里(Haight Ashbury)免费诊所的创始人兼主任大卫·史密斯(David Smith)医生认为查尔斯·曼森(Charles Manson)的这两方面并不矛盾:“举个例子,如果你了解任何偏执型精神分裂症患者,你就不会感到困惑。”精神分裂症患者通常相信一个神秘的系统,在这个系统中他是正确的,他可以以最精于算计和最狡猾的方式进行计划。他自己也不知道自己是个骗子,也不知道自己是不是真的爱那些女孩。他在一种情绪和另一种情绪之间摇摆不定,分裂人格的特征之一就是无法维持一种情绪。

Thomas P. O'Neill:传记与政治家

它并不让我混淆他能够以非常策划的方式传达真诚的情感并继续进行。当然,他会尽可能地隐藏狡猾的一侧,他希望涉及他的系统。“4当一个新女孩进入曼森的小组时,他们最大的冲突是性行为的想法。当有必要时,查尔斯可能是非常野蛮的,并且任何与他一起留下的女孩都接受了与他发生性关系的想法或他想要的任何人。他讲道,妇女应该对男性提交。令人惊讶的是,这些女孩像他一样来相信。显然,查尔斯有一个令人难以置信的操纵人才。根据Paul Watkins的说法,曼森上的一位上午追随者,他很快几乎完全控制了他的追随者。“我和查理一起直接和开启和关闭了两年。我知道查理。 I know him inside and out. I became Charlie. Everything I once was, was Charlie.

我已经一无所有了。还有这个家族里的所有人,他们什么都不剩了,他们也都是查理。1968年春,查尔斯让他的14名队员,包括9名女孩和5名男孩,坐上一辆旧校车,向南方进发。这个“家庭”定居在圣苏姗那山脉的Spahn牧场,就在圣费尔南多谷的北部。农场的主人,85岁的乔治·史潘,是个盲人,身体虚弱,他允许家人和他住在一起。曼森命令他的一个女儿照顾这个男人,这样“一家人”就可以想住多久就住多久。斯帕恩很快就非常害怕曼森,只允许他留下来,因为他喜欢为他做饭和打扫的女孩们对他的关注。曼森正是在这个农场开始发展他的邪教。曼森的追随者越来越多,“家族”招募了更多的人。他开始用奇怪的方式向他的追随者布道。 He would have the group take acid trips then listen to him as he spun twisted stories that put ideas into their heads. Charles would reenact the Crucifixion of Christ, trying to instill upon his follower’s minds that he was Jesus Christ, that he was a higher power that they all needed to follow unquestionably. Manson convinced his followers that a war of the races was coming, which he named Helter Skelter. He got the name from a Beatles song, and had his followers prepare for the upcoming war by collecting guns and other weapons. Manson turned the ranch into a fortress. He started to change his following from being a group of freedom searching people into an organized army-like force. A prosecution witness in the later murder trial said, “…, he [Manson] wants to build up a thing where he can be leader of the world. He’s crazy.” 6 The men would target practice and guards were posted. Escape routes to the desert were planned. Caches of gasoline and other necessities were buried all over the Death Valley area. Then Manson had his followers start the crimes, then he had them start the killings.


他的妻子让阿比盖尔·福尔杰和沃伊泰克·弗莱科夫斯基在他回来之前一直陪着她。那天晚上,杰伊·西布林和史蒂文·帕伦特来拜访塔特太太。曼森的追随者破门而入,恶毒地杀害了那里的所有人。他们在杀戮中非常残忍,毫无悔意和罪恶感。曼森让他们相信谋杀这些人没有错。曼森的一个女儿桑德拉·古德(Sandra Good)说,“有必要的话,你就去做。”当有人需要被杀的时候,没有错。你做到了,然后继续生活。曼森的追随者肢割了尸体,福尔杰的尸体血迹斑斑,以至于她曾经的白色睡袍都变成了红色。莎伦·塔特的尸体也一样。 She was covered in stab wounds and had a rope tied around her neck that ran over a rafter in the ceiling and was bound to Mr. Frykowski’s neck. The word ‘PIG’ was scrolled with blood on the front door of the home, thus Manson’s orders of leaving something “witchy” were followed. Susan Atkins, one of Manson’s followers, claimed to have almost enjoyed these murders, saying it gave her a sort of trip. She had wanted to cut out the baby, Susan said, but there hadn’t been time. They wanted to take out the eyes of the people, and squash them against the walls, and cut off their fingers. “We were going to mutilate them, but we didn’t have a chance to.” 9 The next night following the Tate murders, Manson and his followers struck again. The target was the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaBianca. This time, Manson himself accompanied his family members to the residence. After the group broke into the home and detained the LaBianca’s, Manson issued orders to kill the couple and then left. Manson’s followers stabbed Mrs. LaBianca fourty-one times, stabbed her husband to death, left a fork and a knife in his chest, and carved the word “WAR” into his stomach. The words “RISE”, “HELTER SKELTER”, and “DEATH TO PIGS” were scribbled on the walls and the refrigerator in the victims’ blood. These brutal slayings demonstrate the evil in Manson’s warped mind. He was able to convince normal human beings to commit unspeakable acts of violence the likes of which the world had never seen. In a sense, Manson molded his followers’ beliefs and values to represent his own. He had once again ordered his “Family” members to slay innocent people in his name and they gladly did so.


在曼森和他的粉丝因野蛮谋杀案而被捕,这是不久的。曼森雕刻了一个“x”进入他的头,后来变成了一个沼泽地,声称他从我们的世界中“x'd”。他的许多女人迅速跟进西装。即使在面对谋杀案中的死刑时,曼森的追随者仍然相信并相信他们的领导者。谋杀审判证明了曼森的扭曲心灵。他经常用奇怪的评论或要求迸发出来,并在陪审团面前自由地谈到他奇怪的想法。很快就会显而易见,曼森有一些心理问题。然而,通过整个审判,曼森争议他是无辜的,他没有强迫任何他的追随者做任何事情。这表明他对他的追随者没有爱,他并不关心他们发生的事情。曼森对检察司法律师说:“你知道,我只对她的[女性追随者]两三次做爱。 After she had her baby and lost her shape, I couldn’t have cared less about her.”10 The prosecution attorney did an excellent job of proving the murderers’ guilt, and all persons charged, including Manson, were found guilty. The jury sentenced all of the murderers to be put to death, but because the state of California soon after abolished the death penalty, the sentences were commuted to life imprisonment.

直到今天,曼森和他的追随者还在监狱里。曼森有资格获得假释,并已举行了几次听证会。他仍然声称他对这些谋杀没有责任,而且表现得好像这些血腥的杀戮无关紧要。曼森是个彻头彻尾的罪犯。他一生中几乎犯过所有能想到的罪行。他的犯罪生涯使他形成了一种扭曲的思想,使他习惯于邪恶的结局。他从未有过一个充满爱的家庭,这使他丧失了任何道德或内疚的感觉。他对杀戮毫无悔意,表现得好像他所杀的人不配活下去。他那不可思议的控制人的能力让他能够聚集他需要的追随者来完成他的恶魔般的任务。他能够说服这些追随者分享他的信仰并把这些人当作杀人机器。 The murders of numerous innocent people were a direct result of Manson’s ability to control people and his corrupted childhood that created his criminal mind.


1Steven Roberts,“Charles Manson:一个人的家人,”纽约时报,1970年1月4日。3eve Babitz,Manson Murders,W.W.Norton&Company Inc.,1974年,p。113. 4ibid。p。87 5 vincent Bulliosi,士兵雨,Bantam书籍,1975年10月,p。623. 6IBID。p。122. 7“曼森妇女:泥泞内部,”纽约纽约州的转折点,1994年11月。8Bugliosi,P。624. 9Bugliosi,p。 114. 10Bugliosi, p. 415 BIBLIOGRAPHY Babitz, Eve, The Manson Murders, New York, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1974. Bugliosi, Vincent, Helter Skelter, Bantam Books, October, 1975. Roberts, Steven, “Charles Manson: One Man’s Family,” New York Times, 45:1-3, January 4, 1970. Sanders, Ed, The Family, New York, E.P. Dutton & Co., 1971. “The Manson Women: Inside the Murders,” Turning Point, New York, ABC, November 9, 1994. The Internet (Universal Relay Languange Addresses Available.) Unknown, “The Power of a Cult,” Glamour, 11:160-183, January, 1995. Encyclopedia of Occultims and Parasychology, Gale Research, Inc., 1991.



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