1986年4月26日的切尔诺贝利灾难被描述为世界上最可怕的环境灾害之一。植物由四个石墨反应器组成,是RBMK型最现代的苏联反应器。更多这些反应堆仍在车站建设中。切尔诺贝利是乌克兰北部乌克兰北部的一个晦涩的镇,在白俄罗斯边境附近的Pripyiat河上。它的名字立即加入核电站,核电站上游位于二十五公里。该工厂实际上位于城市西北十五公里。不仅是放射性的恐惧,不仅是令人恐惧的放射性。19类似的车站仍在跑步,因为前苏联联盟和其共和国都不能负担得起他们的共和国。世界上首次从瑞典那里获得了这一事故,在他们自己的核设施中被注意到了异常高的辐射水平。在1:23,切尔诺贝利工厂的技术人员采取了一些错误的行动,这将影响苏联事件的过程而不会夸大。人为错误是基本上导致灾难的原因。 These operators of the fourth unit slowly allowed power in the reactor to fall to low levels as part of a controlled experiment gone wrong. The purpose of the test was to observe the dynamics of the RMBK reactor with limited power flow. Twelve hours after power reduction was initiated, power reached 50 percent. Only one turbine was needed to take in the decreased amount of steam, so no. 2 was turned off. Power was then reduced to 30 percent. One of the operators made a mistake. Instead of keeping power at 30 percent, he forgot to reset a controller, which caused the power to plummet to 1 percent. Now water was filling the core, and xenon (a neutron absorbing gas) built up in the reactor. The power was too low for the test. The water added to the reactor is heated by the nuclear reaction and turned into steam to turn the turbines of the generator. The operator forced the reactor up to 7% power by removing all but 6 of the control rods. This was a violation of procedure and the reactor was never built to operate at such low power. This type of reactor is very unstable when filled with water. The operator was not successful in getting the flow of water corrected and the reactor was getting increasingly unstable. The operator disabled emergency shutdown procedures because a shutdown would abort the test. By 01:22 AM, when the operators thought they had stable conditions, they decided to start the test. The operator blocked automatic shutdown because of a fear that a shutdown would abort the test and they would have to repeat it. The test began and the remaining turbine was shut down. Power in the reactor began to gradually rise because of the reduction in water flow caused by the turbine shutdown, which lead to an increase in boiling.

由于控制杆的设计,操作人员开始手动停机,导致功率迅速增加。反应堆达到了其最大功率的120倍。所有的放射性燃料都解体了,来自所有多余蒸汽的压力使每一个压力管都破裂了,反应堆的整个顶部防护层也被炸毁了。所有这些因素,包括严重违反安全操作,危险的设计缺陷,以及不完善的控制系统,都导致了几乎瞬间灾难性的火电增加,导致堆芯熔毁。蒸汽爆炸还摧毁了部分建筑。然后,放射性物质被扔到大气中超过10天。反应堆内外都发生了多起火灾。到五点钟时,消防队员已经扑灭了火焰。后来,空军直升机向反应堆井中投掷了约5000吨材料,以扑灭燃烧的石墨并抑制辐射释放。不同物质的流动一直持续到1986年6月初。 It is still not clear if the dumping of these materials actually achieved their goal. Recent data has shown only a small part of the materials actually got into the well. Due to the accident, the people of Chernobyl were exposed to radioactivity 100 times greater than the Hiroshima bomb.


世界和北欧的人们受到了北方北方的放射性物质云的欢迎天空。估计百分之七十年的辐射是在白俄罗斯堕落,10年后的婴儿仍然没有手臂,没有眼睛,或只有四肢的树桩。没有人可以预测人类受害者的确切数量。据估计,超过1500万人以某种方式受到灾难的牺牲品。据估计,最终事故将申请更多的受害者,而不是第二次世界大战。它将花费超过60亿美元,使这些人健康。三十一人立即丢失,并涉及清理超过60万人。许多人现在死了或生病了。数十万人必须放弃三十公里的最高污染区域内的整个城市和定居点。可能多达300万仍然生活在污染的地区。 Ten thousand of these are still living in the city of Chernobyl today. Huge sums of many have been spent, and will continue to be spent to relocate settlements and decontaminate the once rich farmlands. Chernobyl has developed as an icon for the terror of uncontrolled nuclear power and abilities, and for Soviet deception and inability to provide safe conditions for workers and basic services such as transportation and health care, especially in times of greatest need. The catastrophe also halted a highly potential nuclear program. The impact of the Chernobyl Accident on a Nuclear Energy Policy is tremendous. Some countries stopped national nuclear energy programs. Construction of new plants in the Soviet republics were frozen. Public opinion was directed against nuclear power plants. Some plants were even shut down, but have now been reactivated. The accident has also initiated an international activity in the area of nuclear safety and nuclear emergency planning. Many countries started a development of decision support systems for nuclear accident cases. The way in which Soviet leaders have dealt with the situation is very unsettling. In the aftermath of the catastrophe several designs to encase the damaged reactor were reviewed. The option that was selected included the construction of a massive structure in concrete and steel that used what remained of the reactor walls as support. Its construction is considered one of the most complicated building works in the world. In charge of building the tomb was Construction Department No. 605. They ran into many problems while constructing the massive concrete and steel shell. Concrete blocks for the tomb were pieced together far from the reactor itself, and the roads entering the facilities were not accommodated for such loads, which made it difficult for the drivers.






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