自古以来,人类就一直在寻找内心的自我。这个话题已经成为许多书籍和研究的主题。赫尔曼·黑塞(Hermann Hesse)在1959年出版的《悉达多》(Siddhartha)一书中也不例外。在这个特别的故事中,主人公悉达多试图找到他的“内在自我”。他试图通过多种方式来实现这一点,一种是自我否定或自我毁灭。1996年查克·帕拉尼克(Chuck Palahniuk)写的《搏击俱乐部》(Fight Club)也是如此,这本书宣扬的主题是毁灭导致纯洁。这两部作品创作时间相差近40年,乍一看似乎完全相反,但实际上它们是人类从自我认识中探索的原型主题的衍生。这些故事中的许多问题都让我们有理由相信作者的想法是一致的。也可以说,《搏击俱乐部》的作者可能读过悉达多。这是因为《搏击俱乐部》中的许多引用都与印度教有关,而印度教是悉达多的苍鹭的宗教。 For example, at a point in Fight Club, a character questions his safety. The reply from the character, Tyler Durden, is, “You’re as safe as a Hindu cow”, is a metaphor that since the cow is very respected in the Hindu religion and is not harmed. This may be mere coincidence, but other information gives reason to believe otherwise. Other than just saying that there is a connection with something that is said in the two books, there is also connections with the themes and styles of each book. In Siddhartha the charters often speak in ways the you may have to think about to understand the full meaning. This is also true in the case of Fight Club. At one point in Siddhartha, the character Govinda [Siddhartha’s friend] says, “He who in contemplation, with purified mind, immerses himself in Atman, Inexpressible in words is his heart’s bliss.” These quotes convey the idea of the actually enlightenment.


在《搏击俱乐部》中,经常可以看到这样的名言:“你不是美丽独特的雪花”,这告诉泰勒歌顿的追随者,他们可能认为自己是完全错误的。这种类型的镇压是导致启蒙的混乱炖菜的主要成分。当你比较《搏击俱乐部》和《悉达多》的实际含义时,你会发现它们非常相似。搏击俱乐部对人们来说是一种解脱。它帮助你了解自己,知道你能做什么,知道你的极限。在这本书中,绝症患者经常用它来代替支持小组。在《搏击俱乐部》中,人们的最终目标是通过做一些通常被认为没有帮助,但很痛苦的事情来实现自我。在《悉达多》中,主人公也试图打破我们被困的生命循环,寻求满足。这两幅作品共有的一个观点是,时间是一种幻觉。《搏击俱乐部》的主角杰克患有失眠症。 He pleases him self by buying things, but later on finds out that, “It is only until you’ve lost everything, are you free to do anything” which is also a theory that Siddhartha has. This is expresses in the line from Siddhartha that states, “May I never be complete, may I never be content.” These quotes show that this theory of finding ones ‘self’ is a universal idea shared by everyone. May it be the style of writing, the well thought out phrases, or the over all theme of these books, it can be easily shown that these works are very similar. Many other people have written books based on the principals that, “In death we become heroes” and “Disaster is part of evolution”, showing that only by destruction and pain, will one find and experience his self. This archetypal theme has been discussed for as long time has existed and will continue to be spawned into many other works of literature, each having common traits and sharing the common idea of finding a meaning in life.

引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),《悉达多与搏击俱乐部的比较》,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/comparison-of-siddhartha-fight-club/




