
威尔逊总统是在假定人民会影响政府的情况下行事的,他忽视了洛奇参议员对和平条约的任何修改。虽然我同意史密斯的观点,这不是美国在一战中加入同盟国的原因,但我觉得美国人口的异质性构成可能是美国不得不摆脱孤立主义国家的主要影响。力量平衡是影响美国对一战看法的另一个重要因素。美国和世界依靠的力量平衡的原则,确保和平、安全和贸易在世界各地,这是毫无疑问,同盟国的胜利将使德国在欧洲超级大国地位和不安的权力平衡,因此世界上的其他国家。届时,对德国权力的唯一制衡将是美国。这种情况正是美国所担心的。作者从罗伯特·兰辛的角度给出了这一沉积物的例子;美国国务院顾问(当时):“德国作为军国主义和中央集权主义哲学的主要代表,可以说是对美国的三重威胁:在意识形态上,它威胁民主制度和价值观;在军事上,它威胁国家安全;在经济和政治影响力方面,它是美国在拉丁美洲最严重的对手。”我同意史密斯的观点,即德国对未来侵略的恐惧在很大程度上影响了外交政策。然而,在拉丁美洲的影响范围被夸大了。 Germany did have large amounts of money invested in Latin America at the time but German investments were dwarfed by the investments of Great Britain in Latin America. So the claim of Germany being the most serious rival of the U.S. for economic influence in Latin America is invalid. I am not underestimating the amount of influence Germany had in Latin America, the Zimmermann telegraph clearly illustrates the influence Germany had in the region and this proposal of Germany to Mexico to aid Germany in the event of U.S. involvement in the war and Mexico would receive territory it had lost to the U.S. earlier. I feel that the U.S. and Britain had a much larger scope of influence in Latin America for Germany to bring in Latin American countries to align themselves with the Central Powers. I do agree with Smith that the Zimmerann telegraph did prepare the public for the possibility of the U.S. entering the war. Trade is another important issue that the U.S. faced is its postwar period. The U.S. economy was booming from the war trade. While the U.S. government at first did not actively trade in war materials, many American companies did. The Wilson administration sought to actively protect American companies’ interest.


对威尔逊政府来说,贸易和海洋自由是一个复杂的问题。德国的潜艇战威胁到了美国的航运,英国将美国公司列入黑名单,这些都是考验威尔逊外交技巧的复杂问题。美国用过时的观点来看待这两个问题。由于旧的战争法规定,一个中立国(美国)可以与交战国进行贸易,并有在海上航行的自由,如果这样被检查和发现携带违禁品,必须为船上的人提供安全通行的安排。德国人认为这是不可接受的,因为潜艇战不允许乘客通过,当潜艇浮出水面检查船只时,它将处于危险之中。我认为史密斯很好地报道了潜艇问题。这个贸易问题归结起来就是美国向盟国提供枪支、食物、衣服和其他战争物资,并希望这种贸易畅通无阻的权利。实际上,美国尽其所能确保盟国在没有真正开战的情况下取得胜利。史密斯很好地说明了我们在冲突中的经济介入以及一直挣扎着不参与战争的实际政治。史密斯很好地代表了威尔逊和他的顾问们的思想。 He gave abundance of evidence of Wilson taking the moral high ground on many if not all of the issues that came before him. He seems to indicate that Wilson would not have been as an effective diplomatic leader had he been without the aid of his advisors Colonel House and particularly Robert Lansing. Wilson was an ideologist and these two advisors saw things in more practical terms. An example of this would be Lansing’s prediction that the Bolshevik Revolution would end up being as bloody as the French revolution was; while, Wilson felt the people of Russia were a democratic people and would return to a democracy. The author’s accounts of the happenings leading up to war were thorough and illustrated the pressures that led the U.S. into the war and pushed it into the role of an interventionist very well.



引用这篇文章:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“Daniel Smith’s The Great Departure: Summary & Analysis”,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/daniel-smiths-the-great-departure-summary-analysis/



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