在老人和大海中,欧内斯特海明威描述了一位老渔夫,因为他的“运气”用完了他所面临的不幸试验。通过小说,渔夫,圣地亚哥,复制海明威理想的人,一个高贵的英雄。海明威有一个他自己跟随的行为准则。他有着严格,对本能和人性的欣赏。他有一种特定的生活方式和对时间的理解。他相信冒险并根据本能行事。他认为,一个遵循他行为准则的人是一个高贵的英雄。在海明威的行为准则中,一个高贵的英雄是一位大师工匠。这意味着他不依赖于其他人或技术。这也意味着他是他艺术的主人,他一直在练习它以便更好地自己。 The second characteristic of a noble hero is that he struggles in order to remain undefeated. This means that he does anything possible to reach his goal. He struggles and suffers in order to perfect his art and therefore, himself, “No matter what kind of suffering and trial he has to go through he has to fulfill his destiny…”(Harada 270). The third characteristic of Hemingway’s noble hero is that he accepts defeat. Once he is defeated, once he can better himself no more, he should stop trying because, “He lives in time. And the goal of time is death and destruction”(Harada 276). He should accept that he is no longer useful and that he has been defeated. These three characteristics define Hemingway’s ideal man.

在《老人与海》中,圣地亚哥体现了海明威的英雄行为准则。在小说中,圣地亚哥是一个大师工匠。他只是依赖自己。虽然另一个渔民使用摩托艇,但圣地亚哥使用他的小船。虽然其他男人有许多持有几条线路的工人和助手,但圣地亚哥有三条线路,他自己的手操作。他是一个专家,“......老人比其他渔民更远的地方更远,并在更深的水中施放诱饵”(Gurko 66)。因为他知道水域和鱼的运动,他有更好的机会捕捉鱼。虽然他走得更深的风险,但他有更好的机会捕捉更大的鱼。另一件事让圣地亚哥成为硕士工匠是他的经历。他一生都是渔夫。因此,他有很多时间掌握了这件艺术。 Though many fishermen might doubt him, he is great. He has skill and he applies it in order to succeed. He uses his hands and he uses his instincts to master the art of being a fisherman. Santiago uses himself, his physical and mental strength to catch the fish, and by doing these things, his difficult task becomes easier. He is a master craftsman not only through his skill, but also through his determination. Determination defines the second characteristic that makes Santiago a noble hero. He is determined and he struggles in order to remain undefeated. Although he has gone 84 days without catching a fish, he does not give up. He goes out on his 85th day with the mentality that this is the day when he will catch a fish. This is what keeps him going. He knows that he still has the ability and strength to be a good fisherman. He never gives up. After catching the marlin, he states, “Fish…I’ll stay with you until I am dead”(52). This shows his determination to win the battle and the fish. He has fought these battles hundreds of times before, he suffered, but he won. Still this battle is different. He fights in a way he has never fought before and he suffers. He suffers in catching the fish, killing the fish, attempting to return home, and fighting off the sharks. But through all this suffering, he still fights, “… for he alone has to endure the sufferings to fulfill his destiny”(Harada 270).


这是他的心态,他知道他必须做什么,所以,他做到了。他永远不会让他的守卫落在他的警卫,他与一致的战斗力量。第三个特征,使圣地亚哥成为一个高贵的英雄,他接受了他的失败。鱼被吃掉了,他留下了遗骸。他意识到他走得太远,他犯了一个错误。他争取了一个艰苦的战斗,最后他被击败了。他甚至承认自己被殴打。虽然通过大多数小说他在战斗中有很大的力量,但他决心成功,最后他知道发生了什么。在他的一生中,他已经挣扎和遭受了赢得赢得了,但这是他的最终战斗。虽然他输了,但他失去了一场战斗。他现在意识到它已经结束了。 He is done fighting and it doesn’t matter anymore, “… he knew he was beaten now finally and without remedy”(119). He knows also, that it is his fault. He realizes his mistake and that he cannot change what has already happened. He went out too far and although this caught him the bigger fish, it also caused him failure. He says it to himself, he was careless and he was responsible for his own failure. He tried to do more than he was capable of doing. He has lost, “Only I have no luck anymore,”(32) he says. There is nothing he can do to change this. He has been defeated. “To be a hero means to dare more than other men, to expose oneself to greater dangers, and therefore more greatly risk the possibilities of defeat and death”(Gurko 66). Santiago fits this description perfectly. H dares more than other men do, and he strives for perfection. He exposes himself to dangers by going out much farther and casting bait in deeper waters. Because of this, he is able to catch the bigger fish. Yet still, the bigger fish is more powerful and pulls the skiff even farther out to sea. This makes it an even bigger risk. Another risk he takes is that he goes all by himself. He does this in order to fulfill his destiny using only his own resources. The problem is that he has no aid. And in the case of falling overboard or getting lost at sea, there will be no one there to help him. He proves to be a noble hero in the eyes of Hemingway as well. He is a master craftsman in his enduring strength, skill, and knowledge of fishing, “Santiago determinedly bends all his strength and accrued experience in his craft to the task of playing the fish well”(Rovit 86). He knows tricks and occupies himself with bettering his ability to fish. He struggles and suffers in order to stay undefeated.


他战胜了所有的困难,带着他能而且一定会赢的想法参加所有的战斗。他确实是这样做的。他走得很远,按照他认为正确的方式行事。他既不害怕自己的行为,也不后悔。他把每一场战斗都当作最后一场战斗来打,因此总能获胜。第三,他接受失败。这是最光荣的特点。无论他多么努力地战斗,一旦战争结束,他不会后悔当初的所作所为。他承认自己的错误,并认识到,“他已经超越了人的有限和有限本性的界限”(Harada 275)。他太过分了,结果就是这样。 In these ways he is much like Hemingway, a noble hero. His actions and the consequences of them are easily notable and should not be look down upon. In the long run, Santiago answered his calling, fought his battles, and when he was finally defeated by his own pride, he recognized it and accepted it. This makes Santiago a noble hero.

引用本文为:威廉安德森(SchoolWorkehelper编辑组),“Ernest Hemingway的老人和海:摘要和分析”SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/ernest-hemingways-the-old-man-and-the-sea-summary-analysis/


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