我们都在辩论中使用过逻辑思维的谬论,我很确定。因为我刚才的陈述确实是一个逻辑谬误,意外谬论:一种忽略例外的概括。这些无穷无尽的潜在逻辑谬误不仅难以导航和理解,而且几乎不可能适应。从人类开始说话和理解我们周围的世界开始,我们就一直在通过逻辑谬误使我们的世界合理化。我们必须这么做,因为人类根本没有足够的知识来阻止我们这么做,而那些不知道或不希望遵守这种逻辑推理的人只是让它过时了。如果我理性地阐述一个论点,避免所有可能的谬论,但我的语言斗士在他们的论点中漫不经心地包含了这些谬论,我可以把它们归因于这些谬论,但如果那些观察我们的论点的人或他们自己很少或根本没有把握这些谬论,那么几乎不会有什么改变。我完全可以理解为什么我们都参与这些谬论;因为这些逻辑谬误要求一个问题总是被实用和客观地评估。要避免的谬论列表,将所有情感因素从争论中剔除,而情感因素往往是我们争吵的关键因素。这个列表要求论点清晰,去掉伪装的雄辩的措辞,以一种所有人都能理解的逻辑形式提出前提和结论。 However humans cannot void themselves of such passions and intangible feelings which often drive many of the world’s most controversial debates. Speaking skills are often solely based on how well you can persuade those around you through often logical fallacies such as false dilemmas, divine fallacies, non sequiturs, circular thinking, straw man defence, and red herring fallacies; we often rally the emotional support of others and disguise the validity of our argument. Many great speakers and especially politicians and religious figures consistently use these fallacies to mis construe our understanding of their arguments. As oppose to presently the logical premises and conclusion they divert our attention with illogical idea connections, provocative language and manipulation of popular attitudes and emotions to win our belief and support. In order for these fallacies to be avoided, everyone would need to be educated on them and preferable from a relevantly young age. It would completely alter the social fabric of our society because it would force arguments to become transparent and objective stances between opposing factions on an issues; removing the other irrelevant spiritual and emotional aspects from it. However such as world is almost an impossibility because our society is plagued with fallacies; mass cohorts of citizens who are beguiled with unreasonable deductions and irrational thought processes which allow us to stand by our beliefs and our emotional driven ethics and morals.

引用本文:威廉安德森(SchoolWorkeHelper编辑组),“逻辑谬误”SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/fallacies-of-logic/



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