Eric Arthur Blair Aka“George Orwell”于1903年出生于英国占领印度的Motihari。在成长时,他参加了苏塞克斯,惠灵顿和伊顿的私立学校。他在帝国印度警察工作到1927年,当时他去伦敦学习贫困人口。然后他搬到了巴黎,在那里他写了两个丢失的小说。他搬回英格兰后,他在巴黎和伦敦写下,缅甸天,一名牧师的女儿,保持志亚斯塔斯塔飞行。他在假名乔治奥尔韦尔下出版了所有四个。然后他结婚了艾琳奥卡尼,并将这条路写在Wigan码头。然后奥威尔加入了军队,并在西班牙内战中战斗。他成为社会主义的革命性,并向加泰罗尼亚致敬,即将到来,1943年,他写了动物农场。它成功结束了奥威尔的财政困境。 In 1947 and 48 despite Tuberculosis, he wrote Nineteen Eighty-Four. He died in 1950 (Williams 7-15). This essay will show and prove to you that George Orwell’s life has influenced modern society a great deal.

1903年,Eric Arthur Blair出生。生活在印度,直到他四,布莱尔和他的家人随后搬到英格兰并在亨利定居。当八岁,布莱尔被送到苏塞克斯的私立学校,除了假期外,他住在那里,直到他十三。他去了两所私人中学:惠灵顿(一期)和伊顿(四年半)。在ETON之后,布莱尔加入了帝国印度警察,并在缅甸培训。他在那里提供了近五年,然后在1927年,休假的HOM,决定不返回。他后来写道,他已经来了解并拒绝他服务的帝国主义。他被击中了......在帝国的仇恨和愤怒地反对反对它的本地人,并使他的直接工作更加困难。布莱尔,在他的前六个月发布,前往东端研究英国穷人。在1928年春天,他坐在巴黎的一班级房间。他写了两种小说,这已经丢失了,并以法语和英语发布了许多文章。他与肺炎生病了,作为洗碗机和厨房搬运工工作了十个星期,并于1929年底返回英格兰。他用父母的家在萨福克偶尔写作和赚钱。 Blair then completed several versions of what was to become his first book, called, not by his choice, Down and Out in Paris and London. The book was a record of his experiences, but “If it’s all the same to everybody, I would prefer [it] to be published pseudonymously”. Discussing the publication of his first book with his agent, he decided on three possible pseudonyms: Keneth Miles, George Orwell and H. Lewis Always. He favored George Orwell. The Orwell is a river in Suffolk, south of his parents’ home. “George Orwell” published his first book in 1933. Down and Out… was followed by the novel Burmese Days, published first in the United States rather than in England because of his English publishers fear of it’s giving offence in Burma. After Burmese Days came two more novels: A Clergyman’s Daughter, published in 1935; and Keep the Aspidistra Flying, published in 1936. In the Spring of 1936 he moved to Hertfordshire and married Eileen O’Shaughnessy, an Oxford graduate in English, a teacher, a journalist, and later a London graduate in psychology. Orwell’s reputation at this time was based mainly on his accounts of poverty and depression. His next book, The Road to Wigan Pier was written for the Left Book Club and started his career as a political writer. Much of this book was composed of an essay on class and socialism, which was Orwell’s first statement of his political position. In July, he left for Spain to fight (and write) in the Spanish civil war. For the next two or three years, Orwell became a revolutionary socialist. When he returned from war, he wrote Homage to Catalonia and in the winter of 1938, wrote Coming Up for Air. In 1941 he wrote London Letter’s and in August joined the BBC as a talks producer in the Indian Section of the Eastern Service. Later in the year, he began writing Animal Farm. It did not appear until August 1945, at the end of the war. He and his wife adopted a son in 1944, but in 1945 his wife died during an operation. Animal Farm’s success ended Orwell’s financial worries that he had suffered from for twenty years. In 1946, he settled in Jura, Scotland, with his younger sister as housekeeper, though he returned to London for the winter. During 1947, in the early stages of renewed tuberculosis, he wrote the first drafts of Nineteen Eighty-Four. In 1948, amid several attacks, Orwell wrote the second draft. In September, 1949, he went into a hospital in London, and in October married Sonia Brownell. In January 1950, Eric Arthur Blair, aka “George Orwell”, died. (Williams 7-15)

Carl Friedrich Gauss:传记与数学


1933年,Orwell在巴黎和伦敦写下。这是他的第一本书。这是一个年轻人(最常见的Orwell的)经历在巴黎和伦敦贫困的经历。它对第一部小说做得很好。在大多数方面,这是贫困的长期自传文章。(威克斯71-72)Orwell的第二个小说是缅甸日。这是奥威尔在缅甸帝国印度警察工作的叙述。由于害怕侮辱缅甸,这部小说是在美国而不是英格兰出版。(威克斯44)他的接下来的两颗小说是牧师的女儿,让艾略特拉飞行。1935年出版的牧师的女儿是多萝西野兔的旅程。 A journey of escape and self-exploration (Wykes 4). Keep the Aspidistra Flying, published in 1936, is a novel about middle-class decline and compromise (Wykes 7). Orwell regarded these novels as failures. The Road to Wigan Pier, written for the Left Book Club in 1936 was Orwell’s fourth novel. This book started Orwell’s life-long career change to政治写作。这本书的第一部分是关于穷人和失业者的报道。第二部分是一篇关于阶级和社会主义的文章,我之前提到过。这是奥威尔政治立场的第一次声明。(怀克斯50-60)《向加泰罗尼亚致敬》是奥威尔的第五部小说,完成了他与正统左翼的决绝。它试图从奥威尔的角度讲述战争的真相。这本书所属的体裁后来被奥威尔定义为“政治书……一种将历史与政治批评结合起来的扩大化的小册子”。奥威尔开始相信《向加泰罗尼亚致敬》是他写过的最好的书。1938年冬天,奥威尔写了他的第六部小说《浮出水面》。是乔治·鲍林的发现,他童年的家像其他一切一样改变了。 It is regarded as his best novel (with the exception of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four). It illustrates in great detail, the fact that everything peaceful eventually becomes corrupt. After Coming Up for Air, Orwell wrote one of his most-loved novels, Animal Farm. It is the “fairy story” of an animal revolution on the Manor Farm, The animals create a socialistic republic in which “Some animals are more equal than others” (Orwell). The book an allegorical essay on the Russian Revolution. By the end of the book the pigs disobey the laws of “Animal Farm”, but as they do so, they change the laws to fit their needs. Animal Farm is a spiritual parody of the Communist Manifesto (Calder 5-20) Animal Farm was followed by Orwell’s eighth and last novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four. Another of Orwell’s best novels, 1984 is the story of Winston Smith. Smith is a member of a totalitarianism party ruled by the god-like Big Brother. There is no freedom, privacy or choice. No friendship or love. There is only love for Big Brother. It is the story of Smith’s secret rebellion from the party through love, sex, free-thought and choice. It is said to be Orwell’s greatest achievement (Calder 74-88).


“这是我喜欢读的那种书,我在现实生活中章节中得到了真相......”,写下W.H.戴维斯在巴黎和伦敦下来。Daniel George为The Tribune说:“大部分是,我应该判断,从第一手知识中写道。”Hames Farrell comments “[Orwell’s] account is genuine, unexaggerated and intelligent” (Meyers 39-49) About Burmese Days, an anonymous author writes, “Burmese Days, by George Orwell is symptomatic of the reaction against conventional portrayals of Burma as a land of tinkling temples bells, gentle charming Burmans, and strong silent Englishman”. For the Fortnightly, G.W. Stonier observes, “Burmese Days is another novel, and I recommend it to all those who enjoy a lively hatred in fiction” (Meyers 50-57) About Orwell’s next novel, A Clergyman’s Daughter, Peter Quennel writes “A Clergyman’s Daughter is ambitious yet not entirely successful”. Michael Sayers comments “George Orwell is a popular novelist sensitive to values that most other novelists are popular for ignoring”. For the Commonweal, Geoffrey Stone reports, “…in A Clergyman’s Daughter, [Orwell] arranges circumstance so that the pessimistic conclusion will seem inevitable” (Meyers 58-64) “Mr. Orwell’s new book, bitter almost throughout and often crude is also all about money,” writes William Plomer of Keep the Aspidistra Flying. Cyril Connoly, for the New Statesman and Nation, writes, “The book is the recital of [Orwell’s] misfortunes interrupted by tirades against money and the spiritual evil it causes”. An unsigned notice in the Times Literary Supplement states, “If this book is persistently irritating, this is exactly what makes it worth reading; few books have enough body in them to be irritants” (Meyers 65-90) Walter Greenwood writes about The Road to Wigan Pier, “Mr. Orwell has the gift of writing vividly, of creating in the mind’s eye a picture of the scene described.” “Of Mr. Orwell’s book, there is little to say except praise…,” comments Arthur Calder-Marshall. “It takes an ugly section of British life, and it forces us to confront it for what it is,” writes H.J. Laski (Meyers 91-118) “Homage to Catalonia is… a book which is at the same time a work of first-class literature and a political document of the greatest importance,” reports Geoffrey Gorer. John McNair for the New Leader, writes, “There have been many books written on the Spanish civil war, but none containing so many living, first-hand experiences as this” (Meyers 119-151) “Mr. Orwell writes with hard, honest clarity and un answering precision of feeling,” states of Coming Up for Air, an unsigned notice in the Times Literary Supplement. John Cogley for the Commonweal, writes, “George Orwell, a hard man, is frankly sentimental about the world he knew as a boy”. “Coming Up for Air, written in 1938, reverts to the journalistic style of ease and understatement, the disquietude of Burmese Days worked out of it (Meyers 152-190). “ is as devastating attack on Stalin and his ‘betrayal’ of the Russian revolution, as seen by another revolutionary,” writes Cyril Connoly on Animal Farm. “The story is very well-written, especially the Snowball episode#, which suggests that that the communist ‘Trotskyite’ is a conception on much the same plane as the Nazi ‘Jew’…,”writes Northrup Frye for the Canadian Forum. Isaac Rosenfield for the Nation, writes, “George Orwell, to judge by his writing, is a man, not without imagination, who is never swept away by his imagination.” Of Nineteen Eighty-Four, Fredric Warburg comments, “This is amongst the most terrifying books I have ever read”. “Mr. Orwell’s latest book, Nineteen Eighty-Four, can be approached either as a political argument or as an indictment of materialism cast in fictional form,” writes Harold Nicolson. “Mr. Orwell is in every way similar to Huxley, especially in his contempt for people, in his aim of slandering man,” reports Isaac Anisimov for the Pravda.

ABBA EBAN:传记和重要性




卡尔德,珍妮。动物农场和一九八十四。费城:米尔顿凯恩斯,1986年。迈耶,杰弗里。乔治奥韦尔:关键的赫格里奇。波士顿:Routledge&Kegan Paul,1975. Orwell,乔治。动物农场。奥兰多:Harcourt Braces Jovanovich,Inc。,1982年威廉姆斯,雷蒙德。orwell。伦敦:雷蒙德威廉姆斯,1991年。威克斯,大卫。orwell的序言。 New York: Longman, Inc., 1987.




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