在屠格涅夫的小说《父亲与儿子》中,阿卡迪的个人主义之旅在他自己的生活和他人的生活中都扮演着重要的角色。阿卡迪,尽管他周围的盾牌,他不是一个真正的虚无主义者像他的朋友巴扎洛夫通过他的思想和行动,我们看到他的变化。首先,阿卡迪在小说的早期表现出浪漫主义的迹象,尽管他宣布了自己的虚无主义信仰。例如,一天下午,巴扎洛夫和阿卡蒂在花园里散步,无意中听到尼古拉斯在拉大提琴。“就在那一刻,从屋里飘来大提琴的余音……像蜂蜜一样,旋律在空气中流淌”(49)。巴扎罗夫像一个真正的虚无主义者一样,立即谴责演奏音乐的行为是一种纯粹的浪漫主义制度。“上帝!44岁,在X省当了一个家庭的父亲,拉大提琴!巴扎洛夫继续大笑,但这一次,阿卡迪虽然尊敬他的导师,却连笑都没有笑。 By this we see that although Arcady looks up to Bazarov, he truly does not uphold the Nihilist beliefs as strongly or as strictly. His acceptance of his father’s cello playing shows that Arcady, unlike Bazarov, He does not find music a purely romantic institution, but an enjoyable way! To be merry.

这件事也告诉我们,阿卡迪不喜欢别人取笑他的家人。在这里,他显然不认为他的父亲的大提琴演奏是一件可笑的事。其次,虚无主义的观点包括爱情是过时的。当阿卡迪爱上安娜·谢尔盖耶夫娜,后来又爱上了她的妹妹卡蒂亚时,他违背了这种信念。阿卡蒂甚至用自己的方式告诉卡蒂亚,他真的爱她。“对你来说可能都一样,但我想说的是,我对你妹妹没有任何偏爱,我不会把你和世界上的任何人交换”(174)。巴扎洛夫也爱上了安娜·谢尔盖耶夫娜,但意识到她不会爱他。“‘我必须告诉你,我愚蠢地、疯狂地爱着你. . . .是你逼我的。现在你知道了。奥丁佐夫夫人心中充满了恐惧和怜悯。 But she at once disengaged herself from his embrace an instant later she was already standing distantly in the corner and gazing at him. ‘You misunderstood me,’ she whispered hastily in alarm. She looked as though she might scream if he took another step (108).” And so, he retur! ned to his Nihilist beliefs. Arcady’s falling in love with Katya and his proposal to her was his second step towards becoming an individual. It showed that he no longer followed Bazarov like an impressionable child would an older sibling. He now began to make large decisions on his own which affected his life in a big way. Arcady, through his understanding of Bazarov’s arrogance, took his third and final step towards becoming his own person. “It is not for the gods to glaze pottery . . . . Only now, at this very instant, was the whole bottomless pit of Bazarov’s arrogance and pride revealed to him. ‘So you and I are gods? Or rather, you are a god and I’m a mere lout, isn’t that so?’ ‘Yes,’ Bazarov repeated firmly. ‘ You’re still stupid.'” (112). Not only does this remark allow Arcady to see that Bazarov had never considered him an equal, but also that Bazarov believed himself a god dwelling above all others.


这促使阿卡迪重新考虑他与巴扎洛夫的关系。他意识到他们从来不是朋友,而只是人生路上的旅伴。阿卡蒂似乎也意识到他从来不是一个纯粹的、真正的虚无主义者。他是被他的导师巴扎洛夫(Bazarov)的独特思维方式所吸引,而不是被他支持虚无主义的意愿所吸引。屠格涅夫在展示阿卡迪内部发生的变化方面做得非常好。他的真实本性在书中慢慢显露出来,我们通过阅读他的行为来了解他的思维方式。阿卡迪确实是一个充满活力的角色,从他的虚无主义信仰转变为浪漫主义思想就可以看出这一点。阿卡迪喜欢优美的语言,也有点哲学家的味道。例如,他对落叶的描述是:“看!一片枯萎的枫叶离开了枝头,落到地面上,它的动作就像一只飞舞的蝴蝶。 Isn’t it strange? The saddest and deadest of all things is yet so like the gayest and most vital of all creatures” (134). By the conclusion of the novel, we see that Arcady was part of the novel because he had the most influence on others as well as on himself, and also because he had the most to learn from life’s experiences. He has established a life of his own. A life where he is free from Bazarov’s hold and Nihilist! ideas, and a life where he is free to be himself. His voyage: completed.

引用这篇文章如下:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“Ivan Turgenev的父亲和儿子:阿卡迪的旅程”SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/ivan-turgenevs-fathers-and-sons-arcadys-journey/


James Dickey的《拯救》:旅程分析与总结


