
凯瑟琳娜是一名贫穷的女人,可能是艺术人才,莱昂纳多的遗传基础。在实现Leonardo的+潜力,他的父亲带着男孩和他和他的妻子一起住在佛罗伦萨(为什么)。这是男孩教育的开始和他对知识的追求。由于众多人才,许多人被许多人认可了莱昂纳多。作为一个男孩,莱昂纳多被描述为帅气,强壮和敏捷。他渴望观察,想象力,以及从他周围世界各地分离自己的能力。在莱昂纳多的早期leonardo对植物学,地质学,动物(特别是鸟类),水的运动和阴影(关于Leonardo)感兴趣。在17岁时,在大约1469年,Leonardo被们作为一个古罗风(工作室男孩)到Andrea del Verrocchio,佛罗伦萨的领先的佛罗伦萨画家和他一天的雕塑家。在Verrocchio的研讨会中,Leonardo被引入到许多技术,从祭坛和面板图片的绘画到大理石和青铜中的大型雕塑项目。1472年,他在画家的佛罗伦萨公会中被接受,并在那里工作了大约六年。虽然在那里,莱昂纳多经常为他绘制的瓦尔科西奥的绘画,如背景和仰卧的天使在基督的洗礼(Encarta)。 Leonardo’s sections of the painting have soft shadings, with shadows concealing the edges. These areas are distinguished easily against the sharply defined figures and objects of Verrocchio, that reflect the style called Early Renaissance. Leonardo’s more graceful approach marked the beginning of the High Renaissance. However, this style did not become more popular in Italy for another 25 year (Gilbert 46).

莱昂纳多实际上开始了这种风格的普及。出于这个原因,莱昂纳多可以被称为“高文艺复兴的父亲”。莱昂纳多通过他的画作和他的技术出现了领先的技巧。莱昂纳多的才能很快吸引了他远离公会,1472年莱昂纳多完成了他的第一幅完整的绘画,通告。在1478年,莱昂纳多达到了独立大师的称号。他的第一批大型绘画,既未完成的魔法(已开始于1481年)的崇拜,于1481年订购了圣多托的修道院,佛罗伦萨。其他归于他的青年的作品是Benois Madonna(1478),肖像Ginevra de'Benci(1474)和未完成的圣徒杰罗姆(1481)。Leonardo将他的技能扩展到其他感兴趣的分支机构,1481年Leonardo写了一封惊人的信,距离米兰(Ludovico Sforza)的公爵写了一封惊人的信。在这封信中,他表示他知道如何建造便携式桥梁;他知道建设轰炸和制造大炮的技术; that he could build ships as well as armored vehicles, catapults, and other war machines; and that he could execute sculpture in marble, bronze, and clay. Thus, he entered the service of the Duke in 1482, working on Ludovico’s castle, organizing festivals, and he became recognized as an expert in military engineering and arms. Under the Duke, Leonardo served many positions. He served as principal engineer in the Duke’s numerous military enterprises and was active as an architect (Encarta). As a military engineer Leonardo designed artillery and planned the diversion of rivers. He also improved many inventions that were already in use such as the rope ladder.

Leonardo还提前地绘制了一百年的装甲坦克的照片。他的概念失败了,因为坦克太重,无法移动,他设计的手曲柄不足以支持这种车辆。作为土木工程师,他为选美设计了旋转阶段。作为一名雕塑家,他计划了一座巨大的古怪的父亲纪念碑安装在跳跃的马上。众所周知,这匹马是16年的高潮。莱昂纳多被马对马上着迷,不断地吸引他们。在马中,莱昂纳多尝试了马的前肢和测量。1484年和1485年的严重瘟疫吸引了他注意城镇规划,他的图纸和圆顶教堂的计划反映了他对建筑问题(书架)的关注。此外,他还协助意大利数学家Luca Pacioli在工作Divina比例(1509)中。虽然在米兰莱昂纳多,但他自己的工作和学习,他可能会在绘制绘画时撰写的各种文本,他可能会撰写课程和学生的帮助(1651)。 The most important painting of those created in the early Milan age was The Virgin of the Rocks. Leonardo worked on this piece for an extended period of time, seemingly unwilling to finish what he had begun (Encarta). It is his earliest major painting that survives in complete form. From 1495 to 1497 Leonardo labored on his masterpiece, The Last Supper, a mural in the refectory of the Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan. While painting The Last Supper, Leonardo rejected the fresco technique normally used for wall paintings. An artist that uses this fresco method must work quickly. Leonardo wanted to work slowly, revising his work, and use shadows-which would have been impossible in using fresco painting. He发明了一种涉及用他创造的化合物涂覆墙壁的新技术。这种化合物应该保护涂料并将其固定到位并不起作用,并且完成后不久,油漆开始剥落。因此,最后的晚餐仍然存在,但条件差(Gilbert 46)。Leonardo多次合并了他的创造性和创造性能力来提升生活和改善他的作品。虽然他的抹灰和绘画的实验失败了,但他们对接受的手段和他的创造力和勇气来试验了一个新的和未经证实的想法。与传统技术的实验也在他的图纸中显而易见。


在莱昂纳多的18岁的住宿期间,他还制作了其他绘画和图纸,但大多数人都丢失了。他为剧院,建筑图纸和模型创造了舞台设计,为米兰大教堂的圆顶。莱昂纳多也开始生产科学的图纸,尤其是人体。他通过解剖人的尸体和动物体来研究解剖学。Leonardo的图纸不仅阐明了骨骼,肌腱和其他身体部位的外观,而且还包括其功能。这些附图被认为是人解剖学的第一种准确表示。Leonardo也被认为是第一次使用横截面,这是一种用于图解人体的流行技术。Leonardo写道,“那些获得了肌腱,肌肉和肌腱的性质的画家将完全在任何肢体的运动中确切地知道,肌腱的原因是它的原因,并且其肿胀的肌肉is the cause of this sinew’s contracting” (Wallace 131). In December, 1499, the Sforza family was driven out of Milan by French forces and Leonardo was forced to leave Milan and his unfinished statue of Ludovico Sforza’s father, which was destroyed by French archers that used it for target practice. Leonardo then returned to Florence in 1500 (Bookshelf). When Leonardo returned to Florence the citizens welcomed him with open arms because of the fame he acquired while in Milan. The work he did there strongly influenced other artists such as Sandro Botticelli and Piero di Cosimo. The work he was to produce would influence other masters such as Michelangelo and Raphael. In 1502 Leonardo entered the service of Cesare Borgia, Duke of Romagna and son and Chief General of Pope Alexander VI. For this post he supervised work on the fortress of the papal territories in central Italy. In 1503 he was a member of a commission of artists to decide on the proper location for the David by Michelangelo (Encarta). Towards the end of the year Leonardo began to design a decoration for the Great Hall of the Palazzo Vecchio. Leonardo chose the Battle of Anghiari as the subject of the mural, a victory for Florence in a war against Pisa. He made many drawings and sketches of a cavalry battle, with tense soldiers, leaping horses and clouds of dust. In painting The Battle of Anghiari Leonardo again rejected fresco and tried an experimental technique called encaustic. Once again the experiment was unsuccessful. Leonardo went on a trip and left the painting unfinished. When he returned he found that the paint had run and he never finished the painting.

绘画一般外观是从Leonardo的草图和其他艺术家的副本(Creighton 45)所知的。在此期间他还画了其他几幅作品,包括有史以来最著名的肖像画《蒙娜丽莎》。蒙娜丽莎,也被称为La Gioconda(根据模特丈夫的假定名字),因为丽莎的脸上独特的表情而出名。她似乎刚刚开始或结束微笑。这幅画是列奥纳多最喜欢的作品之一,他在随后的所有旅行中都带着它(Clark 133)。1506年,列奥纳多回到米兰完成他在匆忙离开时不得不放弃的一些项目。他在那里一直待到1516年,后来他搬到法国克鲁,在那里和他的学生梅尔齐一起生活。在米兰期间,他被任命为法国国王路易十二的宫廷画家,当时路易十二住在米兰。在接下来的六年里,他不断地从米兰到佛罗伦萨去照顾他的遗产。1514年,在教皇利奥十世的资助下,他去了罗马。在这段时间里,列奥纳多的精力主要集中在他的科学实验上。随后他移居法国为弗朗西斯一世效力。1519年5月2日,他在克鲁城堡去世(华莱士127)。 Leonardo constantly reworked his drawings, studies and mechanical theories. His observations of the motion of water are amazingly accurate. In Leonardo’s Studies of Water Formation, the flow patterns observed are swirling around , then below as it forms a pool. Using modern slow motion cameras’ scientists now study the same effects that Leonardo wrote about and observed with his naked eye (Encarta). Another study of water and wind is his Apocalyptic Visions. This is a collected study of hurricanes and storms. In these highly detailed drawings the pen lines so carefully marked explode into action similar to the storms themselves. Leonardo’s mathematical drawings are also highly skilled. In a math formula Leonardo proved the theory of perpetual motion false but it still intrigued him. Among his vast notes were small ideas for a perpetual motion machine. His ideas for completing this task involved an unbalanced wheel that would revolve forever, conserving its energy. However these machines were never constructed. Another mathematical drawing was the Polyhedron. This three dimensional figure represented proportions to him “not only in numbers and measurements but also in sounds, weights, positions and in whatsoever power there may be” (Wallace 59). The notebooks of Leonardo contain sketches and plans for inventions that came into existence almost five-hundred years after the Renaissance. Leonardo practiced a technique of writing backwards. It has been postulated that he did this, being left-handed, so that he wouldn’t smear the ink by his left hand running across newly-written words. Moreover, the individual words are spelled backwards.

Robert Edward Lee:传记与战争

为了阅读笔记本笔记本,必须将页面保持在镜子上,据信Leonardo这是为了保持他的写作和理论是秘密。无论如何,在笔记本中包含了我们今天认识到的第一个工作的螺旋桨、潜水艇、直升机、坦克、降落伞、大炮、永动机和绳梯的计划和图纸。这里有完美的人体素描,从整个人体的比例到最细微的解剖细节。然而,据观察,达芬奇对人体的兴趣和他发明机械事物的能力对他来说并不像他对自然世界的迷恋和敬畏那样重要(Clark 133)。达芬奇活到了67岁。他没有结过婚,也没有孩子。事实上,据说他只把女人看作是“生殖机制”(Clark 134)。如果说列奥纳多·达·芬奇的一生有一个特点的话,那就是他对生活和周围世界的好奇心。好奇心是促使他观察、分析和记录每一个值得他关注的物质粒子的动力。从子宫里的婴儿到海滩上的贝壳,什么都逃不过他无情的智慧。 The mind of Leonardo transcends the period of the Renaissance and every epoch thereafter. It is universally acknowledged that his imagination, his powers of reason, and his sheer energy surpass that of any person in history. The study of Leonardo is limited only by the inadequacy of the student.

引用本文:William Anderson(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“Leonardo da Vinci:传记和发明者”学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/leonardo-da-vinci-biography-inventor/


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最古老的 最票

在他父亲的Vinci Home成长,Leonardo可以访问家人和朋友拥有的学术文本。他还接触到佛得长民长期的绘画传统,当他父亲约有15岁的时候,他向佛罗伦萨举办了南德利亚尔·沃克西奥的着名研讨会。即使是作为学徒,Leonardo也展示了他的巨大人才。实际上,他的天才似乎已经看到了Verrocchio的研讨会从1470年到1475期制作的许多碎片。