
光速是通过公式v = λ f来测量的。然而,事实证明,当光从一个表面反射时,它的速度保持不变。这是由艾萨克·牛顿爵士首先证明的。在完全弹性碰撞的假设下,反射定律遵循运动定律。为了证明这一点,考虑一个粒子向一个无摩擦平面运动,其水平和垂直速度分量为:VX和Vy.当从表面反射颗粒时,V没有变化X.由于平面无摩擦表面的反作用力,垂直方向的速度分量是反向的。V的大小y是没有改变。由于粒子与表面的碰撞是完全弹性的,所以动能没有变化。这一点在之前也被证明了,通过测量两个变量之前和之后的反思。为了改变光速,要么频率要么波长必须改变。结果显示了两个变量的等值值。从而表明并证明了光速在从一个表面反射后保持不变。


折射是光通过物质时发生的弯曲。不同的物质使光以不同的角度弯曲。白光是由各种各样的颜色组成的。每种颜色都有不同的波长,并以不同的角度弯曲。这和在大气中产生彩虹的效果是一样的。最常见的例子是玻璃棱镜。当光线进入像玻璃这样的材料时,光线就会变慢。这是因为物质中的电荷通过与光波的电场和磁场的相互作用来延迟光波。光波的频率越高,它与大多数材料中的电荷的相互作用就越多,光波的速度就越慢。因此,当高频紫光和低频红光进入一块玻璃时,它们的速度比低频红光慢得多。 Because of this slowing effect, light bends when it encounters a glass surface at an angle. The wave has a width and as it encounters the glass surface, one side of the wave reaches the glass before the other side of the wave. Since the side that arrives first also slows first, the whole wave bends so that it travels more directly into the glass. Since violet light slows more than red light, the violet light also bends more than the red light. The two colors thus follow different paths through the glass. The same bending occurs in reverse when the light leaves the glass. Light speeds up as it leaves glass and again the violet light bends more than the red light. In a prism (or any carefully cut glass, crystal, or plastic), the colors of light bend differently at each surface and follow slightly different paths both in and out of the prism. The light rays then appear separately when they strike a surface outside the prism or when you look at those light rays with your eyes.



由于称为玻璃折射率的东西,颜色在棱镜中的分散发生。每种材料都有不同的折射率。当光进入材料时(例如,当穿过空气的光进入棱镜的玻璃)时,空气和玻璃的折射率的差异导致光线弯曲。对于不同波长的光,弯曲角度不同。随着白光穿过棱镜的两个面,不同的颜色弯曲不同的数量,并且这样做散布到彩虹中。在彩虹中,空中的雨滴充当小棱镜。光进入雨滴,反射下降的一侧和出口。在这个过程中,它被丢进到一个频谱,就像它处于三角形玻璃棱镜一样。当光进入雨滴时,它会减慢。正如我们所知,白光由7种不同的颜色组成。 The high-frequency violet light slows down more than the low-frequency red light as they enter the rain drop and the light refracts as it enters a new medium. The wave has an angle as it approaches the raindrop so; one side of the wave reaches the glass before the other side of the wave. Since the side that arrives first also slows first, the whole wave refracts so that it travels more directly into the glass. Since violet light slows more than red light, the violet light also bends more than the red light. The two colors thus follow different paths through the glass. The same bending occurs in reverse when the light leaves the glass. Light speeds up as it leaves raindrop and again the violet light bends more than the red light. Since the violet light bends the most out of all the color, it is always at the bottom. On the other hand, the red light refracts the least thus always being on top of the rainbow.



光谱仪是用于从任何源产生和观察光谱或辐射的光学装置。该装置通常由狭缝组成,光或辐射通过,准直透镜和棱镜。分光镜通过将光线分解为使其成功的波长(或光谱)。当光线击中线路时,它会弯曲。用不同量的光弯曲的不同波长(颜色),所以它将光线分成其颜色。其他光谱由棱镜制成 - 当光穿过玻璃时,不同的波长被不同的量减慢并且弯曲成它们的颜色。科学家可以通过通过分光镜观察光线来告诉星星中的元素。每个元素都有自己独特的频谱颜色,就像人们每个都有一个独特的指纹。该研究领域用于研究原子,因为作为电子增益或失去能量,它们释放它们自己的光谱线。我们看着光谱镜的墙壁,因为这是光线闪闪发光的地方,并且在哪里被展示。

引用本文:William Anderson(SchoolWorkeHelper编辑组),“光:属性,折射,色散,分光镜,”学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/light-properties-refraction-dispersion-spectroscope/



