

除了否认公众使用大麻作为纺织品,食品来源和替代能源来源外,这些大型公司自私地抢劫了许多可以帮助他们的药物的病人。大麻可用于打击青光眼,癫痫,多发性硬化,背部疼痛,哮喘,风湿病,关节炎,偏头痛,肺气肿,囊性纤维化,并促进一些癌症和艾滋病患者的食欲。患者定期给予吗啡,valium,锂和可待因等药物,并且比大麻更加令人上瘾。大麻“对主要的生理功能几乎没有影响。没有知道致命过量的情况;在动物模型的基础上,致命与有效剂量的比例估计为40,000至1.“(Bakalar和Grinspoon 1875)“大麻,如阿司匹林,一种已知异常安全的物质并具有巨大的潜在健康益处。...实际上,在1990年的调查中,44%的肿瘤科医生表示,他们建议患者烟雾大麻以缓解化疗诱导的恶心。“(Bakalar和Grinspoon 1875)多次,只需要一个或两个泡芙,以平息患者并缓解恶心并帮助增加他们的食欲。(Silverberg 1)加利福尼亚州和亚利桑那选民终于承认大麻的好处,并采取了改变情况。 The Federal Drug Enforcement Administration maintains there is no medical evidence that smoking marijuana has ever helped anyone, but it is difficult to dismiss the testimony from many seriously ill patients and their doctors that marijuana can ease pain, reduce the nausea associated with cancer chemotherapy, stimulate the appetites of AIDS patients who are wasting away, and lower the pressure within the eyes of glaucoma victims. ” The traditional use of Cannabis as an analgesic, anti-asthmatic, and anti-rheumatic drug is well established. A British study also suggests that cultivation of Cannabis plants rich in Cannabidiol (CBD) and other phenolic substances would be useful not only as fiber producing plants but also for medicinal purposes in the treatment of certain inflammatory disorders. CBD was found to be more effective than aspirin as an anti-inflammatory agent.” (Evans 361-371) The Food and Drug Administration has approved a synthetic version of THC, a main ingredient of marijuana, that can help in such cases, but many patients complain that it is a poor substitute and is much more expensive. The alternative choices to smoking marijuana, and there are a couple, but mainly pills are what’s on the market; they are suppose to have the same therapeutic effects that so many suffering patients say they feel when they smoke marijuana. The leading capsule on the market is Dronabinol; it’s main agent is Cannabidiol. “In a Brazilian study of 8 Epileptic patients receiving Cannabidiol, (CBD), 4 were free of convulsions, 3 had partial improvement, and 1 was unchanged.” (Cunha 176) The only problem with the pill is that it has to be digested, and for someone who is suffering from nausea it is virtually impossible to keep the capsule down. “Because it’s a pill, and therefore slower acting, people have trouble adjusting the dosage; they often find themselves taking too much. It also seems to cause high levels of anxiety and depression” (Brookhiser 27) Unfortunately no method other then smoking has seemed to help so many with the least complications. What is needed now is a more thorough effort to test the claims from reputable sources that marijuana may be a compassionate means of relieving suffering. Many believe that drug enforcement authorities have instead cut back on research out of fear that it would become impossible to limit marijuana use to those who need it medically. The fears are understandable, especially given the rising use of marijuana among teenagers today. But it ought to be possible to regulate marijuana as a prescription drug if it is found to be of legitimate benefit for sick people.


在制定政策方面,各州的倡议是一种笨拙的方式。例如,加州的提案写得非常模糊,以至于可能导致大麻的批发分销远远超出投票支持它的人所打算的医疗范围。它没有提到禁止年轻人或那些操作危险设备的人使用大麻。它还表明,任何医生的一个简单的口头建议就足够了。这一宽松的条款旨在绕过禁止医生开非法药物处方的联邦法律,使得新法律的滥用不可避免。相比之下,亚利桑那州的法律要求大麻必须由两名医生以书面形式开具处方。但这个指标也写得太宽泛了。它表示,如果获得两名医生的许可,医生可以开许多其他药物,而不仅仅是大麻。加州的这项法案去年通过后,支持者立即抽大麻,并宣称合法的医疗用途包括抽大麻来缓解压力,这对他们的事业没有好处。加州这项倡议的发起人丹尼斯·庇隆后来说,他相信吸食大麻都是出于医疗目的,但儿童除外。 These actions made it obvious that the goal of at least some supporters is to get marijuana legalized outright, a proposition that opinion polls indicate most Americans reject.









“你知道吗?”HEMPNET 11月1995年,第1页。

埃文斯,F.J.“大麻苜蓿组分的镇痛和抗炎活性。”Circo Medical Report 4(1988):361-371。




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