Samuel Clemens在他个人生活中发生的事情的作品。他在密西西比河上获得了许多兴趣和才能,为他的着作提供了贡献。塞缪尔克莱森出生于1835年11月30日在佛罗里达州的密苏里州。他早在两个月后。在他出生的时候,Haley的彗星在天空中。


当克莱门斯十七岁时,他已经准备好自立了。他开始为报纸写故事和速写。在接下来的两年里,他自食其力。他还决定从汉尼拔前往东部从事印刷工作。(米勒,德怀尔,伍德,259)他四岁入学。他在学校表现良好,守纪律。学习对克莱门斯来说是一种特权。他对了解事实、信息和数字感兴趣。他有很强的数学、语言、词汇和正确的作文知识。他学到了许多植物学方面的知识。12岁时,他辍学当了印刷工人的学徒。 In 1901, he received his Lit. D. degree from Yale, 1902. his Lit. D. degree from the University of Missouri, and in 1907 his Lit. D. degree from Oxford. In 1857, Clemens started down the Mississippi River. He made important decisions with important consequences in his life. Clemens persuaded Horace Bixby to teach him piloting skills. In 1859, he became a licensed riverboat pilot. During the 1850’s while he piloted steamboats, he adopted the name Mark Twain in Virginia City. Mark Twain was a name meaning two fathoms deep, used on a Mississippi River steamboat. (Discovering Authors) Twain first began to publish under his pen name on February 3, 1863.

这个夏天,他和内华达州维吉尼亚市“领土企业”的工作人员一起工作。他的职业生涯发展。他把自己从一个幽默的形象中去掉,以表达一切动机都是自私的观点。当他成为一名汽船领航员时,他必须学会主动提出要求,而不是像他母亲教他的那样有礼貌。在夜间驾驶飞机的过程中,他发现了自己对天文学的热爱。1861年,吐温在密苏里州的民兵组织短暂服役。1861年,这条河因战争而关闭,他的航海生涯就此结束。他还在一个邦联志愿队服役了两个星期。他决定不卷入这场战争。1861年,他和哥哥奥利翁一起去了内华达州的卡森市。 Through the years of 1861-1862, he was a prospector for gold in Nevada. Twain found spiritual uplifting and inspiration through memories on the Mississippi. On the Mississippi, he learned of the different types of human nature that could be found. (Albert Paine, 82) Twain was skeptical about human society. He had a serious view of life, causing him to be viewed as serious and pessimistic. He was known as a humorist. Although there was a lot of tragedy in his life through the poverty and death of his father, loss of a daughter, and bankruptcy.


吐温是一个讽刺的大师,敦促人们看到他们试过的事情可以改变。他是一个非常慷慨的人,但很少喜欢展示它。他有很多人都没有知道的音乐才能。他可以弹钢琴,吉他,器官,可以唱歌。尽管吐温总是陷入困境和喜欢冒险,但他祝你好运,在正确的时间发生有趣的事情。他有技巧迅速观察事物。Twain后来的工作之一是Mississippi的生活。它告诉密西西比河地区和历史,景点,人民和传说等的东西。在整个第4章和第17章中,他非常生动地回忆起他的试验日。大西洋月最初将这些章节载为“密西西比人的旧时期”。 In 1852, Twain did not want to be a writer. He did not know what he wanted to do in life, but he found writing to be easy. He began to write to support his family and to make a living. He was good at describing details. Twain could interest the reader by telling his own ideas and reactions. His imagination is limited with freedom. His desire for freedom and adventure exists in his works. (Henry Smist, 35) By using things from his past that he remembered, he could interpret reality well. Twain can find a deeper meaning beneath appearances, and show the environment of each character well. he was unsure of the Bible and could not find a firm conception of God. He grew up Presbyterian and his works reflect his doubt on religion. Also he had a belief that life was predetermined and free will is an illusion. (John Gerber, 3) In November of 1865, Twain published his first important sketch, “Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog” in the New York Saturday Press.

他的第一本书是Calvaras County的庆祝跳跃青蛙。1867年,他前往西班牙,意大利,法国和巴勒斯坦。故事被公布,称为这本书,国外的无辜者。(1869年)在本书中,Twain嘲笑他访问的国家,以及美国游客旅行的景点。1874年,他的第一部小说,这一面临的面临年龄发表。它与Charles Dudley Warner合作。标题来自内战后几十年。吐温以比基于的更令人愉快的生活方式写的。短篇小说,“腐败的人腐败的男人”是他黑暗的一面的迹象。1876年,汤姆索马尔冒险被公布。 In this book, the character Aunt Polly was based on his mother. The family had a better financial condition like it was at his Aunt Patsy’s. The story was about a mischievous boy in a Mississippi River town. Tom Sawyer was a backward step. It was addressed to adults, but appealed to young people. (Ronald Gottesman, 1163) Tom Sawyer was a predecessor of Huck Finn. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which was published in 1885, was the sequel to Tom Sawyer. Mark Twain was not Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn, although they were boys that he wished he was. Twain’s childhood was the basis for the story of boys being raised on the frontier in Huckleberry Finn. During his years as a steamboat pilot on the Mississippi, he met many people to help characterize his novels.

他很少在写作中使用朋友或亲戚的名字。《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》是吐温花了八年时间写成的。这是一部既表现了表象与现实的差异,又不表现出对人性的蔑视的小说。在整个《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中,他揭示了自然的力量,使人们理解常识、诚实和勇气等价值。在吐温的一生中,他喜欢听讲故事的人讲故事。在密西西比河上,他发现听其他飞行员或乘客编故事很有趣。有一天,本·库恩和吐温讲了一个故事,一个朋友听了。后来,他把这个故事告诉了著名的幽默家阿特弥斯·沃德。他力劝吐温把这个故事写下来,以便出版。1865年,《卡拉维拉斯县著名的青蛙》出版。 It was published and read in newspapers all over the United States. From there after, he used his personal life-experiences and his humorous side to combine the best way of writing he knew. His talent of yarn spinning was very helpful during his writing career. (Miller, 143) In February of 1870, Twain married Olivia Langdon. They were engaged for one year. She changed his writings, sometimes weakening them, and making them more readable. His marriage life was always happy, considering they came from totally different backgrounds. When they were married, Olivia’s parents said that Twain was not a Christian. They were married for 33 years and had four children during that time.


他的儿子在18个月大时于1872年6月去世。1896年,吐温最喜欢的女儿苏西死于脑膜炎。她死得很平静,由她哥哥安葬。苏西死后,全家人隐居在伦敦。他的另外两个女儿,克拉拉和琼,也离开了吐温。克拉拉嫁给了一位钢琴家并住在欧洲。珍成年后的大部分时间都是在疗养院度过的。在克莱门斯家的孩子中,琼与父亲的关系是最差的。然而,在生命的最后几个月里,她和父亲生活在一起,与他的关系越来越亲密。1909年12月,她去世了。 (Miller,17) Twain was not known as an easy man to live with. He had a bad temper, but he tried to keep it under control. In 1904 his wife, Olivia, died in Italy. On April 24, 1910 Twain died at Stormfield of angia pectoris at age 74. Haley’s comet was once again in the sky at this time. He was buried in Elmira, New York. After his death, he was known as a hero. Schools, parks, and museums have been named after him. His works have become known as the first and finest literary expression. According to Ernest Hemingway, Twain was the father of all Literature. He is “the poet of a unique phase of American experience.” (Smist, 38)

引用本文:William Anderson(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“马克吐温(Samuel Clemens):传记和写作”SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//


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