广告无处不在,以许多不同的方式使用。它是“手法或实践,即将公众关注一个产品或服务”(Dictionary.com)。广告与媒体一起携手并与以往以往任何时候都有更大的影响。人们使用媒体宣传他们的产品,并根据他们的目标受众,一个人会使用不同的方法以及不同的材料。例如,取决于电视频道,一个人正在观看会有不同的商业广告。如果孩子在孩子们的频道上观看漫画,那么商业广告很可能是有趣的玩具,专门为儿童及其父母的衣服和产品。如果有人正在观看历史渠道,商业广告将专注于成人产品,更成熟的事情。这篇文章将侧重于性别如何销售到青少年以及媒体如何在其中发挥至关重要的作用。许多研究证明,性别销售,现在越来越多的公司正在使用性行为作为广告方法。虽然这不是一个问题,但是当它对成人使用时,现在公司正在使用性别作为青少年的营销工具,已经有投诉。 The next point that will be discussed is the impact of the media, and how it is everywhere. The media bombards teens with things pertaining to sex through everything; television, music, magazines ect. Although the media has always been around, there has been drastic change in the amount of sexuality in the media, and how much teens are surrounded by it. The last part of this essay will be from an analytical perspective pertaining to the social exchange theory. Today’s media is pervasive and is getting more and more risqué on how they are marketing products to teenagers.

性已被用作一种强有力的营销工具,尽管它只是最近才被用于青少年,但仍有很多争议围绕这个话题。性别抓住了人们的注意力,可以让他们对比另一个广告更长的几秒钟让他们感兴趣,这正是广告商正在寻找的。“对于性爱而言,这是人性的。广告牌上的一条长腿更有可能捕捉(并持有)一个人的注意力而不是小狗,无论它有多可爱。“(1ezinearticles.com)广告商希望引起他们想要出售的任何东西,而性能可能是一个非常强大的路线。文章在广告中的性行为:它销售的菲斯?“提到使用性别销售其产品的公司的许多例子以及用于青少年性爱的公司是Abercrombie和Fitch。他们使用了一个夏天的目录并标题为它,“xxx湿,炎热的夏季乐趣”。标题与目录中的图片一起导致他们获得了大量的负面宣传,因为它适用于青少年。虽然abercrombie和fitch从这个目录中得到了很多关注,但它几乎所有的它都是负面的,因为他们试图利用性行为他们的产品到底失败了。 They were faced with more law suits and other problems because of the message they were sending out to teenagers. Sex can be used to sell all sorts of products and ideas. Recently, people have even used sexually based things to help raise money for cancer. The American Cancer Society now has bracelets that they are selling that say “I love boobies” on them. It is well known that sex sells and that it draws attention, and now even very important and serious companies are trying to use to make money. Although a lot of people were buying them, and are continuing to buy them, and schools have started to ban them. In California, many of the public schools have banned the bracelets because of their sexual connotation. (2 ‘I love boobies bracelets banned’) This shows that although it may be affective to use sex, it could still be very inappropriate. (*********)


媒体无处不在,尤其是青少年经常被媒体包围。媒体包括电视、杂志、音乐等等,现在科技如此先进,青少年可以随时接触到所有的媒体。一篇题为《对于青少年来说,消费媒体是一份全职工作》的文章指出,13-18岁的美国人每周使用电子媒体的时间约为72小时。这看起来似乎很多,但青少年一直在玩手机,听音乐,上网,查看Facebook,或看电视,而且可能是重叠的(3份全职工作)。虽然大多数媒体都是无害的,但因为他们太过沉迷于其中,性的话题比人们想象的要多。另一项研究表明,青少年平均每晚花在看电视上的时间高达3个小时。此外,“凯泽研究所研究了美国主要电视网家庭时间中性信息的频率和内容。在他们的研究中,家庭时间平均有8.5次性行为。因为青春期是一个需要改变和认清自己的时期,所以他们受到很多东西的影响,包括媒体。如果性和与性相关的事情在一个小时内出现大约8次,那么他们在每天3个小时内看到了多少? One may not realize how predominant sex is in the media, and with teens being constantly surrounded by it they are being influenced. It is obvious that teens spend a lot of their time watching television, and “A recent study (2010) shows that 54 per cent of teens watch different shows depending on if their parents are there.”(5) This shows inappropriate shows are available for viewers, and that parents may not be completely aware of what they could be watching. New technology has allowed teens to become more and more involved and surrounded by the media, which is having a negative effect on their behaviour.

媒体中的性别以及对青少年的影响是一个强大的相关主题,本段将从社会交流理论分析它看法。“社会交流理论是一种理论,试图通过分析关系的成本和益处来解释个人在互惠关系内形成和互动的理论。”(个人和家庭)在其他条件下,当人们从利弊的角度分析事物,而且没有多少感觉或灰色区域。他们想要最适合他们,并权衡一切。这个理论将用于显示几个主要成本和使用性别销售的好处,以及一些关于媒体的优缺点。性别确实卖掉,但只有良好的品味,不应该在处理青少年时使用。这是非常有效的,这是一个巨大的好处,但它也可能导致很多争议,这是一种成本。由于有时候法律诉讼不仅仅是销售的钱,因此成本出现了福利。性别销售的另一个例子是,一个好处是它抓住了人们的注意力,但成本是青少年观看或已经看到的东西是不适合成年人的东西。现在,焦点将在媒体上,以及它到处都是如何。媒体的积极方面比消极的人更积极,但是在广告上,它变得更加复杂。 A huge benefit is that it keeps everyone updated on what is going on in the world, and therefore the media is more of a benefit if everything is included. Someone using the social exchange theory would look at marketing sex to teens and see that the negatives out way the positives, and that it is an ongoing problem.


1 ezinearticles.com/?sex-in-adverting :-does-it-sell?&id=14551


3 news.cnet.com/2100-1041_3-6141920.html.

4课程:HHS4M1-02 Grant,Christina。“青少年,性别和媒体:有联系吗?”国家生物技术信息中心.Oct.-Nov。2009.2010年12月9日





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