以下是关于故事情节的一些事实,涉及通过小说涉及并行性的情节。这部小说开始于oran的地方瘟疫是已知的。主角,Gernard Rieux博士,是一名医生。在故事的开始,他在地板上找到了一只死老鼠。即使在那些时代,大鼠在地板的中间没有发现死亡。这是不寻常的,但他扔掉了老鼠并忘了它。最终死鼠开始堆成大量肿块并烧伤。很快还有一些人生病了,这使Rieux先生非常好奇。这些弊病的这些报告和老鼠的死亡是这个故事的平行之行。由于伯纳德是一名医生,他是第一个实际试图帮助其中一个病人的医生。迈克尔在这件事上是他的第一个患者。 He was the sickest person that the doctor had ever seen. Michael was pale white and vomited often, he hurt so much from the vomiting that he seemed paralyzed. Mr. Rieux tried to help the man the best that he could, but he ended up dying. Michael was the first person to die of this illness. After his death, many cases of this illness were reported widespread. Again more details of sickness and death, this is the parallelism for this novel. As the reports of sickness and death came to inform Dr. Rieux, he tried to comfort and cure the plagued patients. About ninety percent of the people infected had died. He wanted a stop to this plague. Quickly he linked the rats with the people. He knew that the rats began to get sick before the people did. At this time many people had the plague, except for the Chinese visitors. They never were infected. As the plot moves on death, sickness and the plague are still relevant. He studied their behaviors and everyday tasks and learned that they do something that was never often done in these middle ages. Not many people in these days bathed. The doctor began to notice that the people that bathed never got sick. So he asked all of his, still living patients, to take baths frequently. This proved to be the miracle cure for the people. The doctor asked his other fellow doctors to follow the same practice with their patients. The word was spread and the plague was soon wiped out. So as you can see, the literary term of parallelism was deemed very relevant through the ongoing plot. Death, sickness, and the plague presented the story’s parallelism. Albert Camus made parallelism the main literary term for this novel, given away by the title, “The Plague.”

引用本文为:威廉安德森(SchoolWorkehelper编辑组),“Albert Camus的并行性”瘟疫,“学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/parallyism-in-albert-camus-the-plague/



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