拉尔夫沃尔多艾默生当然占据了美国文学史上的地方。他在浪漫主义成为一种思考和开始绽放的方式的时候生活在一段时间内,被称为浪漫时代的时间。浪漫的思考强调人类想象力和情感而不是基本的事实和理性。Ralph Waldo Emerson不仅提供了大量的方式,而且他也滋养了它并激发了许多那段时间的作家。“他的影响力可以在Henry David Thoreau,Herman Melville,Walt Whitman,Emily Dickinson,Henry James和Robert Frost的作品中找到。”

毫无疑问,Ralph Waldo Emerson是一个精明而智力的人,他们影响了美国文学,并正确获得了信贷他应得的历史学家。他已被描绘为美国思想和文学中的领先人物,或者至少在那里排名最佳。但是当我们认为在他生命中的个人困境时,当我们看到他所成立的男人的类型时,我们会考虑他不得不忍受的个人困难,那么多得多。他当然是一个灵感的人,他知道如何通过用灵感撰写最好的诗歌和哲学想法来表达自己。

他出生于1803年5月25日,进入了一个新的世界,一个新的国家才开始。只有八年后,他的父亲将不再和他在一起,因为威廉·艾默森于1811年去世。艾默生家族留给了贫困的生活。拉尔夫的母亲露丝,被遗留为寡妇,不得不照顾五个儿子。然而,拉尔夫的生活似乎顺利进行。他最终会参加哈佛大学并仔细阅读教学的全职工作。在教授作为波士顿第二教会的初级牧师的时候,他的生活在结婚时,他的生活在结婚时获得了更多的意思。当时的日记和情书他写的是他写的很多感情和情感。但经过两年短的婚姻,艾伦死于结核病。突然,他生命中的一个真正的人已经消失了。生活正在失去它的意义,而Ralph Waldo Emerson需要一些答案。 This dark period drove him to question his beliefs. Emerson resigned from the Second Church and his profession as a pastor in search for vital truth and hope. But his father and wife were not the only deaths that he had to deal with. His strength and endurance would be put to the test much further with a perennial line of loved ones dying. His brother Edward, died in 1834, Charles in 1836, and his son Waldo (from his second wife Lydia Jackson) in 1842. After such a traumatic life, you might expect that Emerson, like any other person, would collapse into severe depression, lose hope, and lose meaning to his life. But Emerson was different. He found the answers within himself and rebounded into a mature man.

Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel:传记和发明者

在幸福的艰苦生活中幸存下来,拉尔夫沃尔多·艾默生似乎对生活中的敏感程度更加敏感。通过经验获得智慧。到1835年,艾默生的罕见和奢侈的精神准备被释放出来。所有他的深深的感情,情感和思想都以他在自己的方式到达真理的方式制作了真理。“相信你自己的想法,相信在你的私人心中对你来说是真实的,这对所有人来说是真实的。说出你的潜在信念,它应该是普遍的感觉;总之,最重要的是最过的和我们的第一个想法是通过最后一次判决的小号回复我们的。“艾默生完全相信这一点,并通过参与称为超越态度的新哲学运动来支持它。1836年,他的第一个靴子,自然发表了。自然表达了超越的主要观点。 With this, Ralph Waldo Emerson started the Transcendental Club the same year. This club published a magazine called The Dial, fully promulgating philosophy, literature, and Emerson’s truth fearlessly. He was starting to gain recognition. The young were opening their minds, and the old were impressed. Harvard was so impressed of him that they asked him to give several addresses. In 1837, he gave a well-known address called “The American Scholar” in which he outlined his philosophy of humanism. A year later, he gave another address, called “The Divinity School Address.” This argued about Christianity at that time for being too traditional and ritualistic in its ways. These methods didn’t fill the people’s spiritual need. Emerson showed his liking under a new religion founded by nature. Truly, by the crowds that he drew, Emerson refreshed the minds, of people who were thirsting for some truth. And who better to provide this than Emerson himself, who, through many distresses, searched within himself and became a man with life again.

Pierre Auguste Renoir:传记和画家



引用本文:William Anderson(SchoolWorkhelper编辑组),“Ralph Waldo Emerson:传记和超越的运动,”学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/ralph-waldo-emerson-biography-transcendentalist-movement//


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