罗宾逊是一个18岁的年轻人,他的梦想是成为一名水手。他请求他父亲的允许。他的父亲认为他应该呆在家里,接手家族生意,或者学习法律。鲁宾逊再次要求他的父亲让他只航行一次。他的父亲再次表示反对。一天下午,一艘船从港口驶来。那艘船的船长是克鲁索的一个朋友的父亲。船长邀请克鲁索去英国海岸航行,克鲁索无法抗拒。克鲁索就跑掉了。他晕船很厉害。不久之后,他开始了他的第二次航行。他将在这里前往非洲海岸。 He learned how to trade with the natives. On one of his voyages he was ship wrecked and picked up by another boat. The captain owned a plantation. Soon after this Crusoe bought his own plantation. When other plantation owners needed slaves to work their farms they asked Crusoe to sail to Africa. Crusoe agreed and set sail. On the way there they ran into many storms. Three men were killed very soon. The twelfth day was a hard one. The biggest storm hit. Its waves were giant. The ship was in very bad shape and Crusoe had to abandon it. He and the other sailors loaded into the small boat and paddled to land. All of the sudden a titanic wave crashed onto the boat. It drowned everyone but Crusoe. He was lucky to be alive. When he got the strength to walk again he found himself a safe place to sleep for the night, which was between to limbs a big tree.



一天,他看到一个遥远的小岛在高高的悬崖顶上。所以他决定造一艘独木舟去那里。他花了将近一年的时间才造了一条独木舟。当他最终完成时,它太大了,无法拖到河里。所以他吸取了教训。然后他把注意力转向了衣服。他四年前买的那些已经开始腐烂和撕裂了。他开始学习用山羊皮做柔软的背心和裤子。在那之后,他用皮肤做了一把大伞来保护自己免受阳光的照射。他试了很多次才成功。 Since Crusoe had found out how to breed his goats he had a little extra time and planed a trip to travel around the island. When he was finished he pushed out into the water. When he reached a distant point he ran into a strong current. It pulled him way around to the other side of the island. He then decided to walk home.

克鲁索想再次绕着岛航行,向岸边走去。这时他发现了一个非常可怕的景象。他看见沙滩上有一个脚印。他惊讶地跑回城堡。他非常害怕被吃掉,所以又建了一堵墙,用枪把它们穿了过去。他有一段时间没有离开堡垒。他开始想到食人族。比如“我为什么要杀他们?如果他们在我睡觉的时候吃了我怎么办?”“他非常害怕。有一天,他从堡垒往下看,看到了烟。他爬上山顶,从望远镜里往外看。 He saw nine savages. He was very scared. He thought that if he shot them that more would come to kill him. So he swore the next time savages came he would.

在明年的克鲁斯·克鲁索思想只有逃离岛屿。他一遍又一遍地梦想着同样的梦想了。他梦见一个野蛮人从当地人手中逃脱,克鲁索会去救他。他要救的这个人将是他逃跑的祈祷的答案。在这些梦之后不久,一群野蛮人来到了这个岛。他们带着两名囚犯。克鲁索感到他的梦想实现了。他匆匆奔向沙丘,随身带着枪。他躲了一会儿,突然有一个囚犯跑了出来。其他的野蛮人只派了两个人去追他。克鲁索射杀了他们两人,并向逃跑的人喊道。 They met and ran to his fortress. For the next years he taught his friend, Friday, English. Friday told Crusoe of his people and how glad they would be of him. They would learn Crusoe’s ways and not eat people any more. Crusoe thought about it for a while and decided that he would build another boat to go to Friday’s island and maybe from there escape. When they were finished building the boat they had to harvest crops. Finally when everything was ready to go more savages arrived at the island. With them they had three prisoners and one looked English. So Friday and Robinson set out to rescue them. They did end up rescuing the other men and killing every one of the savages. The man was really a Spaniard, the other was killed, and the other was Friday’s father. So now the four men decide that they should send Friday’s father and the Spaniard to the mainland. So for six months they gathered food and prepared for the voyage. When they left a big ship arrived. It belonged to the English men but Crusoe had his doubts. Sure enough it was but the captain was being held hostage. Crusoe planned away to get him free and did. Then they captured a bunch of the bad sailors and some joined his side. They made a planed to get the ship back. When Crusoe conquered this feat he wanted to sail for home. The captain gave Crusoe the boat and he did so.



引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),《鲁滨逊漂流记:概要》,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/robinson-crusoe-summary/



