

克拉格特- 嫉妒和嫉妒Billy Budd的主人。他出去了让比利的生活悲惨,是比利·拜德的执行的原因。


丹麦语- 一名经验丰富的水手,他喜欢比利伙伴。告诉Billy那克拉格特不喜欢他。他也是船员最重要的成员之一。


这本书以作者回忆多年前见过一个帅哥开始。英俊的水手比利·巴德提醒了他这一点。比利今年21岁,是英国舰队的一名领航员,他给“不屈不挠”号的拉特克利夫上尉留下了深刻的印象。比利离开了他的“人权号”,加入了英国皇家海军“不屈不挠”号。他很受船员们的欢迎,他们也很喜欢他。一位警官问他父母是谁,他回答说不知道。他是在布里斯托尔一个男人的门把手上被发现的。比利似乎很完美,但他有一个弱点。当他被强烈激怒时,他就会结巴,甚至会说不出话来。作者给我们讲述了英国海军的起义。 It is later called the Great Mutiny. They sail for the Mediterranean and have uneasiness about them as they watch for signs of trouble or discontent.


比利看到了舷梯处罚,并决定了他总是履行他的职责,他的行为永远不会让他大吼大叫。虽然他已经做出了决议,但他偶尔会陷入困境。他对此感到困惑,并进入丹斯克,似乎对他感到沮丧。比利要求他看待他的意见,他说这是因为克拉格特不喜欢比利。与所有证据相反,他鄙视他。与丹斯克尔讨论后的一天,Billy泄漏了新鲜清洁的甲板上的汤,就像克拉格特通过他一样。Claggart注意到它是比利洒了汤,只用他的藤条轻轻地点击他。这本书似乎说克拉格特在他身上有一个原本上的邪恶。Claggart和船长似乎是船上的唯一两个,可以看到比利伙计的独特纯真。这种感知加剧了Claggart的嫉妒。 Squeak has sensed Claggart’s envy of Billy Budd, and makes up mean names for him, which he tells Claggart are the sort of things that Billy is saying about him. A few days after he spilled the soup, someone was trying to wake him by whispering in his ear. They said to meet on a secluded platform on the deck. He hinted to what it was about. It was very vague. When Billy went to meet the mysterious man, he wasn’t able to see his face because it was in the shadows, but he could tell that the person was one of the afterguardsmen. The sailor said that there was a gang of men that were impressed into service just as Billy had been, and he wanted to know if Billy wanted to join them. The sailor offered Billy what looked like gold coins. Billy was angered greatly by this, and stutters and threatens to throw the sailor overboard. The sailor is offended and runs away.

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事后,比利告诉了他的朋友丹斯克一些事情的细节。比利没有告诉丹斯克那是事后保镖干的,丹斯克说克拉加特要抓他。这让比利想知道克拉加特和这一切有什么关系。比利不理会丹斯克告诉他的关于克拉加特的事,尽管这位教头有时在他身边举止怪异。他没有意识到,在克拉加特平静的外表下,有一个嫉妒心很强的人想要抓住他。几天后,克拉加特接近维尔船长,告诉他有一个水手是个危险人物,他正在船员中策划一些危险的事情。船长对克拉加特失去了耐心,打断了他,要求知道这个危险的水手是谁。克拉加特说他是“威廉·巴德”。船长对这一指责感到惊讶,想知道怎样才能尽快平息这件事。维尔船长决定把比利·巴德和克拉加特带到他的船舱里,这样当克拉加特的指控被证明是错误的时候,他们就可以了结这件事。 Claggart waits in the captain’s cabin while his personal attendant is sent to fetch Billy. Billy enters the captain’s cabin and notices that Claggart is present. He is not alarmed, but rather surprised. Captain Vere tells Claggart to tell Billy face to face the accusations he had previously made. Claggart repeats the story to Billy, and he is speechless. Vere orders Billy to speak in his own defense, but Billy is still tongue-tied and can’t seem to be able to find his voice. After an instant more of silence, Billy’s arm lashes out and strikes Claggart on the forehead. He falls to the ground dead. Billy and the Captain try to revive Claggart, but he is definitely lifeless. The Captain regains his official composure and orders Billy to wait in the rear stateroom. He sends for the ship’s surgeon who confirms that Claggart is dead. Captain Vere tells the surgeon that he will quickly call a drum-head court, and to tell the ship’s officers, but not anyone else. The surgeon disapproves of the Captains order to call a drum-head court, yet he can do nothing about it. Other lieutenants and the marine captain share his amazement and dismay. The drum-head court is put together, and Captain Vere is the only witness. Billy admits to having killed the master-at-arms, but says that Claggart was lying. He is very sorry that he is dead, but never meant to kill the man. Captain Vere urges the court to be compassionate with their ruling. Billy is convicted and sentenced to be hanged at the yardarm in the early morning. Chapters 24-31 Pages 95-116 The crew is summoned on deck, where the captain tells them what has happened. The sailors are astonished by what they hear. They can’t believe it. Claggart’s body is then buried at sea according to the rituals of his naval rank. Billy is put in irons and is visited by the chaplain. He doesn’t seem to see the chaplain so he goes, but returns again around midnight. The chaplain tries to tell Billy about God, but he just listens politely even though he does not know what the chaplain is talking about. Everyone is called on deck to watch the execution. The last words that Billy Budd says are “God bless Captain Vere!” They return to the English fleet in the Mediterranean, where the ship meets hostility. In the battle, Captain Vere is hit and seriously wounded by a musket ball. The senior lieutenant captures the enemy ship and takes both ships into Gibraltar. Captain Vere is dying, and on shore he is heard to murmur to his attendant, the words- “Billy Budd, Billy Budd.” A few weeks later, in a Navy Chronicle, a passage said that there was a man named Billy Budd that had stabbed Claggart. It also stated that Billy Budd was not an Englishman, but an alien taking on an English name. In the navy, anything that has to do with an incident that happened in the service, is converted into a monument. The spar from which Billy Budd was hung became so important to some sailors that a chip of it became like a piece of the cross. Though they do not know the whole story of the incident, they know subconsciously that Billy could not be guilty of mutiny, or intentional murderer.

引用本文:威廉安德森(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“Billy Budd:角色和摘要”学校努力, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/billy-budd-characters-summary/



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