关于Stanley Kramer的真相继承了风历史,始终用在电影中作为一种技术,以教导所发生的事件的价值观和道德。但是当他们非常虚构时,通过电影教学历史的观点是什么?在电影中,导演只有通过改变实际活动来满足他们的兴趣,才能兴趣他们的受众的最佳计划。当他使John Scopes的历史和他的“猴子试验”进入一个叫做风的电影时,这是真的。克拉姆人知道他的观众享受了确切的陈规定型“好莱坞历史”。试验本身有一系列冲突,主要是一个进化与宗教。然而,在整个电影中还有一系列紧张局势,包括个人与社会之间的论点。从田纳西州代顿的实际“猴子试验”活动中也可以看出来自围绕风的同样的主题。有时候说,真理比小说更奇怪,并根据这部电影,真理也比小说更强大。

《继承风》忽略了真正的戏剧性时刻,这对发生在田纳西州代顿市的实际审判至关重要。克莱默甚至在这部电影中描绘了他自己对这一审判的看法。真相在电影中如此扭曲,所以现在这个论点不是个别与社会或演变与宗教,但历史与小说。当Bertram Cate(播放)是一个生物学教师的时候,在小镇的小镇里搬到了风中,被闯入了达尔文的进化理论。在这种情况下,两名着名的律师,亨利·德拉蒙德(由)作为后卫和Mathew Harrison Brady(由)作为检察官。Mathew Harrison Brady被派往Hillsboro的“总统候选人投票3次投票”是这项试验的检察官。至于凯特,一位来自巴尔的摩先驱的记者,由e.k.的名义。Horrbeck愿意为他提供名叫亨利德拉姆的律师。Horrbeck对凯特感兴趣,期待从这个大的“媒体”案件中制作大型汇率。这两个对立的律师,德拉姆顿和布拉迪,都是克莱默的两个主要角色,都是关于人类如何抵达地球的意见。Drummond支持演变理论,而Brady,创作理论。 In this film, Kramer distorted the facts of the actual trial to make this film more of a drama than a history documentary. He added fictitious characters like Reverend Heremiah Brown (played by) and his daughter Rachel Brown (played by) to bring this drama out. It’s obvious that Rachel is used as icon in Inherit the Wind to make film be seen as more of a drama with the typical love story that directly attracts more audience to his film. Kramer also added Brady’s death in the courtroom. He dramatically died of a heart attack in the chaotic courtroom at the end of the trial after his last speech. Persecuted the film is far from the truth, the actual trial didn’t happen in quite the same way. The 1925, Dayton, Tennessee went against one of its individual, John Scopes. He just so happened to be substituting for a biology class that was learning about the Darwin’s theory.

Langston Hughes'“Negro”:历史与摘要

与电影相似的是,真正的律师达罗和布莱恩在他们的社会地位上也很出名。达罗是辩护人,布莱恩是检察官。影片中的人物性格也与真实的历史人物截然不同。以德拉蒙德为例,他没有斯科普斯真正的后卫达罗那么愤世嫉俗和尖刻。另一方面,布雷迪在法庭上更像是一个滑稽的狂热分子。从这件事开始,这个小镇的缺陷开始显露出来。希尔斯伯勒的市民比代顿的真正市民对这次审判更加狂热、卑鄙和无知。从虚构的人物以及历史和电影之间的遥远差异,我可以得出结论,克雷默导演这部电影时是完全有偏见的。当把实际审判和电影进行比较时,很明显克莱默考虑的不仅仅是观众的兴趣,还有他自己的兴趣。他对某一类人和他们的信仰有偏见。 The people who believed in the “miracle recorded in the bible, especially the section in Genesis about God’s creation, were portrayed in a disgraceful uncomplimentary way. However, the people who didn’t believe in the bible were eminently reasonable people who must put on with the threats and ignorance of the fundamentalist Christians around them. The Christian fundamentalists, Bryan being one of them, were consistently lampooned throughout the film while skeptics and agnostics were consistently portrayed as intelligent, rational, and even heroic like Drummond. Kramer did want to make Inherit the Wind similar to John Scopes’ trial. It can also be seen that Kramer had made the names of the character and the history figure with almost all the same syllables and even some with the same letter of the first letter in their names.





