在Pearl S的《大地》中,主人公王龙是一个贫穷的农民,他买了老婆,在社会的阶梯上往上爬在农民革命时期。这个故事展示了中国古代文化的许多主要思想,如社会秩序、妇女的待遇、家庭在日常生活中的作用。在电影的开头,屏幕上出现了这样一句话:“一个伟大国家的灵魂体现在它最卑微的人民的生活中。”在这个简单的中国农民的故事里,也许可以找到一些中国的灵魂。它的谦卑,它的勇气,它过去的深厚遗产以及它对未来的广阔前景。”这意味着一个帝国的伟大也可以通过它最贫穷的人民的生活来衡量,从这一点你可以知道它的特点和帝国的走向。《大地》准确地再现了宋唐时期的中国。家庭的角色在电影和书中都得到了充分的体现。家中最年长的男性总是受到人们的尊敬和孝顺。孝就是尊老爱幼,越老越有智慧。 In the beginning, Wang Lung bought an ugly slave for a wife because his wise father told him to. Wang Lung’s respect for his father somewhat diminishes as his wealth increases and because of this he buys a second wife for his own pleasure. This shows that the Chinese society was predisposed against women and they were a disgrace to the family. The Good Earth shows the treatment, or mistreatment, of women accurately.

以今天的标准来看,阿兰受到了很不好的对待,但与当时许多其他丈夫相比,王龙对她还算好。在中国,妇女被当作奴隶对待,她们经常下田、持家、照顾孩子。如果一对夫妇的第一个孩子是女孩,那么她很有可能会被杀死,因为只有男人才能挣到很多钱。有些女人裹脚以保持小巧,这被认为是很有吸引力的。如果一个女人的脚被绑着,那么她就不能成为奴隶,甚至不能用弱智的脚正常行走。富人有时会有两个妻子,一个是他们买来当奴隶的,另一个是买来美化自己的。女性处于社会食物链的最底层,每个人都比她们高。特别是宋代和唐代中国的社会秩序得到了正确的体现,这表现在士绅阶层的崛起和贵族地主的缓慢衰落。绅士阶层是受过良好教育,有特殊技能的人,他们开始变得更有价值。在中国,农民非常贫穷和无数,直到绅士阶级出现。 The gentry class was made up of merchants, shop owners, and skilled artisans. This group can be compared to today’s working middle class. The movie shows the revolt of the peasents against the Nobles and Landowners. When the gentry class came in, they began to buy the land from The Great House and give themselves power. Now the educated scholars with skills were the respected powerful. When Wang Lung fell into his wealth he began to buy more land and reap the benefits from the crops on his land. With his increasing capitol he eventually bought The Great House. The Good Earth is a story of a poor peasant during a time of change in ancient China, and how he moved up to the top of his society. This story accurately conveys the Chinese culture and way of life during the Song and Tang Dynasties. The rise of the Gentry class and the fall of the aristocratic nobles, was truly and truthfully depicted. This was both a time of joy as well as suffering for the Chinese people that is portrayed in The Good Earth.

引用这篇文章如下:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“Pearl S. Wang’s The Good Earth Summary & Analysis”SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/pearl-s-wangs-the-good-earth-summary-analysis/




