骑士圣殿骑士,一个僧侣的军事秩序,只应对教皇本人,成立于1118年。他们的主要责任最初最初,是为基督徒提供对圣地的朝圣的保护。他们掌权,宗教和世俗,成为基督教群体中最富有和最强大的实体之一。到了1307年的解散时,这一高度秘密的组织控制了丰富的财富,这是一个商船舰队,以及跨越整个地中海地区的城堡和庄园。当十字军从1099年夺取穆斯林的耶路撒冷时,教会鼓励所有忠实的基督徒访问那个圣城以确认他们的信仰。然而,该地区仍然受到各种非基督教派系的零星攻击。一小群骑士,由Hugh de Payens领导,发誓要保护朝圣者。本集团由耶路撒冷邦·鲍德威二世国王授予准官方地位,他允许他们在所罗门神庙附近的皇宫翼的宿舍。它来自这个初始发布,命令派生它的名字。他们采取了标准的贫困,贞洁和服从,并涉及奥古斯丁秩序的规则。[Upton-ward 1]尽管各种欧洲人称慷慨贡献,但近期临近的顺序略了几年。 In 1126, Count Hugh of Champagne, having donated his estates to Bernard of Clairvaux for use in building a monestary for the Cistercian order, arrived in Jerusalem to join the Templars. This action indirectly obligated Bernard to support the newly chosen advocacy of his benefactor. He wrote to the count, “If, for God’s work, you have changed yourself from count to knight and from rich to poor, I congratulate you.” [Howarth 49] In the year 1126, King Baldwin found two reasons for wanting official recognition of the order.

首先,他或许过早地赐予休··霍尔·哈格支付寺庙的主人。其次,国王有机会在大马士革城市发动攻击,但他需要更多的骑士。教皇认可将允许在欧洲开放招募订单。Baldwin王寄给了一封信给克莱尔沃克的伯纳德,这个命令的主要赞助人,后来被称为圣伯纳德,要求他向教皇申请官方认可。[豪豪50-51]国王的信是由两个忠诚和可信赖的骑士,安德鲁德·蒙特巴德(Andrew de Montbard)的船长,与Bernard和Gondemare相关联。在抵达Clairvaux后,这两个骑士借着Baldwin的信,这是鲍尔德的信。[upton-ward 3]“上帝为捍卫我省和他赋予了特殊保护的兄弟兄弟们,渴望获得使徒批准以及他们自己的生命统治......因为我们熟悉重量您与上帝的代祷以及与欧洲的其他王子以及其他欧洲王子,我们介绍了这两个折叠的使命,其成功将非常欢迎我们。让圣殿骑士的宪法是适合生活在战争发生冲突和骚动的男性,而基督教王子的尚未接受的是他们是有价值的辅助的人。到目前为止,如果上帝喜欢,努力将这个问题带到快速和成功的问题。“ [qtd. in Howarth 50-51] Bernard realized at once the genius of the proposal to combine religious and military endeavors. Through such organizations, the borders of Christendom could be extended and fortified. He immediately granted his approval of the plan and pledged his full support. He petitioned Pope Honorius II for a special council to consider the matter, and he notified Hugh of his actions. [Howarth 51] The Council of Troyes convened on January 13, 1128, a bitterly cold Saint Hilary’s Day, for the primary purpose of considering the request of the Knights Templar. Despite the delays of written communications, Hugh de Payens, accompanied by several brother knights, arrived from the Holy Land in time to attend the meetings of the Council. [Howarth 51] William of Tyre wrote an account of the events: “Nine years after the founding of this order, the knights were still in secular garb. They wore such garments as the people, for salvation of their souls, bestowed upon them. During this ninth year, a council was held at Troyes in France. There were present the archbishops of Rheims and Sens, with their suffragans; the bishop of Albano, the Pope’s legate; the abbotts of Citeaux, Clairvaux, Potigny; and many others. At this council, by order of Pope Honorious and of Stephen, patriarch of Jerusalem, a rule was drawn up for this order and a habit of white assigned them.” [qtd. in Burman/Templars 27] Although referred to in William’s account by the generic title Abbott of Clairvaux, Bernard, in actuality controlled the proceedings of the council.

毫无疑问,伯纳德的要求将得到满足批准;他以改革修道院生活的成就而闻名。他被宗教举行的最大尊重和领导者相似;在许多圈子里,他被称为第二名。事实上,许多歌剧由迷信订单提供。[罗宾逊66-67]在僧侣比牧师更高度被尊重的时候,由于他们的禁欲生活,贝纳德说,“人们不能仰视祭司,因为人们比这更好祭司。“[罗宾逊67] Bernard的提议在制定订单规则方面,所有人都被所有人所接受。基于他自己的秘书处的圣殿骑士统治的伯纳德,这本身就是基于较老的本笃会规则。[罗宾逊67]圣殿骑士的规则是686项书面法律的严格而复杂的系统,意味着涵盖日常生活的所有可能的方面。


作为一个例子,规则25,在碗和饮料船上,国家:由于碗的短缺,兄弟们会成对吃饭,这样一个人可能会更接近地研究,因此既不引入紧缩也没有秘密禁欲公共膳食。看来似乎是我们每个兄弟都应该在他的杯子里有同样的葡萄酒。[QTD。在Upton-Ward 26]在1139年,Pope Innocent II发出了一只公牛,标题为Omne Datum,宣布骑士圣殿骑士在对教皇的直接和唯一控制之下。这释放了骑士在整个基督教组织和当地教会和世俗统治者身上不受控制的利勒。这种前所未有的自治是在没有小部分的情况下到期,到了新大师的个人请愿,罗伯特勃艮第。虽然休夫是一个优秀的战士,但罗伯特是一个理想的管理员,他理解政治。[豪豪80]订单被授权有牧师兄弟,被授权听取兄弟们的邀请,从而阻止他们的罪。然而,有五个特定罪行,授予了赦免的授权。这些是:“杀死基督徒男人或女人;猛烈地攻击另一个兄弟; attacking a member of another order or a priest; renouncing holy orders in order to be received as a brother; and entering the order by simony.” [Upton-Ward 5] It was also during the mastership of Robert that the Rules were translated from Latin into French. Church documents were normally in Latin only, but since most of the Knights were soldiers rather than educated clerics, they were unable to read Latin. In 1147, the Knights were authorized to wear a red cross upon their white mantles, despite rule 18, which forbade any decorations on their clothing. [Upton-Ward 12] As the Knights Templar gained political and economic strength, they found themselves involved in many aspects of secular life. They established the first truly international banking service; travelers not wanting to travel with large sums could deposit their monies at any Temple and collect a like amount at their destination. [Burman/Templars 85] The Templars were the primary bankers for the Holy See. Since the order was a papal creation which was administered directly by the Pope himself, their significance as papal bankers is understandable. Less obvious is the Templars’ function as royal bankers for several of Europe’s royal houses. The two greatest Temples outside the Levant were located in Paris and London. These two Temples offered a full range of financial services to the royal houses, including collecting taxes, controlling debts and administering pension funds. [Burman/Templars 87-88] The treasury of the King of France was kept safely within the vault of the Temple of Paris. [Sinclair 36] The Templars owned a great fleet of merchant ships with which to convey all manner of goods, e.g., pepper and cotton, as well as pilgrims, between Europe and the Holy Land. People wanting to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, but lacking the resources to do so, were allowed to assign rights to their houses and property, upon their death, to the Templars in exchange for passage on a Templar ship.

为避免对高利贷的指控,这一程序是由教皇Eugenius II在1145年发布的教皇公牛量子Praeness合作。。通过策划独立阿拉伯联合酋长国的策划,为骑士的军事行动构成复杂和往往混淆的背景。他们的第一次行动是安提阿的北部部门。他们抓住了阿甘寺的3月,在阿甘斯和亚洲未成年人之间形成了自然障碍。[缅甸/圣地德尔驰50]骑士圣堂队经常与骑士,骑士,另一种军事秩序并排并排争斗。成立于为病人,受伤或贫困的朝圣者提供庇护。这两位战士命令在一起,提供了一个强大的战斗力的圣地。虽然一些历史暗示了两者之间的深层和痛苦的竞争,但它们更有可能在战斗期间很好地合作,对行动之间的单调周保持任何这种诡辩。[upton-ward 6-7]圣殿骑士的第一个军事行动是在圣地的北部部门。1131年,他们在安提阿的阿甘窟捕获了三月。这是城市和亚洲未成年人之间的自然障碍,这是控制了两条道路进入安提阿的道路。 The same year, King Fulk, Baldwin’s successor, travelled to the site and granted ownership to the Templars.

[Burman / Templars 52]控制圣地的各个领域在十字军和阿拉伯人之间来回看,既没有享受决定性的胜利。然后,随着伟大的阿拉伯领袖Salah-Ad-DIN Yusuf Ibn-Aiyub的崛起,力量的余额开始改变,以西方人称为沙拉蛋白。他出生于叙利亚巴拉贝克1138年,他出生于1138年,他的父亲是军事州长。他开始通过陪伴他的父亲和叔叔在各种竞选方面发展战士技能。[缅甸/圣堂队98]萨拉丁的力量崛起迅速和成功。他坚持正统的逊尼派信仰导致他在他的史艾德军队中发起了戏剧性的变化。在他最终崛起的苏丹的地位后,他宣布了一个“圣战”,或圣战,反对十字军。这种强烈的重新聚焦穆斯林努力开始逐步转变电力。基督徒的据点在越来越多的数量下降,创造了多米诺骨牌效应。到1187年中期,萨拉丁捕获了英亩,纳布卢斯,贾法,托尔,西蒙,贝鲁特和阿斯卡隆。 Jerusalem fell on 2 October, 1187. [Burman/Templars 108] The fall of Jerusalem was a disaster from which the Crusades never recovered.

萨拉丁的囚犯是耶路撒冷王和莫阿布的堡垒指挥官的耶路撒冷王。在他帐篷里娱乐两者之后,萨拉丁杀死了雷诺。国王看到了他的同胞犯下的囚犯,以为他肯定接下来,但萨拉丁让他带回了他的帐篷并告诉他,“这不是杀王国王的习惯。”萨拉丁的胜利完成了。[Payne 223-4]在混乱的情况下,订单开始分散。医院首先删除了他们的总部,然后去了马耳他;而且,随着1291年的终极秋季,圣殿骑士损失了他们的业务基础并重新安置到塞浦路斯。实际上,订单失去了原因存在的存在。[upton-ward 9]作为骑士有他们的核定顾客,所以有他们的敌人。1305年,法国菲利普史蒂姆,被称为菲利普的公平,抓住了圣洁的看法并将曲目搬迁到Avignon。 From there, he initiated a series of papal decrees, ostensibly issues by Pope Clement V, a puppet pope under his absolute control. Eyeing the vast fortunes and resources of the Templars, he conceived a plot of treachery against them. Since he also controlled the Inquisition in France, he had no difficulty leveling a whole laundry list of horrible, but adsurd and largely unsupportable, crimes against the Knights. [Burman/Inquisition 95] The role of the Inquisition, under the auspices of Chief Inquisitor Guillaume of Paris, was to obtain confessions and conduct trials. On Friday the 13th of September, 1307, the warrant was issued for the arrest of the Knights and seizure of their property. Many of the Temples were ‘tipped off’ by the local sheriffs about the impending sweep, but Grand Master Jacques de Molay and his associates were arrested in their bed clothes. The interrogations, aimed at soliciting evidence of any wrongdoing with which to prove the allegations against the order, dragged on for years. Ultimately, the Grand Master, along with other high-ranking Templars, were executed by burning in March, 1314, on an island in the Seine. [Howarth 17] The years between the arrest of Templars and the order’s final dissolution afforded plenty of time for knights on the lam to become absorbed by the underground. Knights in England were never pursued, due largely to a rift between the King and the Church, and many were thought to have participated in the war between Scotland and England, on the side of Robert the Bruce. [Robinson 150-51] The vast fleet of Templar merchant ships was never found.


没有基于法国海岸的La Rochelle的18艘Templar船只的记录,也没有任何各种圣堂船通常在泰晤士河或其他英国海港堆积。有一些猜测是,通过掠夺进入19世纪的欧洲航运,在全球范围内获得全球普遍存在的巴巴里盗版,由海滨圣地达到他们的思想。许多订单的船只是罗利,特别适合盗版。[罗宾逊165]在梅森的启动中可以找到一个更神秘的宗旨之一。发起人被告知他的学位“将使你成为海盗和崇拜的兄弟。”[罗宾逊165-66]在1813年,由一艘由一家弗里马森占有的商船被捕获并被海盗登机。在绝望时,船长使大师梅森陷入困境的宏伟欣赏迹象。海盗船长显然承认了秘密迹象,并允许商人船舶不受武装。[罗宾逊166]菲利普队的骑士圣殿骑兵的破坏是由于他在订单中作为财富,傲慢,贪婪和保密的东西。即使是菲利普的律师也承认“也许并非所有人都犯了罪。” It took more than suspicion of guilt to bring about the downfall of such a powerful entity as the Knights Templar. The final blow, however, was probably three-fold: a general unpopularity of the order among the European aristocracy, due in part to jealousy; a chronic shortage in the French treasury, despite heavy taxation; and Master de Molay’s refusal to consider a merger of the Templars with the Hospitallers, as suggested by the Pope. The fact remains, however, that no evidence of heresy was ever found. [Burman/Templars 180] An order founded by nine knights in Jerusalem came to amass great wealth and power, which speaks well of their integrity and discretion. They became the “shock troops” of the Holy See. When they lost their original mission of protecting pilgrims upon the fall of Jerusalem, their downfall became inevitable. [Sinclair 37] .


缅甸,爱德华。调查。纽约:Dorset,1984年。 - 。圣殿骑士。罗切斯特,vt:命运,1986。«罗马,斯蒂芬。骑士圣堂武士。纽约:Dorset,1982年.Payne,Robert。伊斯兰教的历史。纽约:Dorset,1987年。罗宾逊,约翰J.出生于血液中。纽约:埃文斯,1989年。辛克莱,安德鲁。 The Sword and the Grail. New York: Crown, 1992. Upton-Ward, J. M. The Rule of the Templars. Suffolk: Boydell, 1992.



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