锡的发现者是未知的,但有一件事是已知的。锡被古人使用并发现了。锡是偶然发现的。锡已经存在很多年了。圣经旧约中提到锡就是证据。锡对世界产生了巨大的影响,因为它价格低廉,导电率高,而且如果用锡代替铝做罐头,锡可以防止食物中的锈蚀和弱酸。锡的一些常见化合物是碳和锡的结合体。当锡与碳形成形成有机锡时,可以产生500多种有机锡化合物。这些化合物用于日常生活中。一种是牙膏容器,还有木材、纸张、纺织品、农场喷雾剂和医院消毒剂。要得到纯锡,你必须先找到锡石或锡石,一种锡的二氧化物。锡石在冶炼和焙烧前必须粉碎成粉末,以除去锡石中的砷和硫。当你熔炼锡时,你必须用碳加热以除去锡中的锌、铜、铋和铁。 Tin had been used for many things but tins use is dropping rapidly although tin is still used a lot for plating. Plating such things as electrical contacts.

锡也被用作保护涂层。这种保护层可以小到15/1,000,000英寸。这种保护层可以防止钢和其他金属生锈。一层锡也使普通的旧钢看起来很棒。罐头食品可以防止弱酸破坏罐头内部。自从铝开始被用来做罐头,用锡做的罐头就不多了,罐头的使用量急剧下降。锡还被用来涂在订书钉、别针、青铜钟、锡罐和许多其他东西上。另一种流行的锡混合物是锡和铅。锡和铅可作电工焊料。电池接触在黑和德克尔蛇灯也是镀锡。 A compound tin salt is used to spray onto glass windows to produce electrically conductive coating for panel lighting and frost free windshields for cars. One last use for tin is in the making of glass windows that are made by floating molten glass on molten tin. This produces a flat piece of glass to be used as windows


工业基本上只将锡用于电力电镀或保护金属,如锡。锡is found in Molaya, Bolivia, Indonesia, Zaire, Thailand, Nigeria, but almost no tin is found in America, although some tin has been found in Alaska and California. Tin has an atomic number fifty on the periodical table of the elements. Tin’s atomic symbol is Sn. Tin’s atomic weight is 119 amu (118.69 amu). Tin’s electronic configuration is 2-8-18-18-4. Tin is in Group 14. Tin has a gray color unless heated then it turns white. Tin is also a malleable and ductile element. Tin is a very soft metal. Tin melts at 450 degrees F. Tins density is 7.2984 centimeters squared. Tin has 69 neutrons and 70 protons.

引用这篇文章为:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“锡:元素,使用,事实,”在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/tin-element-uses-facts/




