


根据医生,特纳综合征可能被诊断出用以下替代名称之一诊断:45 - X综合征,Bonnevie-Ulrich综合征,染色体X,单兆字X,Morgagni-Turner-allbright综合征,卵巢矮主义,特纳类型等。


身高增长缓慢是该综合征最常见的可见特征(成人平均身高为4英尺8英寸)可能是青春期前的唯一迹象。他们的身体比例正常。患有这种综合征的女孩在童年时期可能有很多中耳感染;如果不治疗,这些慢性感染可能会导致听力损失。在大约两岁的时候,身高的增长大致是正常的,但随后就落后于其他女孩了。如果女婴身高大幅下降,如果还没有确诊,就应该进行染色体检查。早期诊断是非常重要的,以便能够给父母提供足够正确的信息,并逐渐给孩子自己,使她有最好的发展可能性。早期诊断也很重要的情况下,手术治疗先天性心脏缺损(见约20%的病例)是需要的。最常见的缺损是心脏主动脉缩窄引起的主动脉狭窄。建议所有患有特纳综合征的女孩定期进行心脏超声检查。 This type of heart defect is present at birth and can be corrected surgically. If not present at birth, it does not develop later in life. The lack of sexual development at puberty is the second most common characteristic. Having abnormal chromosomes does not mean that girls with Turner syndrome are not really female; they are women with a condition that causes short stature and poorly developed ovaries. Affected females may also exhibit the following symptoms: infertility, kidney abnormalities, thyroid disease, heart disease, abnormalities of the eyes and bones, webbed neck, low hairline, drooping of eyelids, abnormal bone development, absent or retarded development of physical features that normally appear at puberty, decrease of tears when crying, simian crease (a single crease in the palm), a “caved-in” appearance to the chest, puffy hands and feet, unusual shape and rotation of ears, soft upturned nails, small lower jaw, arms turned out slightly at elbows, shortened 4th fingers, small brown moles, hearing loss, scoliosis, cataracts , scars, overweight, Chrohn disease. The normal female has 46 chromosomes, of which the two sex chromosomes are X-chromosomes. This is expressed as 46,XX (men: 46,XY). In many women with Turner syndrome, one of the X-chromosomes lacks completely, and the chromosome pattern then becomes 45,X. The X-chromosome in women is the carrier of genes related to production of ovaries and female sex hormones, and to growth in height. Girls with Turner syndrome are generally born with ovaries and egg cells, but the lack of X-chromosome material results in gradual disappearance of the egg cells. At some point in childhood, usually during the first years of life, no egg cells remain. Ovaries are then present without egg cells. The female sex hormone (oestrogen), necessary for the girl to start puberty, is usually produced by the egg cells. In girls with Turner syndrome, insufficient oestrogen is produced for the girl to start puberty. Neither spontaneous development of puberty nor the accompanying growth spurts are seen in girls with Turner syndrome.



导致特纳综合征的性染色体改变的原因尚不清楚,也不知道为什么会有不同与综合征发展有关的症状。在老年母亲的儿童中,其他染色体缺陷更常见,有时也是老人父亲,但这似乎没有适用于特纳综合症。。然而,在特纳综合征的情况下,细胞中缺少一个X染色体(45,x);研究表明,除了一个X染色体之外,大约40%的这些个体可以具有一些Y染色体材料。在其他受影响的女性中,可以存在X-染色体,但是一个可能具有遗传缺陷。在其他情况下,一些细胞可以具有正常的X-染色体,而其他细胞没有(45,x / 46,xx马赛克)。虽然特纳综合征的确切原因尚不清楚,但据信这种疾病可能因父母的性细胞的分裂(MeIosis)的误差而导致。在大约80%的病例中,其中整个X-染色体缺失(45,x),它被认为是缺乏父亲的X-染色体。



近年来,这种病症已经使用生长激素治疗,在晚上的皮肤(皮下)下给药。实验相对有限。到目前为止,研究人员认为,取决于治疗的持续时间,有可能将最终高度增加5-10厘米。治疗在不同国家的略微不同,但往往在6 - 7年的年龄左右。为了实现青春期发展,必须给出246厘米,雌激素和生长激素的平均值的体高。雌激素疗法应开始在培养生长激素至少两年(约12-13岁是平均值)后,首先使用小剂量来促进性发展。雌激素被孕酮(一种较强的女性激素)逐渐补充,因为女孩成熟。可以将治疗作为片剂,注射或雌激素膏药。





