今天的儿童肥胖是影响儿童和青少年的最常见的营养疾病(Peters,2009)。肥胖不仅仅超重;它可以有助于中风,心脏病,II型糖尿病,癌症和关节炎的风险(McVeigh,2009)。加拿大超过160万儿童超重,儿童的肥胖率正在攀登以惊人的速度(Hodges, 2003)。专家警告说,如果一个孩子在6岁时肥胖,那么他成年后肥胖的几率为50%。如果孩子在10岁时仍然肥胖,那么有80%的几率肥胖会一直伴随他们到成年。与成年人不同,儿童的身体还在发育,因此很难预测儿童是否肥胖。一个标准的测量工具是身体质量指数(BMI),这是身高和体重的比率(Silva, 2003)。如果一个孩子的体重达到85%,那么他就是超重的;如果他的体重达到95%,那么他就是肥胖的(Silva, 2003)。儿童比以往任何时候都更超重,并经历严重的健康问题,这对一个年幼的孩子来说可能是致命的。


当一个孩子的思想、态度和观念发展的时候,他们很容易受到影响,尤其是受到媒体的影响。媒体用歌曲、颜色和名人来吸引孩子们的注意力。随着孩子一生的成长,市场营销对他们的行为和决定具有持久的影响(Ruskin, 2003)。接触儿童的主要广告工具是电视。电视正在使孩子们长胖。随着看电视的时间的不断减少,孩子们失去了活跃的游戏时间,给他们的生活增加了更多的不活跃。美国孩子平均每周看19小时40分钟的电视,他们不断接触到垃圾食品和快餐(Ruskin, 2003)。在YTV 5点到5点半的半小时的儿童节目中,13个广告轰炸屏幕,包括快餐、糖饮料和不健康的零食。当这些数字一起计算时,这意味着在一周的时间里,一个孩子可以观看超过500个关于食物的广告。1978年,联邦贸易委员会得出结论,“针对儿童的电视广告中最大的一个部分是含糖食品”(Ruskin, 2003)。 Advertisers know that children are innocent beings and take advantage of their lack of knowledge to comprehend the true ’meaning’ of commercials and advertisements. With skinny celebrities and fun exciting experiences involved with unhealthy food advertisements it is difficult, especially for young children to know what is right, true, and good for them. Unfortunately, advertising this unhealthy food is everywhere in the child’s sight and large companies take advantage of children’s televisions shows to sell and promote their products. 80% of commercials on children’s televisions shows are for junk food (Regulatory intelligence, 1998).Large cooperation’s are using every opportunity to sell their product to children. Junk foods are now featured in children’s books, such as Hershey’s chocolates, M&M’s, Froot Loops, Reese’s Pieces, Oreo cookies, and Skittles (Ruskin, 2003). Story time is now even a gateway to sell products to children. Advertising is always pulling children to unhealthy foods and snacks.

餐馆和快餐行业通过玩具和着色使他们的产品受到孩子们的欢迎。1995-1997年间,在快餐店就餐和吃零食的比例翻了一番(Ruskin, 2003)。这种增长是由于我们的社会和生活方式的变化。快节奏的生活是我们的生活方式,由于我们的社会生活方式的改变,人们现在依靠快餐来跟上。可悲的是,孩子们是这种快节奏生活方式的受害者,他们正在学习快餐,是好的食物。在汉堡王、麦当劳和奶品皇后,每一个孩子的菜单都在孩子可以看到的高度,用玩具来吸引孩子的注意力。尽管快餐试图改变孩子们的菜单,创造更健康的选择,但最终还是孩子们的选择。从汉堡、鸡块、通心粉和热狗,孩子们吃了大量的高盐、高糖和饱和脂肪。在国际肥胖期刊上,在前一周吃了三次快餐的儿童,相对于那些没有摄入更多热量的儿童,高达40% (Ruskin, 2003)。孩子们很自然地被玩具和“有趣”的食物所吸引。 When restaurants have colouring pages for a child they naturally enjoy the place where they are eating. Boston Pizza for example offers a kids “fun pack” along with a menu that ranges from “bugs and cheese” to “BP kids cheeseburgers” with a side of fries. Both of these meals can add up to 32 grams of fat and just over 680 calories. Add a sugary pop and ice cream for dessert and a child can consume up to 900 calories and 40 grams of fat in one sitting. The scariest part of these meals is that they can have up to 1,030 mg of sodium which is almost exceeding half of the recommended amount for children.

孩子们每天在学校呆8个小时。学校是孩子们成长和学习交流的地方。在这个机构呆的时间越长,孩子以后的生活就会对他们的态度和行为产生持续影响。学校里的学生需要得到接受教育和实践健康生活的机会。学校的课程也发生了变化,更注重“学习时间”,而不是其他活动。在20世纪20年代,作为家庭经济运动的一部分,数以百万计的学生被教导适当的营养以及哪些食物含有他们生长所需的营养(Ruskin, 2003)。营养在今天的小学系统中完全被忽视了,孩子们没有机会学习营养知识。

像锻炼一样简单的东西对孩子的健康状况和未来的生活方式非常有益。事实证明,缺乏体育运动和活动是肥胖增加的第一原因(监管情报,1998)。像休息一样简单的东西应该在体育锻炼中吸引孩子,以帮助保持健康的体重。最近的休息时间正在学校拍摄。儿童不应该从他们身上取得如此有价值的社会和身体活动。身体活动与数学或英语同样重要,学校系统应该知道这一点。身体活动需要在我们儿童的生活中发挥重要作用,以及学校作为社会和教育身体的人,需要为运动提供适当的时间和机会。应每天举行身体活动课程。学校现在将体育活动课程推到每周三次。当被问及当地小学法国人的湾的老师时,学生多久接受休息休息的体育课程,答案只有三个45分钟的课程。 If children are given time to play, and run around, they will actually be far more productive within the classroom. In a growing number of studies, diminished opportunities for outdoor playtime have been linked with school difficulties, increased childhood anxiety, disconnection from nature, attention deficit disorder, and the epidemic of childhood obesity (Gross-Loh, 2007). School systems should know that the lack of physical activity is closely tied with the growing increase of obesity. The schools should be providing physical activity for young children on a daily bases. Researchers believe that giving kindergartens at least 5 hours of physical activity a week could reduce obesity by 43% (Childhood obesity, 2004)The school system at present is a large part to blame when it comes to the growing epidemic for childhood obesity. Children remain as easily malleable individuals who can easily be taught good habits and schools should give children the tools to be successful both academically and physically.

儿童需要获得正确的工具来学习饮食和过上健康的生活方式。学校在每个角落提供自动售货机,披萨日,小食店,热狗,对孩子们没有帮助。在学校举行的精神日和“有趣”活动总是伴随着热狗、披萨和冰棒。这种不健康的食品再次在学校系统中被强制执行,因为吃它是一种“乐趣”和享受。孩子在学校对食物的诱惑,也可能受到学校环境的鼓励。虽然有些学校在自助餐厅提供健康的午餐,但有些学校根本没有自助餐厅。没有从父母或学校得到健康午餐的孩子,可以选择从自动售货机购买含糖饮料、软饮料和不健康的零食。60%的小学有自动售货机,20所高中中有19所有自动售货机(Ruskin, 2003)。学校助长了不健康食品的诱惑,并且没有帮助教育孩子们健康的选择。

在观察当地一所公立学校三年级学生的教室时,午餐中发现的零食和苏打水的数量令人不安。超过78%的儿童午餐含有高糖果汁和汽水,一杯饮料的含糖量高达25克。根据一项研究,每天每喝一罐苏打水,孩子变胖的可能性会增加1.6倍(Ruskin, 2003)。当被问及喝了含糖饮料的学生一天会喝多少时,他们的平均答案几乎是3,这相当于一天喝饮料中超过75克的糖。在支持研究中发现,三分之二的男孩每天喝三罐苏打水,而三分之二的女孩每天喝两罐(监管情报,1998)。家长们给孩子们提供了太多的空热量,学生们的饭袋里塞满了不健康的午餐、dunkaroos曲奇、饼干和巧克力。如果孩子们不进行体育锻炼,而吃这些垃圾食品,他们的体重和健康都会受到影响。从1977年到2006年,美国儿童每天在他们的饮食中增加了168卡路里的零食;研究发现(Healy, 2010)。零食的增加增加了孩子的腰围,不活动的孩子比以往任何时候都更重。


指责父母很容易,因为父母是抚养孩子的人,但社会需要考虑一个家庭可能面临的其他问题,有关食物的供应和选择。毫无疑问,健康的新鲜食品比不健康的包装食品更贵。一些家庭无法为他们的孩子提供新鲜的食物。孩子们对父母和家庭提供给他们的食物感到无助。家庭的社会经济水平使得为孩子提供新鲜、健康的食物变得困难。纽约大学的一项研究发现,经济和社会资源减少的社区有更高的肥胖率。他们还发现,低收入城市地区的居民更有可能报告说,社区在体育活动方面存在更大的障碍,比如日常步行或体育活动的机会有限,去销售健康食品的商店,尤其是大型超市的机会较少。(Blythman, 2004)。低收入地区的公园和健康食品较少。在低收入地区,如廉价食品是高碳水化合物,糖,盐,不新鲜。 Not having the access to healthy foods makes it nearly impossible for a child to learn and grow up with healthy food choices. Grocery stores built in high income living areas offer a fresher selection, and healthier foods, where as grocery stores in low income areas carry cheap unhealthy foods in bulk. Parents do not have a choice, when you need to feed your family you buy food that will fill them up and what you can afford. Typically lots of cheap food is not healthy for anyone, let alone a growing child who needs a wide range of healthy foods to grow properly. For a low income family fast food restaurants offer lots of cheap food that will keep them full. A family wants to fill there child, and the healthy benefits are not a top priority. In low income areas such as Rexdale in Toronto the amount of fast food restaurants within walking distance of residence is a large difference compared to higher income areas such as Leadside. Companies know their food is cheap, and are going to provide their food to their most valued consumers.


孩子们从父母那里学习,模仿他们所看到的。从很小的时候开始,孩子们形成他们的饮食习惯,学习不健康或健康的习惯。孩子对甜饮料、咸零食和垃圾食品的胃口在上学年龄之前就形成了(Rigby, 2004)。对于父母来说,这个年龄是告知孩子健康饮食或提供健康食品的关键。在孩子很小的时候,如果父母用食物作为奖励,孩子的食欲线索可能会被扭曲(Hodges, 2003)。父母需要明白,他们教给孩子的关于饥饿和食物的知识将贯穿他们的一生。如果父母不活动,很可能孩子也不活动;如果父母吃不健康的食物,他们的孩子可能也会。饮食不健康、不吃早餐、不吃零食的父母很可能会把这些习惯传给他们的孩子。父母只是在饮食习惯和锻炼方面树立了一个坏榜样。 Children aged four to seven whose parents were physically active were nearly six times as likely to be physically active compared to peers whose parents were not physically active (Hodges, 2003). As a family parents need to guide children through healthy eating and physical activity routines, oppose to dieting or just eating less. The parents provide the money for the lunches, vending machines, and provide the meals a child will consume. If children are exposed to this unhealthy food they are going to eat it. If parents do not provide the soda, snacks, and pre packaged food children are not going to eat it. Parents are lazy when it comes to feeding their children, and have lost the desire to prepare meals, which is important to create a balanced diet for their family. Busy work schedules have made eating a fast pace event where the child is the victim. With both parents working, children are left to fend for themselves after school, and typically consume unhealthy, easy to make foods. When it comes to the dinner table, typically parents will tell kids to eat everything on their plate, yet our plate sizes have grown over the last decades to more than the proper portion size (Peters, 2009). With servings growing at home and in restaurants we are simply over feeding our children. Some parents do not understand that they are doing harm to their child, and are even blind to see the effects that the food is doing. Out of 99 mothers who had overweight children, 79% of them failed to identify that their child was overweight (Hodges, 2003). The parents need to adjust their perception on what is considered overweight, and educate themselves on proper eating for their child. Parents should not be providing the large packs of soda, snacks, and sugar because they are simply teaching their child it is okay to have this unhealthy food on a regular basis. Children become helpless when they are not given the proper opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle, which they deserve from their parents who are their closest mentors.

关于儿童肥胖有很多误解,谁应该为这种流行病负责。在这场只为自己维持和创造健康体重的战斗中,孩子们是无助的。事实是,社会需要明白,孩子是未来的成年人。父母和社会教给孩子们的东西将在未来实现,并将塑造未来的社区。肥胖儿童比肥胖成年人更容易保持新体重(Ruskin, 2003)。没有必要让一个孩子在一生中都超重,应该鼓励帮助社区、家庭和组织结束儿童肥胖。孩子们需要被激励去过上更好的生活方式,并且知道他们的身体能够改变。有了适当的知识,孩子们可以学会忽略不健康零食和快餐的临时鼓励,并可以成为独立的思考者,做出正确的决定。政府需要明白,无辜的生命正在被缩短,因为快餐和不健康食品的高消费。在我们政府的帮助下,可以阻止大型合作组织攻击儿童的生命。 Exciting, our society is slowly making change, starting in the schools by getting rid of vending machines. Finding effective methods to combat the epidemic of child obesity will come with the help of the government, parents, and social institutions.




Blythman,乔安娜和其他人。“超市的令人震惊的力量:第1部分。”生态学家(伦敦,英格兰)Vol。34,7. 7. 2004年9月:17+。众位研究员。


Gros-Loh,Christine。给我那个古老时间的休息。“母亲第141号。2007年3月/ 4月:54-63。众位研究员。网。








拉斯金,加里。快餐陷阱。Mothering No. 121 11月/ 12月2003: 34-44。众位研究员。网。




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