大多数学者称他为20世纪最伟大的美国作家。有些人甚至说他是有史以来最伟大的美国作家。我们真正了解他的是什么?我们知道他是一位信徒,Macho喝醉了脾气暴躁,其新的直接散文将他与包装分开。但是是什么让他这样的方式?是什么让他打勾?让我们追溯欧内斯特海明威的步骤。故事始于芝加哥郊区伊利诺伊州伊利诺伊州橡树公园。海明威于1899年7月21日出生,在宗教但艺术家庭中。他长大了充满爱的性质和户外活动,而学校则不是他活的东西(当然,英语课除外)。在1917年的高中毕业后,海明威梦想着加入第一次世界大战的战斗人。他的父亲反对他的决定,但并没有阻止年轻人试图报名。 He applied to the Army on a number of occasions but was always rejected on account of a faulty eye. He decided instead to go with his second choice and became a junior reporter for The Kansas City Star, a prominent newspaper of the era. His job was to cover the crime beat, reporting on what went on at the hospitals, police stations, and train stations. It was during that time that he learned how to write succinctly.

在报纸开始六个月后,他在印刷之前看到了广告。它敦促年轻人加入红十字会并成为救护车司机。体格要求不像在军队里那么严格,所以他被录取了。他在意大利尝到了战争的滋味,从战场上疏散伤员。1918年7月8日,奥地利炮兵击中了这位年轻人。伤势非常严重,他不得不在米兰住院治疗。尽管他的右腿上有200多处伤疤,他还是疯狂地爱上了他的护士艾格尼丝·冯·库罗斯基。他们有过一段短暂的罗曼史,但她的事业是第一位的。海明威向她求婚,但她拒绝了,称7岁的年龄差距对她来说太大了。这个19岁的女孩很伤心。战争很快就结束了,他回家养病。 He found modest work writing for Co-operative Commonwealth, a monthly magazine, and met another older (and wealthy) woman, Elizabeth Hadley Richardson. They were married in September 1921. The Hemingways moved to Paris, where he worked as a foreign correspondent for the Toronto Star. As expatriates they befriended other American intellectuals living in the City of Lights. Among them were Ford Madox Ford, Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. They encouraged Hemingway to publish his works of fiction. His first collection of short stories, In Our Time, came off the printing press in 1924 (and a year later in the U.S.).

这群位于格特鲁德斯坦的朋友们闻名的“失落的一代”成为海明威的灵感来源,他写了他的第一部小说。太阳也升起于1926年发表,并且非常成功,商业和批判性。同年晚些时候,海明威离开了他的妻子和儿子为Pauline Pfeiffer,一名记者为杂志,如时尚和虚荣博览会。他的妻子哈德利有一个条件来理解他离婚:欧内斯特和鲍林不得不彼此远离六个月,看看他们是否仍然留在爱情之后。海明威批准了她的愿望,但这对他来说是个艰难的时刻。他甚至被认为是自杀,因为他在1927年1月撰写了以他的信中写给Pauline.Heminingway结婚的Pauline Pfeiffer,他们仍然在巴黎的剩下的十年。在那个时期,他旅行了很多东西来对待他最喜欢的爱好,如钓鱼,狩猎和斗牛。这些是他会写过几年的“男子气概”活动的类型。这对夫妇回到美国,并在佛罗里达州的基韦斯特定居。常规建立了星明威书写,去钓鱼,在镇上喝醉,参加奇怪的酒吧争吵,并感到恶心 - 内疚 - 之后有罪。 He continued to publish short stories and his reputation was still growing. His early short fiction was about life in Michigan and World War I and he later wrote about more mature characters living grand adventures in Florida and Africa. In 1929, he published A Farewell to Arms, a war romance based on his own experience with Agnes von Kurowsky during World War I. The enthralling tale was his greatest triumph yet. In the years that followed, he continued to go deep-sea fishing and bullfighting, and even went on hunting safaris in Africa.

Maurits Cornelis Escher:传记和艺术家

在30年代后期,西班牙内战爆炸了。总是想成为行动的地方,海明威重新安置到西班牙并花了W再次成为一名记者。然而,他的政治主张不会让他袖手旁观。他自己承担起了为那些与佛朗哥将军和他的法西斯政权作战的效忠者筹集资金的责任。这段经历为他最著名的小说《丧钟为谁而鸣》奠定了基础,这本小说出版于1940年,至今仍是他最成功的作品。与此同时,他在西班牙遇到了同行记者玛莎·盖尔霍恩(Martha Gellhorn),并爱上了她。他离开了宝琳和他的第二个儿子,并于1940年与玛莎结婚。这对夫妇搬到了古巴的旧金山德保拉。当美国在1942年加入第二次世界大战时,海明威成立了克鲁克工厂(Crook Factory),这家公司的唯一目的是揭露纳粹在岛上的行动。1943年,他终止了这项业务,转而从事替代狩猎。他驾驶渔船日夜在古巴海岸巡逻,寻找德国潜艇。 As the tide of the war turned and the Allies switched to offensive strategies, Ernest and Martha became war correspondents in England. That wasn’t enough for Hemingway and soon he boarded Royal Air Force planes during bombing runs. Later, he integrated an American unit and crossed the English Channel on D-Day. Unofficially part of the 22nd Regiment of the 4th Infantry Division, he fought his way across Normandy and through the Battle of the Bulge. Military authorities quickly realized that the journalist would rather fight than write about it and they court-martialed Hemingway since he was violating the Geneva Convention. In the end, he was cleared of all accusations.

尽管她有这些品质,海明威还是不能再和玛莎在一起了。她是个职业女性,这是他应付不来的。他们离婚了,他在记者玛丽·威尔士(Mary Welsh)的怀抱中找到了避难所,她最近一直是他的情妇。他对自己失败的婚姻感到内疚,继续酗酒。回到古巴后,他于1946年重新开始写作。从他年轻的时候起,他总是容易出事故。在他众多的车祸中,又发生了第二起飞机失事,他受了重伤(导致报纸上几篇关于他死亡的虚假报道)。但他继续旅行和写作。1953年,他凭借中篇小说《老人与海》获得了普利策小说奖。一年后,他因杰出的职业生涯获得了诺贝尔文学奖。在菲德尔·卡斯特罗和他的军队进入古巴一年后,海明威和妻子玛丽离开了该岛,搬到了爱达荷州的凯彻姆。 His health was deteriorating at this point, both physically and mentally. Writing was becoming difficult for him and his memory was failing him. He was hospitalized twice and underwent treatments and therapy, but his depression was too deeply ingrained. On July 2, 1961, Ernest Hemingway chose to follow in his father’s footsteps and used a shotgun to take his own life.



将本文引用:威廉安德森(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“Ernest Hemingway:传记和作者”学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/ernest-hemingway-biography-author/



