
因此,基督教是一个从根本上有缺陷的宗教。据《圣经》记载,有些事件比耶稣基督的复活更神奇。诸如约书亚所说的太阳的停止(约书亚记10:12-14),以赛亚所说的太阳的方向的逆转(以赛亚书38:7-8),圣徒的复活,以及他们随后出现在许多人面前(马太福音27:52-53)等事件,都被成千上万的人见证了。全世界都能看到太阳的停止和逆转。认为人们可以目睹这些事件而不感到惊讶的想法,非常简单,可笑。其他文化见证了这一点,肯定会根据自己的文化和宗教信仰提供自己的解释。当时的社会肯定会记录下这一奇迹事件。然而,在任何地方都找不到这样的作品。在圣徒复活的例子中,马太是唯一一个在圣经中提到这件事的人。当然,其他一世纪的基督徒会用它来进一步证明耶稣的神性。 It would fall to reason that Paul and the gospels would have mentioned it. This is not, however, the case. Nowhere else in the Bible is this mentioned or even hinted at. These events are then, at best, highly unlikely to have occurred. The fact that Matthew is alone in writing of the resurrection of the saints leads us to believe that certain writers of the Bible had differing views on Christianity. The Christian Bible is highly contradictory, not just to modern day Christian beliefs, but in and of itself. Today’s society is of the belief that all people are created equal, and Christians submit that their god is of the same belief. Modern Christians believe that their god loves everyone, and that they are all equal. However, after Adam and Eve had eaten from the tree forbidden by god, this deity said to Eve “I will intensify the pangs of your childbearing; in pain shall you bring forth children. Yet your urge shall be for your husband, and he shall be your master.” (Genesis 3:16). This tells us that, according to the Christian religion, women shall naturally be dominated by men. This kind of behavior is not conducive to a being who believes in inherent equality. Women are repeatedly treated as objects and told to be submissive in the Bible. “According to the rule observed in all the assemblies of believers, women should keep silent in such gatherings. Rather, as the law indicates, submissiveness is indicated for them. If they want to learn anything, they should ask their husbands at home. It is a disgrace when a woman speaks in the assembly.” (1 Corinthians 14:34-35). “Man was not made from woman but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman but woman for man.

出于这个原因,一个女人应该在她的头上有一个提交的标志。“(1哥林多前书11:8-10)。圣经也允许束缚。“奴隶,男女,你可能确实拥有,只要你从邻国中购买他们。您也可以从居住在他们和在其土地上出生和筹集的孩子们一起购买他们。这样的奴隶你可能拥有动产,并留给你的儿子作为他们的遗传财产,使他们成为永久的奴隶。“(利未记25:44-46)。同样的圣经为奴隶的惩罚提供了法律。“当一个男人用杆子撞到奴隶时,奴隶在他手中的奴隶死亡,他将受到惩罚。然而,如果奴隶幸存下来一两天,他并不是受到惩罚,因为奴隶是他自己的财产。“ (Exodus 21:20-21) We find further examples of prejudice in Deuteronomy. In the Bible, it is stated that “No one whose testicles have been crushed or whose penis has been cut off may be admitted into the community of the Lord. No child of an incestuous or adulterous union may be admitted into the community of the Lord, nor any descendant of his even to the tenth generation.” (Deuteronomy 23:2-3). Consider the first statement. If a faithful Christian were to get in an automobile accident with a resulting injury to his genitals, he would not be admitted into Heaven. The second statement is even more ridiculous than the first. An innocent child, through no fault of its own, is born a bastard. He may not be admitted into heaven. But more than that, none of his descendants may ever be admitted. These are not characteristics which are normally associated with justice and goodness. These are petty, cruel actions. This is not the only discrepancy in the Christian Bible. Judah’s daughter-in-law, Tamar, is said to have been a harlot (Genesis 38:24). Because of her harlotry, she became pregnant (Genesis 38:25). She had twins and named them Perez and Zerah. “These are the descendants of Perez: Perez was the father of Hezron, Hezron was the father of Ram, Ram was the father of Amminibad, Amminibad was the father of Nahshon, Nahshon was the father of Salmon, Salmon was the father of Boaz, Boaz was the father of Obed, Obed was the father of Jesse, and Jesse became the father of David.” (Ruth 4:18-22).


因此,以色列国王大卫,是一个混蛋的后裔,随后不应该被允许在主人中进入主。这是一个巨大的矛盾,因为大卫是圣经中的一个重要人物。然而,涉及大卫宫的矛盾,相比之下,对至高无上的定义之一。在基督教中,基督是赎罪人类的罪恶。没有人类的罪,没有基督的故事。因此,必须分析罪的性质。上帝创造了一切的基督徒被基督徒接受了。如果这是真的,那么这个同样的上帝创造了邪恶。它写在圣经中,上帝全神贯注(约翰福音3:20)。生效,上帝无所不知。 If god is omniscient and creates, he then knows all possible outcomes of all possible creations of all possible universes. If he created our universe, he chose what its destiny would be. In doing so, he chose the paths of our lives. Thus, we can conclude that the universe is completely deterministic to god and, by being a creator, he cannot allow freewill to exist unless the universe is no longer predetermined to him. If this is true, then humanity is merely a collection of automatons. If this is not true, then god cannot be omniscient. If the Christian god were omniscient, then he could foresee his own future. If this being knows its own future, he does not have the power to change it. Considering, however, that god is omnipotent, there is a major conflict with his omniscient nature.


如果上帝能够改变他的未来,那将意味着当他会在他的未来突然变化以及会有什么变化的情况下,上帝将无法预见,从而消除了他被禁止的可能性。因此,这些品质不能同时举行。现在重要的是要看一度的可能性。基督徒上帝是完全好的和无所不能的。然而,邪恶存在。如果上帝是无所不能的,并且完全好,他可以并会消除邪恶。这些陈述产生了三种可能的结论。上帝是完全好,但邪恶存在,所以他无法消除邪恶,因此不是无所不能的。第二个可能的结论是:上帝是无所不能的,但邪恶的存在,因此上帝不是完全好的。最后可能,最可行的结论是上帝不存在。 It can easily be seen that Christianity is a religion based on falsehoods and has many intrinsic flaws. They are seen by the fact that the followers of this religion do not conduct themselves in the manner proscribed by their most holy texts. These errors reside in the facts that these same texts are contradictory, and that their very god cannot possibly exist. These errors and omissions are then covered by a vague concept: faith.



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