希腊金石时代的古代雕像和陶器以壮观的方式推进。宙斯的主要事实他的雕像的原因。科罗斯和凯尔的伟大风格。邦格致盲的故事以及独眼巨人的故事。在希腊建造的DORI和离子柱石寺庙,具有独特的外观。花瓶的真实颜色,亚利巴罗。将液体从一个地方带到另一个地方的花瓶。抒情诗歌最初是一首歌曲唱歌的歌曲。据荷马,众神和凡人的父亲,据考虑宙斯。他没有创造众神或凡人;他是他们的父亲,成为奥林匹克家族和人类的保护者和统治者。 He was lord of the sky, the rain god, and the cloud gatherer, who wielded the terrible thunderbolt. His breastplate was the aegis, his bird the eagle, his tree the oak. Zeus presided over the gods on Mount Olympus in Thessaly. His principal shrines were at Dodona, in Epirus, the land of the oak trees and the most ancient shrine, famous for its oracle, and at Olympia, where the Olympian Games were celebrated in his honor every fourth year. The Nemean games, held at Nemea, northwest of Argos, were also dedicated to Zeus.


作为丈夫给他姐姐的英雄,他是ares的父,战争之神;河北,青年女神;赫菲斯特斯,火神;和eileithyia,分娩女神与此同时,宙斯被描述为爱上了一个又一个的女人,并诉诸于各种各样的手段来隐藏他对妻子的不忠。在古代神话中,关于他越轨行为的故事不胜枚举,他的许多后代都是他与女神和凡间女子恋爱的结果。人们相信,随着希腊人生活中伦理观念的发展,一个好色、有时荒唐可笑的父神的想法变得令人厌恶,所以后来的传说倾向于把宙斯描绘得更加崇高。他与凡人的许多事情有时被解释为早期希腊人希望追溯他们的血统到众神之父。宙斯的形象在雕塑作品中表现为蓄着胡须的国王形象。在所有宙斯的雕像中,最著名的是菲迪亚斯在奥林匹亚的金象牙巨像。站着的裸体青年(kouros),站着的披着衣服的女孩(kore),坐着的女人。所有这些都强调和概括了人体的基本特征,显示出对人体解剖学的日益准确的理解。这些青年不是阴森的,就是死气沉沉的。 Examples are Apollo (Metropolitan Museum), an early work; Strangford Apollo from Límnos (British Museum, London), a much later work; and the Anavyssos Kouros (National Museum, Athens). More of the musculature and skeletal structure is visible in this statue than in earlier works. The standing, draped girls have a wide range of expression, as in the sculptures in the Acropolis Museum, Athens. Their drapery is carved and painted with the delicacy and meticulousness common to the details of sculpture of this period. The Blinding of Polyphemus. Polyphemus, a Cyclops, the son of Poseidon, god of the sea, and of the nymph Thoösa. During his wanderings after the Trojan War, the Greek hero Odysseus and his men were cast ashore on Polyphemus’s island home, Sicily. The enormous giant penned the Greeks in his cave and began to devour them. Odysseus then gave Polyphemus some strong wine and when the giant had fallen into a drunken stupor, bored out his one eye with a burning stake. The Greeks then escaped by clinging to the bellies of his sheep. Poseidon punished Odysseus for blinding Polyphemus by causing him many troubles in his subsequent wanderings by sea. In another legend, Polyphemus was depicted as a huge, one-eyed shepherd, unhappily in love with the sea nymph Galatea. Cyclops, giants with one enormous eye in the middle of the forehead. In Hesiod, the three sons—Arges, Brontes, and Steropes—of Uranus and Gaea, the personifications of heaven and earth, were Cyclopes. The Greek hero Odysseus was trapped with his men in the cave of the Cyclops Polyphemus, a son of Poseidon, god of the sea. In order to escape from the cave after the giant devoured several men, Odysseus blinded him. Dori and Ionic Columns. Aware of Egyptian temples in stone, Greeks in the 7th century began to build their own stone temples in a distinctive style. They used limestone in Italy and Sicily, marble in the Greek islands and Asia Minor, and limestone covered with marble on the Greek mainland. Later they built chiefly in marble. The temples were rectangular and stood on a low, stepped terrace in an enclosure where rituals were performed.


小寺庙有一个两柱门廊,有时门廊前还有一个门廊。较大的寺庙,有前后门廊,可能在每个门廊前有一个六柱门廊,或完全被柱廊包围。柱廊在砖瓦的山墙屋顶下支撑着柱顶或门楣。建筑师们设计了两种柱型,多利安柱型和爱奥尼亚柱型(参见柱型)。多利安圆柱没有底座和其首都由圆形垫子形状的方形板块组成,重厚,紧密地跨越砖石的重量。通过锥形和凹槽的轴释放它们的沉重。在Entableating上,垂直三角形刻过每列雕刻,在它们之间留在椭圆形 - 后方的平方纸之间,这些标准在第一次被涂上,后来充满了涂漆的浮雕。多立克式风格起源于大陆,变得普遍。Syracuse,Paestum,Selinus,Acragas,Pompeii,Tarentum(Taranto),Metapontum和Corcyra(Kérkira)的多立岛寺庙仍然存在。特别值得注意的是Poestum的Poseidon寺(450 BC)。在Ionia(亚洲未成年人)和希腊岛屿的离子风格中的柱子更加细长,更狭窄,并且比多立克柱相距更远。每个都搁置在水平凹槽的圆形底座上,并以形状的基本终止,如平面垫在侧面卷入蜗壳。entableature,比在多立克式风格中,可能有一个楣。离子寺庙的例子在埃及雅典(Erechtheum)的现代Izmir,土耳其,土耳其附近,在雅典(Erechtheum)和(一些痕迹)附近。 There are three standard types of columns in Greek classical architecture. The oldest is the Doric, which is the widest, has no base, and is topped by a simple abacus with an echinus directly underneath it. The Ionic column has a base and a capital made of scroll-shaped volutes directly beneath the abacus. The most elaborate column is the Corinthian. It has the most complex base, and the capital is made of layers of carved acanthus leaves ending in volutes. All three columns have fluted shafts. The Aryballos was a very colorful vase. The black figure technique and the very Eastern-looking panther are characteristic of the Orientalizing style. Also characteristic are the flower like decorations, which are blobs of paint scored with lines. The musculature and features of the panther are also the result of scoring. The most characteristic shape was that of the aryballos, a polychromed container for carrying liquids. The Corinthian artist developed a miniature style that made use of a wide variety of eastern motifs-sphinxes, winged human figures, floral designs-all of them arranged in bands covering almost the entire surface of the vase. White, yellow, and purple were often used to highlight details, produced a bold and striking effect. The small size of the pot mad them ideal for exporting. The vases are well made, the figures lively, and the style instantly recognizable as Corinthian-an important factor for commercial success. Lyric Poetry. The lyric was originally a song to be sung to the accompaniment of the lyre. Two main types of lyrics were composed in ancient Greece: the personal and the choral lyric.


个人抒情诗是在莱斯博斯(现代Lésvos岛)开发的。诗人和音乐家Terpander,他出生在莱斯巴斯,但在Sparta生活的大部分生活中,介绍了七弦Lyre并将荷马的诗与音乐设置。他的大多数诗歌是法院,或宗教赞美诗,以纪念上帝,特别是阿波罗,而是由一个表演者唱歌的伴随着Lyre。他工作的幸存碎片是可疑的真实性。莱斯巴斯伟大的诗人,在公元前7世纪的伟大诗人之后,泰国人民跟着。alcaeus在他的歌词中处理了政治,宗教和个人主题,并发明了Alcaic Strophe。古希腊最伟大的诗人斯帕波发明了Sapphic Strophe,并以其他抒情形式写作。她对爱情和友谊的诗歌是西方传统中最精细的锻造和热情之一。女同性恋诗人以及其他一些希腊城市的抒情诗人,在天气方言中组成了他们的诗。在公元前6世纪,诗人Anacreon的俏皮歌词在各种抒情型米上写着葡萄酒和爱情。 Subsequent verse similar in tone and theme was known as anacreontic. The choral lyric was first developed in the 7th century BC by poets who wrote in the Dorian dialect. Dominant in the region around Sparta, the Dorian dialect was used even in later times, when poets in many other parts of Greece were writing choral lyrics. The Spartan poets first wrote choral lyrics for songs and dances in public religious celebrations. Later they wrote choral lyrics also to celebrate private occasions, such as a victory at the Olympian Games. The earliest choral lyric poet is said to have been Thaletas, who in the 7th century BC reputedly came from Crete to Sparta in order to quell an epidemic with paeans, or choral hymns addressed to Apollo. He was followed by Terpander, who wrote both personal and choral lyrics; by Alcman, most of whose poems were partheneia, processional choral hymns sung by a chorus of young girls and partly religious in character and lighter in tone than the paeans; and in the late 7th century by Arion. Arion is said to have invented both the dithyramb, or hymn to Dionysus, and the tragic mode, which was used extensively in Greek drama.

后来的合唱歌词的伟大作家包括西西里诗人Stesichorus,这是一个alcaeus的当代,介绍了合唱颂的三元形式,包括一系列三个斯坦茨组;Thegium的IBYCUS,Triadic Choral Ode和色情个人歌词的一个大型现存片段的作者;首席执行官的西蒙斯,其合唱歌词包括epinicia,或合唱团,以纪念奥林匹克运动会,贫民或庆祝特定人员和污物以及包括epigrams的个人歌词的胜利者的合唱杂志;CEO的Bacchyliders,一种编写的西蒙特的侄子,其中13的epinicia是现存的,其中5分列的epinicia和dithyrambs。希腊金石时代的古代雕像和陶器以壮观的方式推进。宙斯的雕像是为了一个非常好的原因而完成的。雕像代表了天空之王,雨神和云采集者。



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