哈丽特·比彻·斯托于1811年6月14日出生在康涅狄格州的利奇菲尔德。她是加尔文派牧师的女儿,她和她的她的家人都是虔诚的基督徒,她的父亲是一名传教士,她的兄弟姐妹也都是信徒。她的基督教态度在很大程度上反映了她对奴隶制的态度。她赞成废除这一制度,因为在她看来,这是一种非常违背基督教精神的残酷制度。因此,她的小说聚焦于奴隶制的可怕之处,包括奴隶主对奴隶的鞭打、殴打和强迫性接触。她写这本书是为了成为一股反对奴隶制的力量,并加入了当时许多其他女性的情绪,她们在改革运动中变得更加直言不讳和有影响力,包括禁酒和妇女投票权。哈里特·比彻·斯托在《汤姆叔叔的小屋》一书中的主要观点是让北方人民了解奴隶制。她希望最终能说服人们反对奴隶制。小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》主要讲述了两个奴隶的生活,他们都是在谢尔比先生的手下开始的,谢尔比先生以善待奴隶而闻名。不过,谢尔比先生欠了一个名叫哈利的奴隶贩子的情。为了偿还欠他的债,海莉要两个奴隶一个是美丽的黑白混血女人伊莱莎的儿子,另一个是虔诚的基督徒汤姆,因为他的布道被称为汤姆神父。 Eliza is also a Christian, as are the rest of the slaves on Shelby’s farm. Eliza loves her son dearly and rather than lose him to the slave-trader she takes him and heads to Canada, where she can be free. Haley follows but can’t catch her before she goes from Kentucky, the state of the Shelby Farm, to Ohio. Haley then sends slave-catchers after her. He also goes back to the farm, and brings Tom on a steamboat to the South, a place where slaves are known to die, but Tom meets and makes a great impression on a little girl, Evangeline St. Clare, or Eva as she is called, and she persuades her father, Augustine St. Clare to purchase Tom.

奥古斯丁是一个反对奴隶制的人,但他太聪明和懒惰而不会公开反对它,相反,他选择让他的奴隶自由地运行,做任何他们想做的事情,在合理的范围内。汤姆是作为一个马房工人被买来的,他是玛丽·圣·克莱尔的私人车夫。玛丽是一个自负的女人,她太忙于为自己担心而没有照顾好伊娃,这导致奥古斯丁带着他的表妹奥菲莉亚来照顾她,这也是他和伊娃在汤姆相遇的汽船上旅行的原因他们。与此同时,伊莉莎被带到一个桂克定居点的边境奴隶州,在那里她遇到了乔治,她的丈夫,谁是一个高度聪明的奴隶。他装扮成白人逃到了贵格会的定居点,因为他是黑白混血的后裔,所以他离白人并不远。然后他又用另一个奴隶作为他的奴隶,在听说他的妻子伊莱莎在那里后,他来到了定居地。他们很快被告知有人在追他们,所以他们逃跑了,在一场冲突中,一名贵格会教徒把一个抓奴隶的人推到峡谷中。捕手随后被带到一个贵格会家庭被照顾,在那里他痊愈并决定不再是一个奴隶捕手。然后,他们打扮成两个男人和他们的女儿,而不是丈夫、妻子和儿子,乘坐渡轮前往加拿大。另一方面,汤姆在圣克莱尔医院过着舒适的生活,一直过得很愉快,直到伊娃生病去世。圣克莱尔深受影响,开始思考自己的死亡,以及奴隶制的对错。经过深思熟虑,他决定开始释放汤姆,他的妻子,在肯塔基州,试图赚足够的钱买回他的糖果。 Tom is overjoyed when hearing the news of his freedom, but St. Clare dies before he can finish the proceedings, and Tom was sold at an auction before the Shelby’s can be reached, for they would have surely came and bought him back. Tom is sold to a man named Legree, the character of the average hard slaveholder, dirty, mean and ugly. Tom is then beaten to death before George Shelby could come and buy him back. Tom didn’t die scared because he was being beaten for not confessing the hiding place of two female slaves, and knew he was going to heaven. One of these females and another woman that the two meet on the way to Canada are relatives of George and Eliza and meet with them. They all eventually move to Liberia, a state created in Africa which was created for free blacks. Uncle Tom’s cabin comes to represent the beauty and humanity of slaves, and Tom’s legacy of Christian faith and obedience. Stowe did a great job with this book.


什么书被认为是有史以来最具影响力的书之一,与亚当·斯密和马基雅维利的著作并列,汤姆叔叔的《凯宾号》成了废奴主义者的圣经。在此期间,它经常被修改、改编和出版。她的书对北方和美国各地的影响是不可预见的。这本书很受欢迎,在北方人中间引起了废奴运动。南方讨厌这本书,因为它描述了南方的“特殊制度”。它的影响力可能足以被认为是内战的原因之一,因为它创造了更多的北方人反对奴隶制。它向北方展示了奴隶制的所有罪恶,通过把奴隶塑造成人类的角色,他们被认为是不人道的。斯托的观点是奴隶制是错误的,这是一个正确的假设。人类不应该被拥有,因为我们不是动物、植物或矿物。人有灵魂,应该也不能被别人拥有,因为他们都是生而平等的。 Stowe’s style of staggering chapters about Tom with chapters about Eliza was effective by showing hope in two different situations. Eliza hoped for freedom while Tom hoped for eternity. Stowe plays these two motivations of her characters off each other to project the point of the book to the intelligent. She emphasizes her main points throughout the whole book, perhaps too much, but she was right in doing this, too make sure no one missed the point. She is biased against slaves, oddly enough. She portrays the whiter ones as more intelligent and clever, as is seen with George and Eliza, and the darker ones as more slow-witted, for example, Tom. Stowe also did what any intelligent reader from the beginning of the book expects of her. She creates a chapter at the end reinforcing the story in the book with historical facts, meaning that it’s based loosely on the real world. She seems to do her research well for the story, and her perspective was rather open, backing up slaveholders as well as abolitionists by expressing the slaveholders feelings of hopelessness towards going against society, seen in St. Clare. She made the slaves more human and the slaveholders appear to be morally wrong, but not by always using morally correct slaves and masters without morals. For example, Stowe creates a character, Adolf, the overseer of sorts for St. Clare. Adolf is a slave who is not morally correct he steals from St. Clare often, yet he appears more human for doing so. The slaves or human but not divine, as are the masters, creating a sense of equality, which Stowe wanted to put across. She wrote the book well, choosing where it was best to put which idea, and making many allusions to historical events around the time, which made her book more popular to the people of her time by involving other things they knew of into the story.


总的来说,《汤姆叔叔的小屋》写得很好,组织得很好,而且历史准确。Harriet Beecher Stowe利用她过去的知识为废除奴隶制写了一个清晰的论点,通过创作一本足够有趣的书,将她的想法传达给普通民众。她的书很有影响力,因为它不仅讲述了她的观点,还因为它可以理解地表达她的观点,这不是所有作家都能做到的。

引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),“哈里特·比彻·斯托的汤姆叔叔的小屋:总结和分析,”在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/harriet-beecher-stowes-uncle-toms-cabin-summary-analysis/



