莱斯特·b·皮尔森(Lester B. Pearson)生于1897年至1972年。他于1897年4月23日出生在安大略省纽顿布鲁克(现在是多伦多的一部分)。他于1972年12月27日去世。他是卫理公会牧师的儿子。孩提时代,他在学校学习非常努力,并成为少数高中毕业生上大学的人之一。他就读于多伦多大学的维多利亚学院和卫理公会学院。他在业余时间打曲棍球和棒球。


1924-1928年,他在多伦多大学教历史。他所有的学生都说他是一个非常独特的老师。1924年3月,他的一个学生,Maryon Moody决定和她的老师订婚以确保她的学位。它工作。1925年8月22日,莱斯特·皮尔森和玛丽恩·穆迪在温尼伯结婚。从那时起,他们就住在多伦多城外。后来,他在加拿大外交部谋到了一个职位。政府中国英语学习网由于他的穿着和行为,官员们起初认为他有某种精神疾病。1928年,他在加拿大外交部获得了一个职位,尽管他们的信仰。当时,皮尔森的地位非常重要,因为加拿大终于产生了民族主义情绪。 Canada also had hardly any diplomatic relations with other countries because Great Britain still handled most of its affairs. For that reason when Great Britain went to war with Germany, so did Canada. In 1948 he was named Secretary of State for external affairs. He promoted proposals for western alliance tied in with the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). He was the chairman of the NATO project at the time of the Korean War. He sat on a three man committee that negotiated the Korean cease-fire. In 1952-1953 he was the president of the UN general assembly. In 1957 he won the Nobel Peace prize.


它主要是为了创建联合国紧急部队,帮助解决1956年的苏伊士运河危机。当约翰·迪芬贝克领导的保守党在1957年击败自由党时,皮尔逊近30年来第一次退出了公职。1958年,皮尔森取代St. Laurent成为自由党领袖,并成为下议院反对党领袖。作为反对党领袖,他主张加强加拿大和美国的关系。当迪芬贝克拒绝接受美国的核弹头时,他的政府在1963年垮台了。1968年,自由党赢得129个席位,离多数还差4个席位。保守党95人,Socreds 24人,新民主党19人,培生成为加拿大第14任总理。人们知道他会做得很好,他们也认为自由党会带来经济稳定。皮尔逊的第一步是恢复被迪芬贝克破坏的与美国和英国的关系。皮尔森在试图解决核武器问题时与约翰·肯尼迪成为了好朋友。 One of Pearson’s major moves was the Canada Pension Plan. The Canada Pension Plan was available to anyone with a job. It had to be decided on by all the provinces. The only one who gave trouble was Quebec. They said that the money should be used to benefit their provinces. In 1965 Quebec finally agreed. The slogan “Sixty Days of Decision” had created the illusion that the Liberals would transform the country during their first 2 months in power where in reality they hadn’t. Pearson’s government finally became aware of Quebec nationalism and separatism problems when French terrorists in Quebec City planted bombs in public buildings and mailboxes. The most dramatic indication was when the Queen visited Montreal and was confronted by a large mob. The treatment towards the Queen from Quebec shocked Pearson and the rest of the government. Pearson started to worry about a full scale revolution in Quebec. Pearson’s only mistake was to take power right after WW II because that was the time the provinces needed revenue the most.

虽然Pearson在政府魁北克政府宣布,它不想被英国政府经营。他们说,他们需要法国政府为“唤醒”魁北克省。Pearson说这个问题只能通过合作解决。在他的第一年和半个皮尔森召开比迪恩哥克在他的六年统治中召开了一半。尽管皮尔逊的知识主要是在外部事项中,但他几乎没有在总理的时候致力于外交事务。1964年5月,Pearson将一片枫叶放在加拿大国旗上,无需与内阁成员同意。人们大大批评新旗帜。有人说他们喜欢旧旗帜,因为这是他们在战争期间遭到争夺的人。其他人说这是一种绝望的尝试,可以安抚魁北克。Pearson的原始设计是在白色背景上的三个枫叶,在任何一边都是一个蓝色的小条,代表太平洋和大西洋。 When an opinion poll was taken it showed that only 44% of all Canadians liked the flag. Pearson said that the new flag would show Canada’s independence and national unity. Diefenbaker said that it would destroy Canada’s unity. Pearson answered by saying that it was time Canada got a new flag that could be easily identified and not mistaken for another country.


此外,联盟杰克仍然应该在加拿大飞行,作为加拿大在英联邦的成员的象征,也是对王冠的忠诚,但不是作为国旗。尽管他的论点,但是接受新旗帜并不意味着对联盟杰克或加拿大的历史不尊重。Pearson几乎被嘘声淹死了。当皮尔森要退休时,他必须选择一个人成功。他的首选是让吉恩·迈克和因为在他的思想中,法国加拿大候选人绝对是必不可少的,以保持自由党作为一名双种族制度的可信度,但是马克兰德拒绝了。然而,他建议皮埃尔特鲁多。当Marchand提到Trudeau作为可能的领导候选人时,Pearson很惊讶。在那时,在内心的政界中对他几乎没有讨论,尽管外面有一个偏僻的希望。Pearson met Trudeau and conferred a qualified blessing on him, but he would have to get elected first.Trudeau赢得了和成功皮尔逊。 Pearson accomplished many things in his life and was very well known and liked by people across Canada.

引用本文为:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),《莱斯特·b·皮尔森:传记与首相》学校努力, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/lester-b-pearson-biography-prime-minister/


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