
这部小说中的领先性格,解决了社会出了什么问题,是Yossarian。他是唯一一个认可全部的人对每个人活着的目的的疯狂:财富,虚假的幸福,社会的认可,等等。他是为数不多的几个试图与权力和精英主义作斗争的人之一,这些权力和精英主义在美国已变得如此受追捧。在整部小说中,他试图找到一种方式,作为一个真正的人,过一种更充实的生活。他向书中的许多其他人物寻求帮助,但只找到了令人不满意的答案。剧中约塞连生活中的每一个人物都向读者展示了一个社会已经变得多么糟糕的例子。克拉文杰试图通过推理来生活。他凡事都要找个理由。在不断寻找原因的过程中,他从未充分享受生活。为了进一步证明这种生活毫无意义,他被击落并被杀死,这当然不是一个有理性解释的事件。少校少校是一个服从所有人的人,总是试图做到完美。 He does everything that anyone asks of him, but takes it to an extreme. By being so naively obedient, instead of being helped by his comrades, he is shunned. This callousness from all humans soon leads him to be scared of any human contact. Aarfy seems to live happily, but only by giving up his integrity. He is totally unremorseful almost to the point of being inhuman. One witnesses the result of this unhealthy way of living when he murders a prostitute by throwing her out the window. He shows no emotion about this and barely realizes the gravity of what he has done. At the time, only Yossarian is arrested for a minor matter, as he did not sell out to the system. Though Aarfy never dies, Heller, in showing what kind of a monster he becomes, is directly attacking a the large part of society whose members sell their integrity for what they hope is success. In Milo, Heller attacks the capitalist business practice of making money at any cost.


当我们第一次见到米洛时,他被认为有很高的道德标准。然而,他对利益的渴望很快就克服了这些早期的倾向。有一次,他为了利益轰炸了自己的朋友和战友。在书的最后,米洛已经变成了一个机器人,屈从于贪婪和利润,因为米洛刚刚发现了一种新的赚钱方法,他在约塞连迫切需要他帮助的时候离开了约塞连。对海勒来说,米洛是美国企业贪婪的象征。海勒在攻击那些只关心钱而不关心别人的人。他揭露了美国人以自我为中心的倾向。在《牧师》中,海勒描绘了一个真正无私、关心他人的人。他心里总是祝福别人。然而,他,就像其他许多像他一样的人一样,从来没有被听到或听过,最终转向狡猾的方法来引起注意。 The chaplain represents the minority that is deserving of attention, but never listened to until it is too late. He gets so lonely and frustrated that even he starts to sin. Heller most actively challenges the pureness and rightness of the bureaucratic institutions that control and limit the human spirit . The upper echelons of the army are a mockery of the mess that government has become. Colonel Cathcart stands for the average politician, whose only goal to rise in power. Colonel Corn, one of Cathcart’s cronies, in describing his desire for power, states, “Why not… What else have we got to do?”. All Colonial Cathcart cares about is a “feather in his cap” or a “black eye”.

他不在乎人们的感受。他只为他的个人收益提高了不可能的特派团数量。这也许是与华盛顿D的平行.C,政治家经常变得如此陷入官僚主义,他们忘记了他们的成分。普通群岛概况仅仅是因为他遵守了这么高的等级。他唯一热情的生活正在进行 - 终极符合性。他努力扼杀男人的精神,以便他们遵守。他停止思考他们,只是愚蠢的机器。他从来没有试图伸出,因为yossariar做了,因此有一个成功的职业生涯。这太嘲笑了现代社会的趋势,符合和不断随着流动而不断结合,即使它是完全错误的,也只是相似和可能成功。通过Satire的Heller,也带来了美国的一些其他机构和现代世界,这些机构已经失控并走得太远了。 The prime example of this is the medical profession. When Yossarian goes to the hospital, everyone has a different idea of what he has. Doctors say he has this or that just because they like saying he has this or that, even though they have little idea of his real condition. Though this area is exaggerated in the book, it still makes us look again at the medical professionals that we trust our lives in. He also makes out psychiatry to be absolutely foolish. Yossarian only has to make up a dream, before the psychiatrist is in deep discussions about what the dream means in his life. This rings very true when one thinks of real life psychiatrists always trying to make significant issues out of what may actually be trivial matters. In Catch 22 , Heller exaggerates everything to an extreme, but it is only to get our attention. By seeing the extreme, we realize how close our society is to that point. Heller implies that everyone is to blame for where our society is at.

18世纪诗歌分析:John Keats&Alexander Pope






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