
Wilfrid Laurier出生于St-Lin,魁北克,并在麦吉尔大学学习法律。After three years in the Quebec legislature, he was elected to1874年加拿大人的公共之家。他迅速向领导迅速上升。虽然他是法国加拿大人和一个罗马天主教徒,但他于1887年被选为自由党的领导者。九年后他成为总理。他在1897年被们骑士。

“建设加拿大”是劳里埃政府的口号。劳里埃忠于英国,派遣加拿大志愿者帮助布尔战争,建立了对英国商品有利的关税,并致力于加强两国之间的联系。但他认为大英帝国是自由平等国家的世界性联盟,他反对任何限制加拿大自由的企图。劳里埃的自由移民政策将成千上万的移民带到了西部省份。他降低了邮政费率,促进了国家扩张所需的铁路建设,并任命了一个委员会来管理铁路费率。执政15年后,他的政府被击败了,大概是在与美国的互惠贸易问题上。然而劳里埃认为,他的政治失败主要是由于安大略的反对者认为他过于偏袒魁北克的罗马天主教利益。第一次世界大战之前,劳里埃曾竭力支持组建加拿大海军。然而,他自己的自由党否决了这一措施,加拿大加入战争时没有自己的舰队。在第一次世界大战初期,劳里埃支持罗伯特·博登爵士的保守党政府的战争政策。 In 1917 he refused to join a coalition government that was formed to uphold conscription. Laurier felt that he could not back a measure so unpopular in the province of Quebec.

Wilfrid Laurier的制度持续了15年。这是再生增长和繁荣之一。省内的曼尼托巴省的学校问题被省颁布的新立法迅速弥补了渥太华签订的妥协。他的内阁劳瑞尔吸引了加拿大各地的一些最有能力的领导者。全世界业务正上涨,劳瑞尔政府决心进入该行动。对海外的加拿大小麦的需求鼓励移民,移民依次增加农业生产和国家出口价值。“20世纪属于加拿大,”劳瑞尔叫;整个国家对他的保证充满信心。两个新的横贯线铁路开始了。到1905年,西方在人口和经济实力方面扩大到这一系列新的省份,艾伯塔省和萨斯喀彻温,被雕刻出了西北地区。 These encouraging developments were inadvertently assisted by an occurrence in the far northwest. Since the Fraser River gold strike of 1858, prospectors had been consistently combing the mountainous areas of British Columbia and to the north. In 1896 their persistence paid off with the discovery of gold nuggets on the Klondike River in the far western Yukon Territory. When the news spread, the gold rush of 1897 began; it was to become the most publicized gold rush in history, eventually to be celebrated in the works of such writers as Jack London and Robert Service. The gold strike had some beneficial side effects. As miners poured into western Canada from the United States and other parts of the world, the extent of the unpopulated prairie lands became known. By this time, of course, the supply of free land in the United States had become exhausted, and the frontier was closed. Very soon after the gold rush, settlers began pouring into the western prairies of Canada by the thousands, from Europe as well as the United States. With much of Canada being unpopulated, this would help to create the massive population increase that Laurier was waiting for. More Canadian citizens would of course mean more taxes. More taxes would mean more money for the government. More money for the government would mean that Laurier could use the new financial wealth of the country to slingshot Canada’s status of being just a large cold country to the status of being a country where all were welcome and good land was available to people that were willing to put it to good use. They came from as far away as Russia to establish farms on the open wheatlands. It was not long before demands arose for the creation of at least one province between Manitoba and British Columbia. Thus, in 1905, the government in Ottawa formed two new provinces, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Another benefit resulting, at least in part, from the gold rush was the discovery of other minerals in the Canadian wilds. As early as 1883, nickel had been found at Sudbury, Ont. In the early 1890s large deposits of base-metal ores were found in southern British Columbia. After 1900 a rich deposit of silver was discovered north of Lake Nipissing in Ontario. Canada soon became perceived around the world as a mineral-rich nation with great untapped potential. The new prime minister thus basked in an environment of progress and prosperity after a depression that had lasted more than 20 years. Laurier’s only serious political difficulties stemmed from his inability to satisfy fully the imperialists among his followers. Great Britain received support in the Boer War of 1899-1902 from the other self-governing colonies, and Laurier reluctantly committed Canada as well (see Boer War). His decision, however, sharpened the controversy between the two nationality groups regarding Canada’s proper responsibilities to Britain in the future. On the other hand, he continued to resist pressures to tie the bonds of empire still more tightly during the years after the victory in South Africa. Seeds of distrust concerning his policies were thus sown on both sides of the wall that was rising between Canadians of French and of English descent. Another foreign policy issue arose as naval competition increased between Germany and Britain in the years before World War I. Great Britain naturally desired to receive military help from the colonies, and again Laurier found a compromise that satisfied neither the pro-British faction nor the French partisans. He founded the Canadian Navy in 1910 with the provision that in time of war it be placed under British command. This quickly led to accusations that Canadian soldiers would be drafted into the British Army if war came.



引用本文:William Anderson(Schoolworkhelper编辑组),“Wilfrid Laurier爵士:传记和总理”学校努力, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/sir-wilfrid-laiier-biography-prime-minister/


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