罗伯特·佩恩·沃伦,1905年出生于肯塔基州的格思里,是20世纪最杰出的人物之一美国作家。他是一位杰出的小说家、诗人、文学评论家、散文家、短篇小说作家和众多教科书的合著者。他还是《南方评论》的创始编辑,这是一本文学批评和政治思想杂志。对罗伯特·沃伦的诗人生涯产生主要影响的可能是他在肯塔基州的少年时代,以及他与父亲和外祖父的关系。孩提时代,沃伦在祖父的农场里呆了很长时间,读着内战和当地烟草种植者和批发商之间的战争的故事,这也是他第一部小说《夜骑士》的主题。他的祖父托马斯·加布里埃尔·佩恩(Thomas Gabriel Penn)曾在南北战争中担任过骷髅会军官,他通读过军事史和诗歌,有时还会背诵给罗伯特听。罗伯特的父亲是一位银行家,他曾经渴望成为一名律师和诗人。

由于经济困难,以及父亲去世后他对一个由同父异母兄弟姐妹组成的家庭的责任,罗伯特·富兰克林·沃伦放弃了文学抱负,投身于更有利可图的事业。罗伯特·沃伦并非一直都有成为作家的野心,事实上,他早期的梦想之一是成为一名在公海上的冒险家。这个幻想可能真的实现了,因为他的父亲本来是想给他安排到安纳波利斯去的,但他童年的一次事故使他失去了一只眼睛。沃伦是一个优秀的学生,但他家里也有很多书,他喜欢阅读。他父亲曾一度渴望成为一名诗人。他的祖父佩恩是一位杰出的讲故事的人,对年轻的雷德影响很大。但这两个他所爱的人在某种意义上都没有取得成功。相比之下,沃伦决心取得成功。在范德比尔特大学的那些年里,身体残疾的感觉,以及残存完好的眼睛里的恐惧与同情盲感,几乎变得难以忍受。在范德比尔特大学,他遇到了艾伦·泰特、约翰·克罗·兰塞姆、唐纳德·戴维森和其他对诗歌感兴趣的人。 As part of The Fugitives, a private group that met off campus, he delved deeply into poetry, and his first poems were published in their short- lived quarterly. Warren had a remarkable capacity for friendship, and he was in touch with these men all of their lives.

George Frederick Handel:传记和作曲家

多年来,泰特是他诗歌的“第一批评”。1925年从Vanderbilt毕业后,他在伯克利加州大学获得了硕士学位。在访问耶鲁大学之后,他搬到了牛津作为罗得岛学者,他写了他的第一本书:约翰布朗:1929年的殉道者制作。“红色”沃伦,因为他的朋友所知,1930年结婚的艾玛布雷西亚,20年后在离婚时结束的婚姻。在此期间的过去几年中,沃伦被抑郁症和缺乏新材料。His period of dissolution did not end until his second marriage to Eleanor Clark in 1952. Warren received many honors including a Pulitzer Prize for the fiction All the King’s Men, 1946: This novel illustrating a powerful Southern governor resembling the Louisiana politician Huey P. Long. He also produced his complex World Enough and Time, based on the Kentucky hanging of Jeremiah Beauchamp for murder in 1826. The research he done for this book was done at the Library of Congress during the time he was Poetry Consultant there. In this research, he uncovered the sorbid tale of Lilburne Lewis, Thomas Jefferson’s nephew, who chopped a young slave girl to pieces with a meat ax. Robert struggled to convert the account of the murder into a long dramatic poem, which was to emerge at last in 1953 as Brother to Dragons: A Tale in verse and Voices, one of the most distinctive long poems in American literature. Warren’s marriage to Eleanor and the births of their two children, Rosanna and Gabriel, brought new life into his writing. After the Pulitzer Prize-winning Promises: Poems 1954- 1956, dedicated to his children, Warren produced several more novels and a steady stream of poetry. He also wrote his other Pulitzer Prize-winning collection of poems, Now and Then: Poems, in 1978. He is still known to be the only writer to win a Pulitzer in both categories. He also received the prestigious National Medal Now and Then and the Bollingen Prize for Poetry, a MacArthur Prize “genius” grant, and was named the country’s first Poet Laureate in 1986. Warren’s long record of achievement in American poetry can hardly be equaled in either quantity or quality. In his earlier years, during which, he was an admirer of innovators such as T.S. Elliot and by the revival of interest in seventeenth century poetry. In these years, he produced the best adaptations of the Metaphysical style of any of his contemporaries. One perceptive critic said that, “Warren’s own life, his own story, would become partly at least that of an exile telling stories about his homeland.” In talking about his work Warren noted:


“我是这个世界的生物,但我也是一位愿望。我会称这个气质而不是神学 - 我没有任何福音。也就是说,我觉得事情在事物中的内容,但我没有意义要把那里放在那里有趣或美丽。“他继续处理永恒的主题,他的晚期诗歌被认为是他最好的作品之一。晚年沃伦说:“我是一个博物学家。我不相信上帝。但我想找到生活的意义。我不相信这只是一连串无聊的事件。所以我写故事和诗歌。我的工作就是我的证词…我想做出某种牺牲。参与人类生活的共同主体…我的诗让我这样做,但这听起来太老套了。”

引用这篇文章:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“Robert Penn Warren:传记和诗歌”,在SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/robert-penn-warren-biography-poetry/



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