英国人第一次在美洲建立殖民地的努力发生在16世纪晚期的罗阿诺克岛。从1584年开始努力探索北美东海岸,朝向西班牙语索赔。它在1587年,终于创造了永久性殖民地。然而,这一成就是针对殖民者和英格兰的成就,它被证明是在1590年被发现的殖民地被发现的殖民地被发现的最伟大的美国奥秘之一。在这个丢失的罗阿诺伊州殖民地的展示中,我计划描述殖民地如何解决,那些参与定居点的人和遗弃的发现。Roanoke岛是一个岛屿刚刚在当今北卡罗来纳州的海岸。Albemarle声音,克罗地亚声,罗阿诺克的声音,帕尔尼科的声音是围绕着岛屿的四个水。大西洋远远超过罗阿诺克在东海岸距离罗阿诺克,但与海洋的直接接触被一条名为Bodie岛的土地阻碍,这是外部银行的一部分。该岛的西海岸距离北卡罗来纳大陆的距离不到10英里。在1570年代后期,英格兰越来越兴趣的英国越来越兴趣的历史可以在1570年代末来到新世界的一部分。这种兴趣更加明显,当在同一个十年,伊丽莎白女王鼓励通过发行这项任务的章程来探索和解决新的土地,并且在这段时间内,罗阿诺克斯岛被英语发现的。 However it was not until March 25, 1584 when the significant history of Roanoke was made with the re-issuing of the charter to Sir Walter Raleigh. It was the responsibility of Raleigh to make the necessary provisions to complete the journeys to the New World and accomplish the goals of the charter. This meant hiring ship captains and their crews, recruiting possible colonists, purchasing food and other supplies, and finding those who would invest capital in the missions. Raleigh however does not actively participate in the journeys to Roanoke Island; he was just the organizer and major financier. There are a total of four expeditions, under the Raleigh charter, which comprise the story of the lost colony. The first and second expeditions take place from 1584 to 1586. The accomplishments of these missions include producing contact and establishing friendly relations with a native tribe called the Croatoan, the fortification of the island, and searching for an appropriate place for a permanent settlement. It is during the second expedition that there was an attempt to leave a small force of men behind, while the ships returned to England for supplies. They left a few more than one hundred men, which were need to finish fortifying the island, to continue the search for a permanent settlement sight, and to keep an English hold on the island. The effort failed due to the lack of supplies, weather conditions, and the strained relations with the Croatoans and other more violent native tribes. The situation becomes extremely desperate for the men when they resort to their dogs as a source of food. Luckily for the colonists, a ship came to their rescue and takes all but fifteen men back to England.

罗阿诺克的神秘始于1587年的第三次探险。约翰怀特被评为殖民者的州长,现在包括女儿。据信这项任务的持久性被整个家庭的参与被保险。为了进一步确保成功,殖民者自己是投资者。在1587年春天,第三次探险近一百二十人(男子,妇女和儿童)准备殖民地抵达岛屿。他们的意图是定位在第二次探险中留下的十五名男子,然后找到一个新的结算景点。有人发现,殖民者在前一年被遗弃的设防已经被遗弃,十五名男子的命运没有任何线索。下一步是找到一个结算的新景点。它在罗利和约翰怀特的英格兰决定,新的解决方案应该位于大陆的Chesapeake Bay地区。殖民者被拒绝了罗利和白人建议的协议。这是由于白色和船长之间的紧张关系。 Therefore the colonists were forced to settle in the area of the abandoned fortifications for the time being. While the colonists were assembling their homes, contact with the Croatoans was reestablished. In their communications the fate of the fifteen men left behind in the previous expedition was revealed. The Croatoans explain how an enemy tribe attacked the fort and killed some of the men, but how many was not known. John White, upset with the news of the dead men and the recent discovery of a dead colonist, decides to launch an attack against the enemy, the Powhatans. Instead of attacking the enemy John White’s men attack their friends, the Croatoans. With this violation of trust, the relations between the Croatoans and the colonists had deteriorated. Thus the Croatoans refuse to supply the colonists with food, and the supplies brought with them had begun to spoil. With the shortage of supplies and winter soon approaching, it was decided by the colonists that someone must return to England with the ships in order to relieve them of their supply shortage. John White was sent for the supplies in the late summer of 1587. He leaves approximately one hundred sixteen men, women, and children on Roanoke Island. John White does not return with the requested supplies until 1590. This three year delay was caused by a war between England and Spain. When he arrives he finds the colony abandoned. There is only a small clue as to where the colonist could be. This clue was the word Croatoan, carved into a tree.


这个词表示怀特,殖民者在附近或克罗地亚人搬到临近或与克罗地亚人一起移动,但是白色无法确定他的假设是否正确。在白之前,在船长和他的船员进展之前,对殖民者的命运没有兴趣想要返回英格兰。第四次远征,然后返回英格兰不知道罗阿诺克殖民者的命运。在1590年底,白人试图说服投资者和沃尔特罗利先生送另一个探险。由于投资者和罗利罗阿诺克缺乏兴趣,白色的尝试不成功。直到詹姆斯敦在二十年之后结算,才能努力寻找罗阿诺克岛1587名殖民者的真正命运。由于在二十年后未推出调查,没有人知道殖民者的内容。因此有几种理论试图解释他们的失踪。John Smith是第一个收集有关罗阿诺克结算结果的信息。他质疑罗阿诺克的当地当地人。 From this line of questioning he came up with three similar stories. One story was the attack of the settlement and the massacre of all the colonists. In another story the settlement was attacked and the women and children were assimilated only. The final story was that the entire colony was peacefully assimilated into the local native tribes. No new information or theories are concluded until many years later. These theories include the possibilities of an attack by the Spanish, disease, starvation, and an attempt to return to England in a small ship and then being lost at sea. Only spurts of interest in the fate of the colonists occurred throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. There was also major destruction of the fort on Roanoke Island during the American Civil War, so most of the artifacts that could shed light upon the mystery had been destroyed. I feel that the efforts made by those involve with establishing the Roanoke Colony were a learning experience for both investors and those who became colonists. We can see that England was involved in many activities during the attempts to establish permanent colony in Roanoke. These activities being a war with Spain, and acquiring treasures and natural resources to enrich England. Granted this was a new and unfamiliar part of the world for the colonists, I feel proper efforts were not made to ensure a permanent colony. For example, instead of raising their own crops and using hunting skills, they relied on the food supplies that were brought with the ships and then relied on the kindness of the natives to supply their food needs. The Roanoke colonists made matters worse when John White decided to teach the enemy native tribe a lesson by attacking them in retaliation of killing one of the colonists and the men left behind in the second expedition. Instead of attacking their enemy they attacked their friends the Croatoans by accident.


这是第二次发生这样的事情了。它发生在拉尔夫·莱恩(拉尔夫·莱恩是第二次远征时离开的殖民地的总督)的第二次远征中。我还认为,这种性质的错误假设殖民者和克罗托人之间的关系已经恶化,从而揭示了这个失去的殖民地可能的命运。然而,我不认为这个部落杀害了罗阿诺克人,我认为他们拒绝向他们提供食物。我相信殖民者是从这里冒险进入今天的北卡罗莱纳内陆,寻找食物和更合适的定居点。但在冒险过程中,我相信他们遭到了陌生部落的袭击。妇女和儿童会被他们的文化所吸收,因为这是当地土著的习俗。直到1959年,一种理论才被一群历史学家和学者公开同意。他们推测,殖民地确实去了克罗坦村,可能已经被部落同化了。他们后来可能搬到了两个地区中的一个; the Chesapeake Bay area or the Chowan River area. They also agreed that there was the possibility that the group disbanded. If the colonists did not go to the Croatan village, it was surmised that they were attacked by the Powhatan and the women and children were taken captive. However, the panel did not agree on one solid theory because they lack any physical evidence. These few possibilities may be as close as anyone will get to an answer.


Kupperman,凯伦Ordahl。"罗厄诺克失物招领处"美国历史评论14(1986年3月):55-60。莱弗勒、休·T.和威廉·s·鲍威尔。《北卡罗来纳殖民地的历史》。纽约:查尔斯·斯克里布纳的儿子,1973年。莱弗勒,休·塔尔马吉和艾伯特·雷·纽瑟姆。《一个南方州的历史》,北卡罗莱纳州,第3版。教堂山:北卡罗莱纳州大学出版社,1973年。《从最早的发现到第一次定居的北美》。纽约:哈珀罗出版社,1975年。 Quinn, David B., ed. The Roanoke Voyages, 1584-1590. 2 vols. London: Cambridge University Press, 1955. Quinn, David B. Set Fair for Roanoke: Voyages and Colonies, 1584-1606. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1985. Schoenbaum, Thomas J. Islands, Capes, and Sounds; The North Carolina Coast. Winston-Salem: John F. Blair, 1982. Stick, David. The Outer Banks of North Carolina, 1584-1958. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1958. Stick, David. Roanoke Island, The Beginnings of English America. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1983.




