Benjamin Netanyahu住了几年。内塔尼亚胡是M.I.T的毕业生。1975年。然后他声称与美国和以色列的双重公民身份。内塔尼亚胡是因为他的母亲出生在美国。他是拥有波士顿咨询集团的一位良好的分析师。他在那里工作并在1978年返回以色列。当他回到以色列时,他在那里在那里六年了他成为美国驻以色列大使。后来他是一个以色列外交官,他放弃了他的美国公民身份。1996年,他成为以色列总理。他现在有来自以色列的东西的影响最大。Benjamin Netanyahu与美国人做了很多访谈和地址。 One such interview he did to express his views was with Time Magazine. Time asked him if he were a Palestinian, how he would regard toward Netanyahu? He replies, “If I read the controlled Palestinian media, I would think that, as they call me, I am worse than Hitler.”(Beyer, 1996, p.38) They then asked him if a Palestinian could see you for what you really are what they would see. He replied to that by saying, “I think they would regard me as a person who believes deeply in the necessity of peace and that we don’t have an anther partner other than the Palestinian Authority. I think that any Palestinian mother reading this should understand that I am as deeply conscious of her pain of losing her child as I am of a Jewish mothers.”(Beyer, 1996, p.38) Netanyahu goes on telling Time that he does not hate the man Arafat, but the two represent different perspectives and interests. Time asked him if he would say Arafat is a nice guy and Netanyahu simply replied, “If he would say it about me I would say it to him.”(Beyer, 1996, p.38) In the interview he shows he does not dislike the Palestinians and does not wish harm to them, but does not think the way they do. Benjamin Netanyahu did many interviews and speeches during the past few years.

Benjamin Netanyahu制造的一个重要演讲是在1996年5月六月六月六月的第26届华盛顿会议,“理事会美洲,“华盛顿,D.C。他说,”我幸运的是,“我是以色列人总理在建立新国家后的第一个出生。这是我们历史的转折点。在超过两千年的流亡中,几代犹太人争夺并努力地回到了我们失去的家园。现在在国家成立后,我们的主要任务太安全,重新建造,并开发我们回来的家园。“(美国国家派遣部,Netanyahu,1996,演讲),内塔尼亚胡希望在抗议国家之间获得和平。他唯一的兴趣是为了确保以色列在没有战争的情况下以任何可能的方式保持同样的事情。他继续说:“我们想要一个稳定和持久的和平,而不是暂时的稍纵即逝的协议。我们希望和平将持续为我们的孩子和孙子们,而不仅仅是明天的报纸。“(美国。国家派遣部,内塔尼亚胡,1996年,演讲),内塔尼亚胡不希望快速修复协议。他不希望一个可能持续到下一个恐怖袭击事件的便宜和平计划,然后回来以前的国家。他想要一些愿意的东西,并将持续很长一段时间。 Netanyahu said, “Security is essential if we are to make progress toward real peace arrangements with our neighbors.” (U.S. Department of Dispatch, Netanyahu, 1996) Netanyahu believes if they’re is any terrorist type acts that peace will be impossible to happen. Netanyahu says that in the speech showing his wanting of an eventual peace arrangement. Prime minister Netanyahu said, “I want to call today to our neighbors in the Palestinian Authority and say to them: on this basis of ensuring security, we are ready to start a real partnership with you for peace, cooperation and good, neighborly relations. The government of Israel will negotiate with the Palestinian Authority on the condition that it will fulfill all its obligations. The negotiations will deal with the implementation of the interim agreement and the issues of the permanent arrangement, in which will allow both sides to live with peace and security.” (U.S. Department of Dispatch, 1996), He says that showing he is ready to negotiate for peace between the countries. He makes it seem that peace is up to the Palestinians and not to the Israelis anymore. Netanyahu said that they are ready for peace. In all his words he says he mentions how he wants peace but in one statement he says he puts all his speeches into one. Netanyahu said, “Broadening the circle of peace with all our neighbors, while safeguarding the vital interests of our country; is a foremost goal of the government.”(Netanyahu, 1996) Netanyahu said that meaning peace will be a good thing no matter who the peace is with, but the peace will not be made by compromising anything of Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu then said, “Form this podium I address the leaders of all Arab countries with a call for peace. I call especially on our immediate neighbors, Syrian President Hafez Assad, Lebanese President Elias Hrawi, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, and all other Arab leaders. Come, let us conduct direct negotiations for peace, negotiations without pre-conditions that will advance the Middle East to an era of stability and prosperity. This is key: Each side can present their ideas without requiring that the other side agree to these positions in advance. We will not dictate our view to your and you will not dictate your views to us. We will sit and negotiate seriously, prudently and responsibly to reach an agreement.”(Netanyahu 1996) Netanyahu said he wanted them to come over and together they will work out their agreement without shoving their views in each other face. The Israelis have their view and the Palestinians have different ones but they do not care they want to leave their views behind and come to an agreement with the neighboring countries. After Netanyahu said that he went on to state, “I declare here, that we oppose the description of Islam as the enemy of Israel and the West, after the fall of the Soviet Union. Along with political discussions between Israel and the countries in the countries in the region, we must add a parley between Judaism and Islam. We extend our hand in peace not only to our Arab neighbors, but to all Muslim countries with Islam people. We have no conflict with Islam. We have a struggle with militant forces, who use their distorted interpretations of Islam as a tool for violence, hatred and bloodshed.” Netanyahu explains he has no hatred toward the beliefs of the Islam people, but he hates the Militant forces used. Netanyahu says in his speech how he has been to Arab countries and has seen the poor way of living they have, how most the people have no food or money. He believes they can help them with their problems, but before they can do that they must take care of their own spending problems. The Prime mister has only good intentions with the other countries. He does not want any more war between the countries.


素质Mister Netanyahu并不相信他们仍然应该是他们之间的战争和敌意。内塔尼亚胡非常小心,不要妥协以色列人的安全。阿拉伯人尚未宣布和平,但与本杰明总理“Bibi”内塔尼亚八方在言语概率后做言论。他告诉阿拉伯人,他希望他们过来并履行将持续的协议。内塔尼亚胡对巴勒斯坦人说了很多人,但很多人认为他只是在以色列人民的普及之后。内塔尼亚胡发誓,他的政府不会制定宗教标准,但他试图改变它。Benjamin Netanyahu可能会看到人们对他的厌恶的东西,因为那样的小东西,并尝试通过训练将一些与伊斯兰国家的和平计划一样大,这将持续很长时间。他知道是否要实现人们会爱他,让他保持他想要的职位。我认为包括美国在内的每个人都不会急于达成协议,而Preme Minster Netanyahu是真实的。他只是在持续年度的和平计划之后。 America would like to see all of the countries in peace before we have to go over there and fix it up ourselves in case the war gets out of hand between the countries. I believe a peace plan will be made before the year of 2000. The Influence, and views

内纳胡乌的of netanyahu



和平协议是中东最大的话题,他是一端的头部。另一端是另一个强大的身材。PLO(巴勒斯坦解放组织)的领导人是Yasir Arafat。在本报告中,我将解释Benjamin Netanyahu在以色列的立场以及他如何影响和平计划。我会讲述他对正在发生的事情的看法。

Benjamin Netanyahu住了几年。内塔尼亚胡是M.I.T的毕业生。1975年。然后他声称与美国和以色列的双重公民身份。内塔尼亚胡是因为他的母亲出生在美国。他是拥有波士顿咨询集团的一位良好的分析师。他在那里工作并在1978年返回以色列。当他回到以色列时,他在那里在那里六年了他成为美国驻以色列大使。后来他是一个以色列外交官,他放弃了他的美国公民身份。1996年,他成为以色列总理。他现在有来自以色列的东西的影响最大。Benjamin Netanyahu与美国人做了很多访谈和地址。 One such interview he did to express his views was with Time Magazine. Time asked him if he were a Palestinian, how he would regard toward Netanyahu? He replies, “If I read the controlled Palestinian media, I would think that, as they call me, I am worse than Hitler.”(Beyer, 1996, p.38) They then asked him if a Palestinian could see you for what you really are what they would see. He replied to that by saying, “I think they would regard me as a person who believes deeply in the necessity of peace and that we don’t have an anther partner other than the Palestinian Authority. I think that any Palestinian mother reading this should understand that I am as deeply conscious of her pain of losing her child as I am of a Jewish mothers.”(Beyer, 1996, p.38) Netanyahu goes on telling Time that he does not hate the man Arafat, but the two represent different perspectives and interests. Time asked him if he would say Arafat is a nice guy and Netanyahu simply replied, “If he would say it about me I would say it to him.”(Beyer, 1996, p.38) In the interview he shows he does not dislike the Palestinians and does not wish harm to them, but does not think the way they do. Benjamin Netanyahu did many interviews and speeches during the past few years.

Benjamin Netanyahu制造的一个重要演讲是在1996年5月六月六月六月的第26届华盛顿会议,“理事会美洲,“华盛顿,D.C。他说,”我幸运的是,“我是以色列人总理在建立新国家后的第一个出生。这是我们历史的转折点。在超过两千年的流亡中,几代犹太人争夺并努力地回到了我们失去的家园。现在在国家成立后,我们的主要任务太安全,重新建造,并开发我们回来的家园。“(美国国家派遣部,Netanyahu,1996,演讲),内塔尼亚胡希望在抗议国家之间获得和平。他唯一的兴趣是为了确保以色列在没有战争的情况下以任何可能的方式保持同样的事情。他继续说:“我们想要一个稳定和持久的和平,而不是暂时的稍纵即逝的协议。我们希望和平将持续为我们的孩子和孙子们,而不仅仅是明天的报纸。“(美国。国家派遣部,内塔尼亚胡,1996年,演讲),内塔尼亚胡不希望快速修复协议。他不希望一个可能持续到下一个恐怖袭击事件的便宜和平计划,然后回来以前的国家。 He wants something that will please both sides and will last for a long time with peace. Netanyahu said, “Security is essential if we are to make progress toward real peace arrangements with our neighbors.” (U.S. Department of Dispatch, Netanyahu, 1996) Netanyahu believes if they’re is any terrorist type acts that peace will be impossible to happen. Netanyahu says that in the speech showing his wanting of an eventual peace arrangement. Prime minister Netanyahu said, “I want to call today to our neighbors in the Palestinian Authority and say to them: on this basis of ensuring security, we are ready to start a real partnership with you for peace, cooperation and good, neighborly relations. The government of Israel will negotiate with the Palestinian Authority on the condition that it will fulfill all its obligations. The negotiations will deal with the implementation of the interim agreement and the issues of the permanent arrangement, in which will allow both sides to live with peace and security.” (U.S. Department of Dispatch, 1996), He says that showing he is ready to negotiate for peace between the countries. He makes it seem that peace is up to the Palestinians and not to the Israelis anymore. Netanyahu said that they are ready for peace. In all his words he says he mentions how he wants peace but in one statement he says he puts all his speeches into one. Netanyahu said, “Broadening the circle of peace with all our neighbors, while safeguarding the vital interests of our country; is a foremost goal of the government.”(Netanyahu, 1996) Netanyahu said that meaning peace will be a good thing no matter who the peace is with, but the peace will not be made by compromising anything of Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu then said, “Form this podium I address the leaders of all Arab countries with a call for peace. I call especially on our immediate neighbors, Syrian President Hafez Assad, Lebanese President Elias Hrawi, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, and all other Arab leaders. Come, let us conduct direct negotiations for peace, negotiations without pre-conditions that will advance the Middle East to an era of stability and prosperity. This is key: Each side can present their ideas without requiring that the other side agree to these positions in advance. We will not dictate our view to your and you will not dictate your views to us. We will sit and negotiate seriously, prudently and responsibly to reach an agreement.”(Netanyahu 1996) Netanyahu said he wanted them to come over and together they will work out their agreement without shoving their views in each other face. The Israelis have their view and the Palestinians have different ones but they do not care they want to leave their views behind and come to an agreement with the neighboring countries. After Netanyahu said that he went on to state, “I declare here, that we oppose the description of Islam as the enemy of Israel and the West, after the fall of the Soviet Union. Along with political discussions between Israel and the countries in the countries in the region, we must add a parley between Judaism and Islam. We extend our hand in peace not only to our Arab neighbors, but to all Muslim countries with Islam people. We have no conflict with Islam. We have a struggle with militant forces, who use their distorted interpretations of Islam as a tool for violence, hatred and bloodshed.” Netanyahu explains he has no hatred toward the beliefs of the Islam people, but he hates the Militant forces used. Netanyahu says in his speech how he has been to Arab countries and has seen the poor way of living they have, how most the people have no food or money. He believes they can help them with their problems, but before they can do that they must take care of their own spending problems. The Prime mister has only good intentions with the other countries. He does not want any more war between the countries.

Wilfrid Laurier爵士:传记和总理

素质Mister Netanyahu并不相信他们仍然应该是他们之间的战争和敌意。内塔尼亚胡非常小心,不要妥协以色列人的安全。阿拉伯人尚未宣布和平,但与本杰明总理“Bibi”内塔尼亚八方在言语概率后做言论。他告诉阿拉伯人,他希望他们过来并履行将持续的协议。内塔尼亚胡对巴勒斯坦人说了很多人,但很多人认为他只是在以色列人民的普及之后。内塔尼亚胡发誓,他的政府不会制定宗教标准,但他试图改变它。Benjamin Netanyahu可能会看到人们对他的小东西厌恶他,并试图通过试图将一些像伊斯兰国家那样大的伊斯兰国家那样大的东西来弥补。他知道是否要实现人们会爱他,让他保持他想要的职位。



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