历史学家认为,自动化诞生中最伟大的先驱之一,美国发明者,先锋,机械工程师,和制造商Eli Whitney。最好记住作为棉花杜松子酒的发明者。当他只有12个,他的第一个小提琴,当他只有12岁时开始大学,当他23岁时,他在1788年离开了。他离开了格鲁吉亚并获得了他的第一次看棉花业务。他于1792年毕业于耶鲁,并前往格鲁吉亚大草原,教学和学习法。在他毕业后,他向南前往富裕种植园所有者的孩子。他教学了五年。Eli Whitney在革命战争期间制作和销售指甲。1798年ELI获得了政府合同,以制造10,000令。1812年,他给了15,000朵麝香的合同。他建造了第一家枪械厂,使用批量生产方法。当Eli Whitney于1798年建立了他的第一家工厂时,他为他的工人提供了大量珍贵的资源,并确保他们在经济上很好。 This consideration marked his entire career as an industrialist. He wanted to “employ steady sober people, “tied to his factory and part of a community of industry. He intended to create a self-sufficient village, producing goods, and populated by well educated, happy workers, Whitneyville. He also affected the industrial development of the United States, in manufacturing muskets but most of whitney’s own guns parts do not in fact interchange. Nevertheless, Eli Whitney is a figure whose history is fascinating, and whose impact in New Haven cannot be overstated. He translated the concept of interchangeable parts into a manufacturing system, giving birth to the American mass production concept. Whitney saw that a machine to clean the seed from cotton could make the South prosperous and make its inventor rich. He set to work at once and within days had drawn a sketch to explain his idea; 10 days later he constructed a crude model that separated fiber from seed.

到1793年,他设计和建造了一台叫做棉轧件的机器,从短钉棉纤维中快速分离棉籽。第一个棉花杜松子酒是一个木箱,绕着鼓旋转,用钢丝钩挑选棉籽。棉杜松子酒,机器用于将棉纤维与种子分开。在本发明的棉杜松子酒之前,必须用手从棉纤维中除去种子;这种劳动密集型和耗时的过程,使棉花种植增长和收获不经济。棉轧甘液使种子从棉纤维机械且迅速去除,使棉花生产经济,并导致美国棉花行业的戏剧性增长。这种扩张促进了美国奴隶劳动力的增加。惠特尼的棉花杜松子酒,也称为锯轧箔,包括一个圆筒,圆筒附着多个锯状牙齿。当圆柱体旋转时,齿通过固定梳的紧密间隔的肋。当棉花进入杜松子酒时,牙齿抓住了棉纤维并通过梳子拉动它们。 The seeds, which were too large to pass between the ribs, were left behind,( This principle, with virtually no modifications, is still employed in modern automatic saw gins used to process the bulk of美国棉作物)。完善他的机器,他于1793年6月20日提交了一项专利申请;2月1794年2月,他存入了专利局的模型,并于3月14日收到了他的专利。惠特尼的杜松子酒带来了南方繁荣。惠特尼与Phineas Miller Plineas Miller,在康涅狄格州新避风港制造棉花杜松子酒的合作伙伴关系。A disastrous factory fire prevented the partners from making enough gins to meet the demand, and manufacturers throughout the South began to copy the Invention, but the unwillingness of the planters to pay for its use and the ease with which the gin could be pirated put Whitney’s company out of business by 1797. When Congress refused to renew the patent, which expired in 1807, Whitney concluded that ‘an invention can be so valuable as to be worthless to the inventor.’ He never patented his later inventions, one of which was a milling machine the other ground gravel used in road production. His genius as expressed in tools, machines, and technological ideas made the southern United States dominant in cotton production and the northern states a bastion of industry.

Ralph Waldo Emerson:传记与超越运动员

他有一个妹妹 - 伊丽莎白和两个兄弟 - 本杰明和约瑟伊。在1817年,他与康涅狄格州布里奇波特的Henrietta Frances Edwards Edware。他们有三个女儿和一个儿子。Eli Whitney于1824年在自然原因中死亡。这一天有一个奖项,用于改善有序生产概念的能力方面的杰出成就。收到该奖项的人应在目前在最高管理立场,个人积极发展,在发展思想,工艺概念,与工程相关的过程中,负责经过验证的概念,在批量生产领域具有广泛的认可,并产生更高的生产力。

引用本文:威廉安德森(SchoolWorkher编辑组),“Eli Whitney:传记和棉花杜松子酒”学校努力,2019年,//www.chadjarvis.com/li-whitney-biography-cotton-g/


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