在“男孩和女孩:性别角色的发展中,”Beale让我们揭示了弗洛伊德人格理论的概述。Beale指出了他对“为什么”和“如何”在性别发展中的问题的答案的答案,但仍然让读者留下一个读者来构成她/他自己的思想,无论是否接受弗洛伊索的理论。It is relatively easy, however, to find oneself torn between openheartedly going along with Freud’s idea about the existence of a dynamic system (or libido) in us, and reacting against the ease and assurance with which Freud writes about castration fear in boys and penis envy in girls. Freud’s view of personality as a dynamic system of psychological energy is a very complex, yet insightful approach to the development of personality.

ID,EGO和uperego的性质,以及这三个结构在一个人的发展过程中关注的心理阶段,给出了一种夸张的理由,相信存在性别发展的关键时期。弗洛伊德的理论表明,id,自我和upersgo演变的方式以及他们在孩子生命中的前六年中延长的方式会影响孩子的情绪依附于她/他的父母的同性和后果,孩子的性别识别。我同意弗洛伊德的声明,让孩子在意识到他们的生殖器后,孩子们在意识到他们的生殖器后。它必须有点令人沮丧,例如,一岁的是一个三岁的人意识到达到愉快的情绪状态并不一定要从她/他的母亲源自起源。无法认知对新的,意外的环境流动和感受的解释,孩子最有可能最终混淆。这种混乱将不可避免地挑起焦虑,焦虑会积聚一个情绪紧张。However, I would dare to argue at this point that the reason for a child to seek identification with one of the parents might come not from castration fear in boys or penis envy in girls, but rather from the child’s belief that the person of the same sex (father for boys and mother for girls) will know how to protect them from the tension. If we perceive male and female infants’ cognitive development to have the same starting point, then it is find to accept that boys and girls will react so very differently (according to Freud) to the awareness of their own genitals. If boys have reason to fear castration, why would girls not fear penis “implantation,” instead of envy (as Freud proposes)? I am not questioning in this paper whether girls and boys go through an emotional crisis around age of three, but rather whether there is a reason for us to believe that girls necessarily have to play out their confusion through envy, whereas boys have to play out their confusion through fear. Perhaps it could be argued that majority of children are genetically predisposed to act in that particular way in order for nature to secure the existence of human species.





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