《圣经》和教会是妇女解放道路上最大的绊脚石。19世纪一位著名的女权主义者伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿(Elizabeth Cady Stanton)讲述了她为女性自由而进行的斗争。女性被认为比男性地位低,她们希望改变这种从属地位。妇女被征服的部分原因是,圣经可以用许多不同的方式来解释,以适应诠释者的需要。

这些对《圣经》的解读在一定程度上导致了人们相信女性的地位低于男性。这种信仰存在于我们社会的原因是,大约85%的美国人是犹太基督徒。当我们看教堂、妇女的日常生活和媒体时,我们可以看到这些信仰的例子。看提摩太前书2:11-12,我们就明白为什么我们的宗教社会可以这样解释圣经:女人要沉静地学习,凡事顺服,不可叫女人教训人,也不可辖管男人,只要沉静。我们必须看一看这段文字的历史背景。圣经写于大约两千年前,许多部分似乎已经过时。这段文字描述了一个妇女是财产的时代,她们被“训练”成软弱和脆弱的人。这种情况直到大约30年前才停止。在此之前,社会教导女性从出生起就要顺从男性。这对今天的我们意味着什么? It means that although American Society is no longer training women to be submissive, the problem is still present in our belief system. Many churches do not believe that women should be part of the clergy. This is because they interpret parts of the Bible, such as 1 Timothy 2:11-12, as saying that only men should preach. In 1848, women made a retaliation to these sentiments. At the Seneca Falls convention, women (including Elizabeth Cady Stanton) signed a Declaration of Sentiments. In the declaration it states: He allows her in church, as well as state, but a subordinate position, claiming apostolic authority for her exclusion from the ministry, and, with some exceptions, from any public participation in the affairs of the church (Declaration 1)


这些女人反抗的人,包括其他女人,都认为女人有责任保持安静和顺从。我在基督教社区中长大,经历过这种反自由的教条。当我和祖母交谈时,我体会到了这一信条。我的祖母说我应该“做一个好女孩,保持我的嘴和干净。”她说如果我保持安静,不发表意见,人们就会更喜欢我。我的祖母试图把她小时候学到的顺从的品质教给我。我们,作为一个社会,也在媒体上看到了这一点。1996年11月5日播出的情景喜剧《希比尔》中,希比尔女儿的未来继母正在给女儿忠告。她的建议是,女人应该让男人赢得争论。西比尔愤怒地告诉女儿,她不必屈服。 Along with the belief that women must be submissive and silent, there is also the belief that women are the cause of men’s downfall and therefore are evil. The last two verses we look at talk about the story of the fall of Adam and Eve. In the story of Adam and Eve, God tells Adam and Eve that there is one tree in the garden of which they must not eat. Deceived by the devil, Eve eats fruit from the tree and then persuades Adam to eat it. This act historically displays the deception of man by woman and has put women in a very bad light. I Timothy 2:13-14 states: For Adam was formed from Eve, and Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. Meant for a different time, the basic belief that women are the cause of men’s downfall is obsolete. Some people say that this belief is not present in our society. I have heard men say that the reason that they are “in the mess they are in” is because of women’s “folly.” Many popular Hollywood movies today reflect these misogynistic attitudes and use themes that portray women as evil and deceiving. In these films, women want nothing else but to destroy men and the order of society.


一部名为《毁灭之夜》(Eve of Destruction)的流行电影描述了一个名叫夏娃的女人作为一种毁灭的机械工具,摧毁任何阻挡她的东西。影片中的“夏娃”这个名字与《圣经》中的“夏娃”有关,寓意着背叛和欺骗,被视为人类生存的祸害。并不是所有的圣经都把女人描绘成顺从和邪恶的。许多人仍然认为,女人必须服从丈夫,过一种卑躬屈膝的生活。如果人们以这种对圣经的解读作为指导,妇女仍将被视为低人一等的人。我并不是说我们需要摆脱圣经,我是说我们需要摆脱对圣经的解读那些对女性的贬损;比如认为女性是不平等的。

引用这篇文章如下:William Anderson (Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“散文:圣经和妇女解放”,在SchoolWorkHelper,2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/essay-the-bible-and-womens-emancipation/




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