
弗里德里希·尼采,一度被称为“基督教的头号敌人”(本特利,第82页),于1844年10月15日出生在新教牧师的家族。在尼采早期,他没有暗示他不会遵循家庭的神职传统。孩提时,尼采认为自己是虔诚的路德教徒。尼采六岁时(父亲去世两年后),母亲和妹妹搬到了诺姆堡小镇。尼采十二岁时写了“我看到了上帝的荣耀”(本特利,82页)。后来,他对自己精神状态的描述就像《戈特杰本海特》里的描述一样;“向神降服”(本特利,第82页)。在很小的时候,尼采就已经显示出了极高的智力才能。十四岁时,尼采离开了他在瑙姆堡的家,去了附近舒尔福塔学院的一所高级寄宿学校。这所学校以其伟大的校友而闻名,其中包括“克洛普斯托克和费希特”(布雷特-埃文斯,第76页)。 “It was here that Nietzsche received the thorough education in Greek and Latin that set him upon the road to classical philology.”(Brett-Evans, p. 76) On many occasions Nietzsche’s zeal to prove himself at the Pforta school spurned legendary tales. One certain tale is when Nietzsche “could not bear to hear of the courage of Mucius Scaevol, who did not flinch when his hand was burnt off, without seizing a box of matches and firing them against his own hand.”(Bentley, p.84) At the age of twenty, Nietzsche left to attend Bonn University. By this time Nietzsche had come to think of himself as an “aristocrat whose great virtues are fearlessness and willingness to assume leadership.”(Bentley, p.85) Ironically, Nietzsche planned to study theology(to please his mother). At this time Nietzsche no longer believed in Christianity, because “with maturity he lost his heavenly father”(Bentley, p.86). In 1868 Nietzsche was a student in Leipzig. This is when he met Cosima and Richard Wagner. The latter was a world-renowned musical artist. Both of these individuals were crucial to Nietzsche’s development as a philosopher.

Friedrich Nietzsche:超越善恶

Theognis是六世纪的诗人B.C.这个人提供了Nietzsche的想法,即贵族的“应该科学地称为马”(Bentley,P.85),当时Nietzsche二十岁,他收购了一套不同的意见和态度。他被教导到“佩服强大的政治家并将自己视为一个贵族,他们的伟大美德是无畏和愿意承担领导力的意愿。”(Bentley,第85页)尽管他自己的个人努力是坏事,但Nietzsche仍然是无辜的和关怀。尼采遵守的第一个主要学校是因为斯·彭纳的着作。在购买Arthur Schopenhauer的世界之后,就是一个关于形而上学的书,Nietzsche写道,“我看到了一面镜子,我认为全世界,生活和我自己的心灵描绘在可怕的宏伟。在这个卷中,艺术的全天眼凝视着我;在这里,我看到了疾病和恢复,丧失丧失,地狱和天堂。“(Bentley,P.87)Nietzsche在他的余生中与这些对立面来回走动。Deviant from Schopenhauer’s class theory, Nietzsche’s “endeavor was not so much to elevate the practical man to the first rank as to merge Schopenhauer’s first three ranks into one superhuman being.”(Bentley, p.89) As Nietzsche did with all of his youthful inspirations, he turned against Schopenhauer. “The name of Schopenhauer was the flag under which he was proud, for a time, to advance.”(Bentley, p.89) The second major influence in Nietzsche’s development was the Wagners, Richard and Cosima. Nietzsche was captivated by Richard Wagner. Nietzsche personally thought the reason behind this was Wagner’s musical art and talent. Nietzsche’s sister Elizabeth was “closer to the truth in her belief that what held Nietzsche was Wagner’s tremendous will power and instinct of command. Wagner, Nietzsche thought for a time, was the highest of higher men and he held the key to a new epoch of art and new epoch of life.”(Bentley, p. 91) Wagner was the only man Nietzsche knew that personified his will-to-power theory. In essence, Wager was Nietzsche’s superman.


Nietzsche在20世纪30年代开始的德国国家社会主义运动获得了学分。对他的声誉造成的损害更加损害,这是他去世的德国历史(1900)到1945年。“作为国家社会主义所做的,作为国家社会主义所做的,作为日耳曼种族优势的先知以及德国世界统治的倡导者只有忽略他写的大部分内容。“(布雷特 - 埃文斯,第81页)事实上,尼采严厉地鄙视反统治。在某些时候,没有一个令人满意的种族主义者德国民族主义的批评者。但有些问题出现在这些陈述中。Nietzsche关于“Will-to-power”理论的评论,对“超人”的不断提及以及他有时蓬勃的爱国主义?Nietzsche最重要的贡献之一是在心理学领域而不是哲学。“他在这个领域的最重要结论中的最重要结论是传统的道德由不同的表达式组成了同样的事情,”良好“的行动和”坏“行动最终可能导致同样的动机。”(布雷特埃文斯,P.80)

引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(Schoolworkhelper编辑团队),“弗里德里希·尼采的Übermensch(超人)”SchoolWorkHelper, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/friedrich-nietzsches-ubermensch-superman/


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