Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac(1902-1984),被称为P. A. M. Dirac,是剑桥的第五届卢西斯学教授。他于1933年与Erwin Schrodinger分享了诺贝尔物理奖。[2]他被认为是量子力学的创始人,从量子理论提供过渡。剑桥哲学社会于1930年颁发了他霍普金斯奖章。1939年,他被伦敦皇家学会授予皇家奖牌,并来自爱丁堡皇家学会詹姆斯·斯科特奖。1952年,Max Plank奖牌来自德国物理社会协会,以及皇家社会的Copley奖牌。德国民主共和国的Akademie der Wissenschaften于1964年与亥姆霍兹奖牌提交了他。1969年,他收到了迈阿密大学的Oppenheimer奖。最后在1973年,他收到了优点的顺序。[3]

迪拉克以其几乎反社会行为而闻名,但他是全世界许多科学组织的成员。当然,他是皇家社会的成员,但他也是Deutsche Akademie der Naturfororforsher和围系科学院的成员。他是Academie des Sciences Morales et Potitiques和Academie Des Scienze Torino和Accademia Nazionale Dei Lince和国家科学院和国家科学院的外国成员。他是印度科学院荣誉成员和研究员,中国物理社会,皇家爱尔兰学院,爱丁堡皇家学会,印度国家科学研究所,美国物理社会,塔塔基本研究所印度,丹麦皇家学院和匈牙利科学院。他是苏联科学院的相应成员。[4]他为自己的工作获得的世界广泛尊重。一位多产作家,Dirac于1924年至1987年间发表了两百份作品,主要是关于与量子力学的主题的物理期刊论文。他在1930年出版的Quantum Mechence的书籍原则是该学科的第一个教科书,成为标准。[5]DIRAC的一些预测仍然是未经测试的,因为他的理论工作到目前为止,但许多其他预测已经过核实,向他保证了物理史上的特殊位置。[6]

当爱因斯坦在1905年出版了他的着名论文时,迪拉克是三年的相对论,并在他的前任Joseph Larmor开始作为卢西亚教授的任期。当Dirac抵达现场时,物理学刚刚开始转变二十世纪的令人难以置信的转变。从布里斯托尔大学毕业后,1923年迪拉克担任剑桥作为研究生。作为圣约翰大学的数学学生,他掌握了他的博士学位。in 1926 and was elected in 1927 as a fellow.他作为大学讲师的任命在1929年。[7]他在1932年在Joseph Larmor之后奉献了卢西亚教授,并于1969年退休。两年后,他在佛罗里达州立大学接受了一个职位,他仍然存在他剩下的岁月。FSU图书馆现在携带他的名字。[8]虽然在剑桥,Dirac没有接受许多研究生。那些与他合作的人一般认为他是一个良好的主管,而是一个没有太多时间与学生花的人。 A student needed to be extremely independent to work under Dirac.[9] One such student was Dennis Sciama, who later became the supervisor of Stephen Hawking, the current holder of the Lucasian Chair. Dirac’s lectures were attended by Sir M. J. Lighthill while he was a student at Cambridge and Lighthill was Dirac’s successor to the Lucasian Chair. Dirac offered the first course in quantum mechanics in Britain, entitled Quantum Theory (Recent Developments. Among his students was J. R. Oppenheimer, an American, who later on was in charge of the Manhattan Project, which created the first atomic bomb.[10] Dirac’s work should be understood in the context of the development of quantum physics. The theoretical work had been underway for several years before his entry into the field. It was plagued with difficulties, in part because of the radical change in the way one thought about the world around us, and in part because it was a difficult problem. The important developments of the beginning of this century were carried out by Max Plank, Max Born, Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger, and Wolfgang Pauli. Quantum mechanics was brought to life during the few short years of 1925 through 1927 by most of these men.[11]

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使用第二量化的方法,Dirac是第一个将量子力学应用于电磁场的量子。这项工作包含了量子场理论的基础,[12]迪拉克称为量子电动动力学。[13]侏儒发明了奇异的δ函数,以证明两个问题是等同的。He was working with the problems of “diagnolizing the energy matrix in the Born–Heisenberg-Jordan theory” and “finding the energy eigenvalues of Schrodinger’s wave equation.”[14] The delta function is now used in many different areas of mathematics and physics and is considered basic. In 1926 he derived Balmer-spectrum energy levels of the hydrogen atom. He was the first to derive the Lorentzian shape of spectral lines using quantum mechanics. He introduced the terms bra and ket from the word bracket to denote the use of parts of the bracket. The half brackets were for state vectors and their eigenvalues. One of his major breakthroughs was the use of an algebraic version of quantum mechanics based on Poisson brackets.

Dirac的生活致力于在他的工作之外没有利益,但除了量子力学之外,他还在同位素分离,磁垄断,大量假设和其他物理领域工作。大量假设是基于Dirac的信念,即非常大的常数不应该存在于自然界中。不知何故,所存在的大常数是宇宙年龄的后果。[15]他的作品的一个有趣的影响预测正电子是对磁性单极的预测。磁铁有北极和南极是常识,其中对立面吸引和相似。杆子可能以隔离存在的想法是相当的。虽然理论预测其存在,但没有发现任何东西。他在同位素分离的工作是从他的理论世界进入实验物理世界的一步。他在20世纪30年代做了一些工作,但是当他的同事彼得·卡帕塔那时发现自己无法离开苏联时,因为斯大林撤销了必要的退出许可证。[16]在20世纪40年代,战争努力将Dirac拖回同位素分离。 A group at Oxford was looking for an efficient means to do it. Dirac’s method worked, but it was not considered the most cost effective. However, he did continue to contribute to the effort, and even wrote a report on the statistical method of isotope separation that contained concepts still used today.[17] Dirac views on religion were very restricted. He seemed to have believed that nothing was as important as his physics. Heisenberg related a story of an exchange between Dirac and Wolfgang Pauli where Dirac expressed his agnostic views. Pauli responded with “Dirac has a new religion. There is no God and Dirac is his prophet.”[18] Dirac was a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences at the Vatican, having written many papers for them. He was not anti-religious. His wife maintained that he was deeply religious, but he has shown no evidence for it.[19]

引用本文:William Anderson(SchoolWorkeHelper编辑组),“Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac:传记和数学家”学校努力,2019年,//


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