
记忆占HEANEY的线条,为Tempest的信息提供了基础,是人类发展的一个重要方面。Tempest使用古代神话的并置领域和现代工人阶级,举例说明“英雄和可怜的”,与参考的古典过去的持续比较Argonautika.用“龙的牙齿”,但强调变化的深度与重复贯穿始终,“不”和“仍然”重复。通过对过去的引用,将“怪物”的语义分量与“荒凉的”老人的明显世俗形象联系起来,Tempest将她关于人际关系和价值的信息建立在过去的经验之上,并强调了从神话中定义现代性的变化。以第一个“全新的古人”作为诗的结尾,在最后一个警句之前的中间停顿为大写的行增加了重要的分量,并加强了过去和现在的结合。希尼的诗会显得更加稳定和连贯,采用叙述形式和四行诗结构,尽管有一条错位的自由思想线,但实际的叙述不断在闪回、记忆和想象之间波动,这是一种根深蒂固的模糊现实,过去事件的价值与现在的价值不可分割地交织在一起,应用着Tempest所推崇的相同信息,但以一种更加自然和流畅的记忆表达方式。时态的使用也反映了这一点,在第二部分中,用过去时表达观点,然后转换到“在1956年”的记忆,这是受到疗养院的宗教仪式经验的启发。对克林医生的进一步幻觉使婚姻的深度变得更强;在他的幻觉中,医生在描绘凝结物,一种对过去的不切实际的想象,与错位和混乱的简笔人物形象结合在一起,“很快就开始运行了”。在最后一部分,与暴风雨诗中连贯流畅的修辞形成对比,明显的时态混乱,“我站着”,“我要进去”,“她睡着了”,以及开头的一节,声称房间“保持纯粹的现实……站立着时间的流逝”,暗示着持续的稳定和可靠。对于一个探索自己人性的人来说,这种渗透的记忆是他个人珍视的地方; there is not one permeating memory in全新的古人社会和社会价值观在“我们仍然是敬神的”中得到了强调,这句话被终结的停顿所孤立,并被赋予了巨大的分量。


这两个诗人都使用内存进一步探索权威和尊重;Heaney在直接探索人类之间的联系方面毫无效益,而是专注于令人钦佩的距离,而Tempest明确定义人类通过非正统的镜头。她使用的图像与普通和可识别的生命和经验相关,但在整个神话内涵,缺乏父亲的股票情景或朋友的潜在潜力,带着口语“伴侣”,升高到“比喻”“。The teleological necessity of a spoken word plat encourages rhythm and rhyme for the audience’s sake, but it can also be manipulated to encourage a pace change or emphasise certain words – “the air is so thick that we feel like we’re fainting” uses dactyls to emphasise the noun, adjective and verbs, emphatically stressing the important lexis, and “every single person has a purpose in them burning” uses the far more emphatic trochees. Tempest varies the meter she uses the draw attention to the harmony and action of certain areas of her poem, echoing the hexameter of Greek epic, and the tetrameter of neoclassical equivalents. While Heaney also explores divine imagery, he does so more tentatively, focusing on the monomania of his childhood self, rather than a societal change that would relate more closely to the human condition. An ominous tone is lent to the unknowable power of Doctor Kerlin, the enjambment of “like a hypnotist/ Unwinding us” implying a disjointing level of power – Classical imagery is, unlike the sweeping rhetoric of Tempest, applied individually, “Hyperborean” implying an alien and distant level of power exercised by the doctor. The individual power of the doctor is envisioned not only as a defining aspect of Heaney’s life, but as an extended metaphor the influence of poetry over the mind; the “miraculum”, isolated by caesurae for weight, of the imagined action of manipulating “the baby bits” is associated with the presence of Hygeia and the “sleep” of the incubation. Tempest never moves focus from her central motif of elevating human experience, whereas Heaney here links the two authorities in his life through sematic anaphoric reference – “darken the door” to “the undarkening door”, implying a fundamental change in the subject, but not the form of respect.



引用这篇文章如下:威廉·安德森(学校工作助手编辑团队),“文章:比较出袋和全新的古人的人类条件,”在学校努力, 2019,//www.chadjarvis.com/essay-compare-the-human-condition-in-out-of-the-bag-and-the-brand-new-ancients/


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