导师和自由撰稿人。科学教师,散文爱好者。最近回顾的文章:2020 | St. Rosemary Institution©2010-2021 | Creative Commons 4.0


赫伯特马克苏斯(1898-1979)社会主义哲学家和德国犹太人德国德国德国德国和美国移民编写一维人,解释为什么广泛的共产主义革命没有发生一维人(1964年)资本主义使用广告,消费主义,大众媒体,娱乐业作为社会控制手段 - 在人们渴望中产生符合性,想想创造......

Martin Luther King的伯明翰监狱的信(1963年)

B .基本上,我来伯明翰是因为这里有不公平现象....任何地方的不公正都是对任何地方的公正的威胁。我们被困在一个无法逃脱的相互关系的网络中,被命运的外衣绑在一起。任何直接影响一个人的事,都会间接影响所有人。我们再也不能忍受狭隘、狭隘的“外部鼓动者”观念....了你……


Correspondence Theory Best known, most widely used conception of truth Maintains there is a relationship (correspondence) between people’s internal beliefs and realities in the external world (truth means agreement between thought and reality) Belief is true if it agrees with fact or coincides with the physical world or objective reality Truth claims should be checked…


Born in Scotland (1711-1776) Adopted and refined some of Locke’s theories In addition to philosophy, was a historian and essayist Some call him “the most important philosopher ever to write in English” Hume’s Answer to the Quarter Experiment: When you are observing something, like a quarter, for instance, you are not observing the quarter but…