Erik H. Erikson:传记与作品

Where and When He Lived (Erik’s Background): Born in: Frankfurt, Germany on June 15th, 1902 1911: Adopted by step-father Theodor Homburger 1919: Begins traveling throughout Europe 1927: Becomes teacher at Heitzing School in Vienna Researched at the Vienna Psychoanalytical Institute 1928: Studied child psychology with Anna Freud 1933: Emigrated to USA; learned of society and…


性功能障碍:引起严重心理困扰或人际关系困难的性反应问题。四种类型的性障碍:1)欲望障碍:性欲低下,性厌恶2)性唤起障碍:勃起障碍女性性唤起障碍3)性高潮障碍:快速射精,男性性高潮障碍,女性性高潮障碍。4) 性疼痛障碍:性交困难,阴道痉挛**性障碍…